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Fascists lost, /liberty/ is back.

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Holy shit they really are like that. Today I decided to look at r/canada subreddit to see how they deal with visajeet invasion and after looking at 1 or 2 posts i really dont want western civilization to exist anymore (or at least at its current trajectory)

And one thing you can see is people's lack of pattern awareness as if they want to see the world as they want to rather than how it really is (this for any average angl*cvck really). Under any post regarding foreign workers or higher up corrpuction there are multiple people asking "Why would they do? This is so yikes!" "How could this happen, what the fricking wholesome 0s?" "We need to vote them out!" . Their liberal brains literally have no ability to think for themselves or question the status quo FOR ONCE due to their neurons being melted from attacking the hateful chuds and racists for years nonstop. They have been voting for DECADES yet still cant come to the conclusion is that no matter who wins kikes and shitskinned goons will keep brining more shitskins in

I noticed a similar pattern in Britain's subreddit too. It is as if they are actual NPCs, they will talk about illegals criminals and  "religion of peace" they have done a thousand times and will still do it again for the 1001th time, but the moment someone goes a little off rails (ex. providing actual solutions or deeper analysises) the NPC brain gets turned on and  suddenly other guy is a raycest alt-right rioter who should be arrested for 10 year instead of the blood thirsty machete niggerino

The current situation is so fucking bad bros i think the eternal anglo or even the western civilization as a whole might finally come to an end, lets just hope the few remaining white men finally loses their patience and sends everyone to hell with them.
Replies: >>82 >>85
>>47 (OP) 
>lets just hope the few remaining white men finally loses their patience and sends everyone to hell with them.
this kind of mentality is why whites are destroying themselves
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>>47 (OP) 
it took you this long?
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