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A software like Tor yet even more private. It shuffles around the packets and sends them randomly to the various different servers that agree to be on the network. These servers then send the packets to other ones in the network maybe 4 times to complete a cycle. Then the packets are sent to the actual target server and put in their correct order.
If a server is sending something to you, the same procedure occurs except your computer is the one receiving the packets and reconstructing the webpage.
Is this plausible?
Replies: >>181
>>180 (OP) 
I forgot to add that it sends part of the packets you are sending to one server, some other packets to a different server, etc..
This stops the flaw in Tor where the first server in a circuit can see not only your IP but also what you are sending, just not what you are sending to. By splitting the packets up to be sent to different servers, they can only see a part of what you are doing.
Replies: >>1451
i am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
isn't this packet switching or am i being trolled
>This stops the flaw in Tor where the first server in a circuit can see not only your IP but also what you are sending, just not what you are sending to. 

You could just encrypt the routed conversation, e.g. using https

learn more about the concept of layers in the networking stack
Replies: >>1452
the guard node can't even sniff unencrypted traffic
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