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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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in celebration of the recent (2 weeks ago) furfag cub porn purge on on /b/ ive created this wholesome anime thread just to piss off stratogem and the zoophile lutecord cabal

Rules: inb4 avatartrooning or hidden/filtered
No troon bait (aka "tranime" like astofolo) (reminder that this is illegal pretty much anywhere outside of anglosphere)
Strictly no porn (just for safety to deter potential western coomer sexpat tourists)
And lastly of all NO TO FURBAIT spamming! seriously dont even try to convert me to your kind
this thread will also serve as your local asian embassy in the meantime until i make my own chan board
you realize that furry is literally anime right?
>until i make my own chan board
you realize that lute made this site in a day right? youve been talking about your 'chan site for a year now
Replies: >>1357 >>1358 >>1366
[Hide] (3.8MB, 920x518, 00:30)
>in celebration of the recent (2 weeks ago) furfag cub porn purge on on /b/ ive created this wholesome anime thread just to piss off stratogem and the zoophile lutecord cabal

>Rules: inb4 avatartrooning or hidden/filtered
>No troon bait (aka "tranime" like astofolo) (reminder that this is illegal pretty much anywhere outside of anglosphere)
>Strictly no porn (just for safety to deter potential western coomer sexpat tourists)
>And lastly of all NO TO FURBAIT spamming! seriously dont even try to convert me to your kind
>this thread will also serve as your local asian embassy in the meantime until i make my own chan board
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from now on all new w7-890 templars will be permanently stationed here at /comtech/ also as a little gift ive did quite a bit of fixes on my soyjak OCs (hello body double!) so if youre gonna impersonate me take these as ammunition
wheres the gigachad yellow chud edits? and the middle and big mouth version of my original jak also this is my final schizopost sets as the plane takes off in december 22th see ya guys sorry for all the delays as i was packing up my bags and gadgets

theyre nothing but traitors to asia preaching around their false democracy while spreading animal sex fetishes in taiwan parades (change my view inb4 reddit)
also fuck you all i ever want was an anonymous registrar that wont result in my family getting doxxed how the fuck did JEWT even pull this off?

ah yes the zooquoting sashleyfag is back in under an hour of fapping to Zoo'P
Replies: >>1366
[Hide] (8.1MB, 1920x1080, 00:52)
>from now on all new w7-890 templars will be permanently stationed here at /comtech/ also as a little gift ive did quite a bit of fixes on my soyjak OCs (hello body double!) so if youre gonna impersonate me take these as ammunition
>wheres the gigachad yellow chud edits? and the middle and big mouth version of my original jak also this is my final schizopost sets as the plane takes off in december 22th see ya guys sorry for all the delays as i was packing up my bags and gadgets

>theyre nothing but traitors to asia preaching around their false democracy while spreading animal sex fetishes in taiwan parades (change my view inb4 reddit)
>also fuck you all i ever want was an anonymous registrar that wont result in my family getting doxxed how the fuck did JEWT even pull this off?

>ah yes the zooquoting sashleyfag is back in under an hour of fapping to Zoo'P
Replies: >>1359 >>1366
you must be very happy that w7 is back
Replies: >>1366
Is this the real w7? Has the commander truly returned?
yes xes back and stratoshit is no longer getting zooquoted
Replies: >>1366
[Hide] (830.4KB, 720x1560) Reverse
sup teens long time no see been busy restoring my zenbook lately
Replies: >>1366 >>1372
[Hide] (5MB, 1920x1080, 00:41)
>sup teens long time no see been busy restoring my zenbook lately
Replies: >>1366
W7 is back!
[Hide] (12.5KB, 454x520) Reverse
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>/comtech/ - Computer, General Technology, and Soyance

