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Due to CP spam attacks, the DNSBL will be re-enabled.

Fascists lost, /liberty/ is back.

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>>>/meta/12818 (You)
>>if you actually cared about your shitty csam buster project you would've tested since like forever ago
>the project took a back burner after everyone left to go back to and the CP waves were mostly over. I had other priorities mostly having to do with making money, so it was my focus.

>>but you've been obsessing over froot
>i use this site to fuck around on when i find it fun. i hope others do the same thing and don't take it too seriously.

>>i'm only talking about saving the jarty (self pro-claimed free speech site) with minimal rules because the rule against talking about ways to rape children is le bad...
>you only really started making a problem after I started cracking down on the pedo shit. even the gore shit you didn't get as spergy with. do you like jerking off to soylita?

>>do i have to remind you again that even doesn't ban you for spamming gore no more? 
>then go there if you want to spam gore.

>>btw i can identify you and your jannies post style on as well
>i don't actively use that site. I think I went there once or twice to post bait and that was it.

>actively cooperates with NCMEC for automated CP removal.
>i see the same spam bots that hit here hit there sometimes, they get it removed in about 15 minutes or so when it happens. lots of loli coal doe, idk why loli coalers need to come here when they can go there.
>i don't actively use that board so idk what their problems are like
upcuck e35jk675l4hgdsgujrt
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