jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival
post your face and your desktop
>post your face and your desktop
>>104 (OP) That faggot face fits your desktop perfectly.
Sorry, op, but your desktop is trash and you are kind of ugly
>>107 >Mustard man is le hecking niche barely known character that I should avatartroon with Kys
>>104 (OP) you look like you groom children
>>108 No, thanks. >>109 He looks too Young for a groomer
>>114 This homie looks like Beverly Marsh from It Chapter One
>>117 this guy has some nice moustache
>>117 >tranime kill yourself
>>119 Explain this
>>120 By that logic I can pull up one of the 6 million trannies with a tranime profile picture, and call ALL tranime fans trannies.
>>121 Even Nazis, tradcaths since they love wholesome colorful shit and guys who just watch it for no appaerant reason? You sound like those bunkercucks who consider all Trump followers Nazis.
>>122 Plus, I have seen weebs bullying trannies so it doesn't make any fucking sense.
>>122 >nazis le bad because im a retard that posts pepe kys
>>129 You will NOT coom to this. Please, have some self-respect.
>>128 I didn't write that Nazis are bad. I just wrote that some Nazis watch tranime and ironically, Nazis were one of People responsible for tranime. Just like Gavrilo Princip. Fuck Serbia for that.
>>130 >>129 Not my fault the idiot wrote that.
forgot to post my face
>>1033 >malepoon >windows XP theme >Chicago95 icon theme tranny detected
>>1035 that is offical windows xp, retard
>>114 Troon?
>>117 whys bluud got a jarty rat?