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Fascists lost, /liberty/ is back.

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>>>/meta/12818 (You)
>>if you actually cared about your shitty csam buster project you would've tested since like forever ago
>the project took a back burner after everyone left to go back to and the CP waves were mostly over. I had other priorities mostly having to do with making money, so it was my focus.

>>but you've been obsessing over froot
>i use this site to fuck around on when i find it fun. i hope others do the same thing and don't take it too seriously.

>>i'm only talking about saving the jarty (self pro-claimed free speech site) with minimal rules because the rule against talking about ways to rape children is le bad...
>you only really started making a problem after I started cracking down on the pedo shit. even the gore shit you didn't get as spergy with. do you like jerking off to soylita?

>>do i have to remind you again that even doesn't ban you for spamming gore no more? 
>then go there if you want to spam gore.

>>btw i can identify you and your jannies post style on as well
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upcuck e35jk675l4hgdsgujrt

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>>you're not good at cleaning up cp therefore you should give up and let it be taken over by cp
>this is your brain on obsession

>>current rules le bad because me and my 'cord can't talk about our favorite child porn stars
upcuck 4k75sdzx67l987ltymj

>>>12801 (OP) 
>yeah i decided to pick it up for testing again. still refining it so its not handing out any punishments of substance currently. 

>@skajyos, wanna put the j*rtycvck /meta/ court in obsession for a bit,  I got some time to kill before my dinners ready.
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upcuck 348;dsh5xil

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upcuck e5k64k53ej4w

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drawing soytan soylita too, with his esl crew!
upcuck 456k6kl64l65

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>>47 (You)
>The NPC meme is real
>Holy shit they really are like that. Today I decided to look at r/canada subreddit to see how they deal with visajeet invasion and after looking at 1 or 2 posts i really dont want western civilization to exist anymore (or at least at its current trajectory)

>And one thing you can see is people's lack of pattern awareness as if they want to see the world as they want to rather than how it really is (this for any average angl*cvck really). Under any post regarding foreign workers or higher up corrpuction there are multiple people asking "Why would they do? This is so yikes!" "How could this happen, what the fricking wholesome 0s?" "We need to vote them out!" . Their liberal brains literally have no ability to think for themselves or question the status quo FOR ONCE due to their neurons being melted from attacking the hateful chuds and racists for years nonstop. They have been voting for DECADES yet still cant come to the conclusion is that no matter who wins kikes and shitskinned goons will keep brining more shitskins in

>I noticed a similar pattern in Britain's subreddit too. It is as if they are actual NPCs, they will talk about illegals criminals and  "religion of peace" they have done a thousand times and will still do it again for the 1001th tim
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upcuck 4665kl64rkj4e

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>>>/soy/156869 (You)
>doesn't even rhyme
upcuck 3wj53jrejrsdj

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>>>/meta/12576 (You)
>i've taken about everything into account that's worth taking into account in terms of actual moderation action. really the only thing actionable would be more thread consolidation on /soy/ and making the overboard not have dust in it, something i'll have to write down to work on. I will be demodding skajyos as well for purposefully ignoring rule violating content and threatening to use his janny powers for bad in a deleted post. I also suspect he's the guy samefagging and hopping IPs to justify whatever he wants on /meta/ since he's a schizoGOD. Not much else to really discuss other than that (unless you have some more points you think I should be aware of)

>this thread has largely devolved into two jannies slapfighting over literal discord e-drama surrounding discord pedophile groups and trying to expose each other, which is the most pathetic garbage this site has seen. Your posts have been the best so far, staying earnest and critical, so I have taken them into account. I only hope to bring an imageboard experience that's fun for both me and my users. I miss when stratogem was an active janny.

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>>>/meta/12550 (You)
>>(alright can you check this one then? im back to the legion windows sandbox)
>yep, you have a posting history on this ip.

>>Horace from /r/AntiFurryRepublica go fuck yourself with a sharp metal pole
>wFAIL joined the furcord and got RAPED by furGODS...
>how could you let this happen, i thought you were the yellow DEITY to save the jarty?

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And how do we save free tech™ from the CoC/inclucivity troons?

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