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looking to install either one of those, preferably vichan. does anyone know a good guide because i’m a little bit of a retard
Replies: >>1401 >>1416 >>1417
errrm why would you ask about jschan if you've already decided on vichan
Replies: >>1388
in case i’m too retarted, or someone knows how to install jschan but not vichan
vichan is awful soyware and has been plaguing the sharty and countless other imageboards since its inception
have a read of this
Replies: >>1390
op here im too retarted to download it idk what to do
Replies: >>1391 >>1393
gentlesir you do not "download" a github you "clone the repository to a specified directory"! 

EDIT: thanks for the reddit awards! I'm donating these reddit coins to planned parenthood so they can fight for women's body autonomy!
ik i followed the instructions on the github i’m using debian . i’m just too dumb to get it working

edit: wow guys thanks for the upvotes !
you might be too stupid to run an image board. consider gardening
Replies: >>1394 >>1398
jschan is ugly fucking trash that is annoying to use for anyone who justs wants to jak
nope, shut up, i do not care about whatever /g/ memes you fell for, vichan is in every way superior and will always be that way, this site is dead because most people don't want to adapt to jsch*n
Replies: >>1405
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>jschan is ugly fucking trash that is annoying to use for anyone who justs wants to jak
>nope, shut up, i do not care about whatever /g/ memes you fell for, vichan is in every way superior and will always be that way, this site is dead because most people don't want to adapt to jsch*n
Replies: >>1397
i still dk how to download vichan i tried that too lol
i’m just dumb with  the nginx shit
just watch lute's tutorial
Replies: >>1400
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i alr tried i get errors during nginx and other shit
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>>1386 (OP) 
Retard + Brimstone thread
Replies: >>1402
Okay Chase Davis.
Ik you go to west highschool.
I also know that you jerk your moms shemal penis off. Have fun! Your adress is 4353 W Court
Replies: >>1403
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> Legit Doxxes Me
> Says I freak my own mamas
Dude thats not even funny you transgender!
Replies: >>1404
Replies: >>1406
holyrald i care
>>1386 (OP) 
Made a new jarty splinter now
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>>>1386 (OP)  (OP) 
>Made a new jarty splinter now
Replies: >>1476
Kill yourself Poopsoncord
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