>does anyone else think the kill niggers TND spam shit is insanely retarded and is mental masturbation for the samefag hugbox that the sharty has become? nobody is going to get redpilled on a bald manglasses website go back to telegram, twitter, or 4chan to groom 14 year old mexicans into becoming cutfag siegetard o9aniggers.
>it seems these retards are deployed whenever any culture gets too hot on the Internet to brow beat people down much like icarus being burned by the sun. the anti consoomerist stuff was co-opted by le based rightwing consoomerists that only consoom based rightwing material and soyaks were co-opted by twitter niggers who wanted a new drawing for their 439th chad v. virgin iteration.
>surely a couple people can escape the tranny nigger virgin incel freak chad chud cycle that the rest of the collective Internet is in, right?