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>os-tan mascot general Chud 2 hours ago
>] (763.1KB, 970x1551) Reverse
>] (299.2KB, 1600x1143) Reverse
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>] (73KB, 608x312) Reverse
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>in celebration of the recent (2 weeks ago) furfag cub porn purge on on /b/ ive created this wholesome anime thread just to piss off stratogem and the zoophile lutecord cabal
>Rules: inb4 avatartrooning or hidden/filtered
>No troon bait (aka "tranime" like astofolo) (reminder that this is illegal pretty much anywhere outside of anglosphere)
>Strictly no porn (just for safety to deter potential western coomer sexpat tourists)
>And lastly of all NO TO FURBAIT spamming! seriously dont even try to convert me to your kind
>this thread will also serve as your local asian embassy in the meantime until i make my own chan board
>Chud 2 hours ago
>you realize that furry is literally anime right?
>>until i make my own chan board
>you realize that lute made this site in a day right? youve been talking about your 'chan site for a year now
>Replies: >>1357 >>1358
>Chud 2 hours ago
>] (3.8MB, 920x518, 00:30)
>>in celebration of the recent (2 weeks ago) furfag cub porn purge on on /b/ ive created this wholesome anime thread just to piss off stratogem and the zoophile lutecord cabal
>>Rules: inb4 avatartrooning or hidden/filtered
>>No troon bait (aka "tranime" like astofolo) (reminder that this is illegal pretty much anywhere outside of anglosphere)
>>Strictly no porn (just for safety to deter potential western coomer sexpat tourists)
>>And lastly of all NO TO FURBAIT spamming! seriously dont even try to convert me to your kind
>>this thread will also serve as your local asian embassy in the meantime until i make my own chan board
>Replies: >>1357 >>1358 >>1359
>Chud 2 hours ago
>] (97.7KB, 900x670) Reverse
>] (89.1KB, 683x479) Reverse
>] (61.1KB, 670x470) Reverse
>] (60.8KB, 670x470) Reverse
>] (81.5KB, 670x470) Reverse
>from now on all new w7-890 templars will be permanently stationed here at /comtech/ also as a little gift ive did quite a bit of fixes on my soyjak OCs (hello body double!) so if youre gonna impersonate me take these as ammunition
>wheres the gigachad yellow chud edits? and the middle and big mouth version of my original jak also this is my final schizopost sets as the plane takes off in december 22th see ya guys sorry for all the delays as i was packing up my bags and gadgets
>theyre nothing but traitors to asia preaching around their false democracy while spreading animal sex fetishes in taiwan parades (change my view inb4 reddit)
>also fuck you all i ever want was an anonymous registrar that wont result in my family getting doxxed how the fuck did JEWT even pull this off?
>ah yes the zooquoting sashleyfag is back in under an hour of fapping to Zoo'P
>Chud 2 hours ago
>] (8.1MB, 1920x1080, 00:52)
>>from now on all new w7-890 templars will be permanently stationed here at /comtech/ also as a little gift ive did quite a bit of fixes on my soyjak OCs (hello body double!) so if youre gonna impersonate me take these as ammunition
>>wheres the gigachad yellow chud edits? and the middle and big mouth version of my original jak also this is my final schizopost sets as the plane takes off in december 22th see ya guys sorry for all the delays as i was packing up my bags and gadgets
>>theyre nothing but traitors to asia preaching around their false democracy while spreading animal sex fetishes in taiwan parades (change my view inb4 reddit)
>>also fuck you all i ever want was an anonymous registrar that wont result in my family getting doxxed how the fuck did JEWT even pull this off?
>>ah yes the zooquoting sashleyfag is back in under an hour of fapping to Zoo'P
>Replies: >>1359
>Chud 1 hour ago
>you must be very happy that w7 is back
>Chud 1 hour ago
>Is this the real w7? Has the commander truly returned?
>Replies: >>1361 >>1362 >>1363
>Chud 1 hour ago
>yes xes back and stratoshit is no longer getting zooquoted
>Chud 1 hour ago
>] (830.4KB, 720x1560) Reverse
>sup teens long time no see been busy restoring my zenbook lately
>Chud 59 minutes ago
>] (5MB, 1920x1080, 00:41)
>>sup teens long time no see been busy restoring my zenbook lately
>Chud 33 minutes ago
>W7 is back!
>Chud 31 minutes ago
>] (12.5KB, 454x520) Reverse
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>11 replies | 15 files
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>stay mad projecting Zooey YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL MAGICAL ANIMAL
Replies: >>1369
sauce on this image? who is this specific tranny?
your handwriting is shit
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