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Fascists lost, /liberty/ is back.

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/liberty/ will live on in the shemmy now btw
Replies: >>90
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>>87 (OP) 
fr fr?

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Holy shit they really are like that. Today I decided to look at r/canada subreddit to see how they deal with visajeet invasion and after looking at 1 or 2 posts i really dont want western civilization to exist anymore (or at least at its current trajectory)

And one thing you can see is people's lack of pattern awareness as if they want to see the world as they want to rather than how it really is (this for any average angl*cvck really). Under any post regarding foreign workers or higher up corrpuction there are multiple people asking "Why would they do? This is so yikes!" "How could this happen, what the fricking wholesome 0s?" "We need to vote them out!" . Their liberal brains literally have no ability to think for themselves or question the status quo FOR ONCE due to their neurons being melted from attacking the hateful chuds and racists for years nonstop. They have been voting for DECADES yet still cant come to the conclusion is that no matter who wins kikes and shitskinned goons will keep brining more shitskins in

I noticed a similar pattern in Britain's subreddit too. It is as if they are actual NPCs, they will talk about illegals criminals and  "religion of peace" they have done a thousand times and will still do it again for the 1001th time, but the moment someone goes a little off rails (ex. providing actual solutions or deeper analysises) the NPC brain gets turned on and  suddenly other guy is a raycest alt-right rioter who should be arrested for 10 year instea
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Replies: >>82 >>85
>>47 (OP) 
>lets just hope the few remaining white men finally loses their patience and sends everyone to hell with them.
this kind of mentality is why whites are destroying themselves
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>>47 (OP) 
it took you this long?

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>>>/meta/12542 (You)
>>can you check mine then JUTE? because my router never rebooted this entire time though i did change devices do it pussy leak the whole thing
>you actually don't have a posting history. don't you move around a lot, that should change it. Though, I can recognize you by your batshit insane writing style.

>>thats my new friend on discord pic related is some of his videos
>oh no no no no wGOD uses FURcord?!
>anti-furries, how do you respond.

>>jsut tell me the source instead of being a selfish little fuck?
>idk where it is, i just grabbed an image off the internet when i typed in niko from oneshot.

>>arent (You) the one applying disney filters to random animals and fapping to them? nice projection faggot dont dodge it mate

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upcuck 6tu8;.5k53h42gh2

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>>>/meta/12504 (You)
>>rather the obvious sexualization that came with it
>that's currently against the rules, so improvement should come soon. please report it when you see it though.

>>Nobody fucking says this
>ok sfw soy is off the table then, I thought it'd clamp down on niggerhell shit so i suggested it

>>keeping custom board out of overboard would be nice
>i'll note that down for development

>epic fighterald coming through
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upcuck 67l76;kehre

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>>>/meta/12488 (You)
>>If that was the reason then we would have an influx of normal people as well
>that we did during the splintered era, but they left for the sharty the second froot took back over. Leaving us with only the worst of the sh*rtySHITS.

>>this is the only site that doesnt ban these niggerdly posts and therefore you are a nigger too for complying with these niggers
>I'm trying to stay hands off and not be the coal police unless absolutely necessary (like with the pedo niggers). Clamping down too hard is going to cause harm to the site.

>>you have no one to blame but yourself for this as you allowed these people on this site and allowed them to slowly cross more barriers
>fair enough. I should have clamped down harder on them earlier. I do not want to upset the userbase though by getting into cancerous rulescuck territory where every 6 seconds you get banned for posting bait on bait website. The sharty has been like that forever and it's unusable because of it.

>>There is noone else to blame but you. Fuck you and fuck off for actively making all these jartycvck streotypes come true.
>then what's your suggestion to actually fix the problem? Is it just scorched earth and to ban people with great prejudice? If the issue is immigrants then I am right that it's sh*rtySHITS coming in and shitting up the place. Still, is it really going to be good for the site to just have the coal police running around? I'd like more opinion on the subject.

>>this custom subreddits things is the biggest fiasco EVER on this site that killed every single bit that made it unique by simply letting people copy their own sites to here
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upcuck 45kj4k64k6rlk

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>>>/meta/12482 (You)
>seething samefag incapable of participating in /meta/ discussion without his clitty leaking
upcuck e5j53kj5kjk4

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>>>/meta/12480 (You)
>no posting history award.
>hopped tuxler vpn award.

>no amount of hopping VPNs to seethe will change the fact that you have no earnest, provable participation on this site. Samefagging over and over again isn't going to get the rules changed.

>>there were no cord links or illegal content posted on /affy/
>>other than one image of zoo porn and one drawing of suggestive loli
>/affy/ was a board dedicated to a discord server. im not permitting it. their first order of business upon creation was to violate site rules. im not having them.

>>/o9a/ is just a schizo larp board
>it was a political board centered around a pedophillic nazi group.
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upcuck t64rk64jk4g

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>>>/meta/12476 (You)
>>nobody's raiding your dead site
>this argument again? go back to the other thread where you were laughably proven wrong.

>obsessed with being wrong award.
>forgot /childporn/, /o9a/, and /affy/ award.
>>you can't expect everyone to read your million words essay on /meta/ like we do
>esl j*rtycvck can't read KEK
>Last edited 3 months ago by admin
upcuck rt6k56usyhasdga

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>>>/meta/12473 (You)

>the thread discussing the rules for the new boards was up for a literal month >>11486 and no one cared to comment until now. that's why the rules are janny's first draft instead of what users actually want. the userbase never decided to speak up.
upcuck 456k45jrewyhrsdhsd

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>>>/meta/12459 (You)
>>what the fuck was their problem?
>nusoicacas. because doll and the kolymacord couldn't run a middling sized altchan, they came over here to post their NAS during the splintered age. I think this killed a lot of the old user base who either moved on or went to the shemmy (before it imploded). From there it's been a slow decline that recently got horrible because of literal discord pedophiles flocking to this place to spam loli porn, making every kuz era "jarty is pedo" meme come true due to the actual niggerhell brimstone they brought in (along with the tantrums they throw when they find out fucking children isn't as "le based" as they think it is). at least the boorufag j*rtycvck memes are funny ev&o they're NAS.

>tl;dr: rapefugees killed /liberty/.
upcuck ejk6h3qftdasgdjytm

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