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>>>/meta/12576 (You)
>i've taken about everything into account that's worth taking into account in terms of actual moderation action. really the only thing actionable would be more thread consolidation on /soy/ and making the overboard not have dust in it, something i'll have to write down to work on. I will be demodding skajyos as well for purposefully ignoring rule violating content and threatening to use his janny powers for bad in a deleted post. I also suspect he's the guy samefagging and hopping IPs to justify whatever he wants on /meta/ since he's a schizoGOD. Not much else to really discuss other than that (unless you have some more points you think I should be aware of)

>this thread has largely devolved into two jannies slapfighting over literal discord e-drama surrounding discord pedophile groups and trying to expose each other, which is the most pathetic garbage this site has seen. Your posts have been the best so far, staying earnest and critical, so I have taken them into account. I only hope to bring an imageboard experience that's fun for both me and my users. I miss when stratogem was an active janny.
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