/gemparty/ - shemmy refugee board


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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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as the name expects, this is a board for soygem refugees (see also >>>/soy/143733), whether it would be a ban, server fail or whatnot.
for the sake of EVERYONE. follow the fucking rules: https://jakparty.soy/rules.html

happy 'jakking.
Last edited by eduardboscut

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>>>285214 (You)
>kys froot you hoped slopjaks would take off as a way to discredit arguments and poison the well, but given you don't even understand how soyposting works it only took off as a form of ironic shitposting
>also yes this is the very first inception of jartycuck-posting. people went over the arguments in the thread multiple times - this is the reason sloptrannies use volume and fear mongering to their advantage
>you lump in old posters with discord pedos that invaded the jarty, stop pretending you actually care for the sharty

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i told you he's a shemmycuck at his heart geeeeeg

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>>>/meta/11865 (You)
>>dangerous leftcobcord thinks that have any right to speak
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>nooooo this is the only place i have free speech, i didnt post much but i enjoyed looking at the posts and posting occasionally and checking up with my fellow jarters
>i hope you dont shut it down but if you do thank you for letting people speak freely for a while, you were a good admin
>i hope someone makes a splinter or something
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proof btw 
even till this day this faggot is still triggered by slopgems
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>>161008 (You)
>>lolbert le BAD
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>>161008 (You)
>>lolbert le BD
upcuck r4t6k6k45j5jtrelk;ljdsgbdas

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>>>13970 (You) (OP) 
>Hey, lute.
>I am one of those sharty newfags that you complained about in this post. I occasionally come here to post slopjaks (because I thought it was ironically funny or something like that) but I've never spammed or tried to cattywipe. I understand that you're an old 'jakker and I respect you for that.
>Since the site is dying, I ask for your forgiveness.
>I don't feel good knowing that I've shitted up the place where oldfags used to post and might have a part in contributing to its downfall.
>Please forgive me for posting unfunny slopjaks and being a general nuisance.
upcuck 35j53jreku;uylf

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>does anyone else think the kill niggers TND spam shit is insanely retarded and is mental masturbation for the samefag hugbox that the sharty has become? nobody is going to get redpilled on a bald manglasses website go back to telegram, twitter, or 4chan to groom 14 year old mexicans into becoming cutfag siegetard o9aniggers.

>it seems these retards are deployed whenever any culture gets too hot on the Internet to brow beat people down much like icarus being burned by the sun. the anti consoomerist stuff was co-opted by le based rightwing consoomerists that only consoom based rightwing material and soyaks were co-opted by twitter niggers who wanted a new drawing for their 439th chad v. virgin iteration. 

>surely a couple people can escape the tranny nigger virgin incel freak chad chud cycle that the rest of the collective Internet is in, right?
upcuck 45j6k75lyhdasgsdgsdag

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>>>/meta/10874 (You)
>i'm not shutting the site down yet, i'll announce when I do.
>>you did hurt a lot of users that actually enjoy both jakking and free speech
>I didn't even do anything except make this thread, which is already on a site that's rather dead, and the few actions I have taken have gotten few /meta/ threads. I doubt this is the case at all.
upcuck q3g31gjnj53jgba

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>>274923 (You)
>>hmmmmmm how do i save my dying 0 pph site?
>>oh i know! implement a proxy blacklist with a gorillion false positives that blacklist real home IPs because someone failed a google recaptcha 5 years ago or some dumb shit!
>Spirit Airlines may be an obsessed lolitroon but holy fuck is he right about lute, this guy is a complete fucking retard.
>he could've at the very least said which site is running the blacklist so people could request to be taken off of it, but NOOOOOOOOOOO we have to make the fucking DUMBEST decisions here on the jardee to make sure absolutely NO ONE uses our site yes sir!
>this is literally part of the copypasta about why this site sucks kek
>and to add on top of all the shit thats happened on soisplinters today, a site that i actually like is being spammed to death right now by a random pissbaby and tomorrow it's probably going to be spammed much harder with much worse shit
>can you tell im not very happy today?
>and wow! look! it did absolutely nothing to block the free proxies Spirit Airlines uses! good job lute you
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upcuck we43hj42hewhrdjdj

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>Ha ha!
OP goons to shitlita call the police
upcuck 24ujuwgdsj,gjsdgds

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>seriously ban skajyos or xhe's called xis discord buddies prokop again to spam CP

>Skajyos call xis discord buddies prokop to spam 'p and zoo porn geg

>Fuck off brapjyos you literal called prokop to spam CP on /gemparty/
OP is a pedo
upcuck e5j54uj3hdskjrt66kfk

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