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Fascists lost, /liberty/ is back.


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>>>/comtech/1803 (You)
>kys kernung

boardlist bump

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most of the world lives under a defacto dictatorship
why do we keep pretending otherwise?

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liberty board go up
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>liberty board go up
meds you can't bump boards

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Shit ass board, liberterianism is doomed fail outside of a world where there is a dominant militaristic state willing to protect existing global trade at their own expense Since a less 
centralized force has no way of countering 1.5 billion bug eaters

>muh mcNukes
more likely for some retard to use it on his neighbour than a full blown war, even then without proper coordination that would require the strength and experience of a global corporation there is little your singular missile can do to enemy state

>muh private sector efficiency
<gets bailed out and crashes the entire fucking sector

>>muh mah roads!!!!
strawman argument, nobody says this anymore it's not the 20st century or some shitskin shithole

>non aggression princible and private property or something
if your perfect system requires everyone to agree on a topic and be willing to work together for that goal then might as well just create an ethnostate like ebil notsees because otherwise you will end up with 21st century USA where hiring cheap brownkins have become the norm because cheaper/ cost efficiency tactics.

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hoppe doe
political theory is utterly useless
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oh nonoononononono

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'bard on the 'berty
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jews won
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2005 : kuzzy 
2023 : kuzzy 
3023 : kuzzy 
5000 : kuzzy 
10000 : kuzzy 
Forever : kuzzy 
No matter what year it is kuzzy will always be a legend ❤️ ❤️

Repost this in 15 threads to show your support for kuzzy❤️❤️❤️

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what does this mean for libertarianism?
Replies: >>35
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>>34 (OP) 
i often find myself wondering, if libertarianism allows for primitivism, then are there any libertarian systems in which primitivism would flourish? such as the amish, but on a larger non-demoninational scale

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If you're an Aerican libertarian, you have zero reason to support the LP. 
>stormfront space
For one, it's a two party system and that's not changing for the foreseeable future.
Two, it can't even advertise libertarianism well because libertarianism as a concept is muddied beyond belief. Hence why the LP is split between "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" corporate center types and Mises Caucus larpers who love a CIA-backed dictator like Pinochet and Russia.
>stormfront space
Neither faction has or will support a libertarianism manages to be the following:
>culturally reactionary
>in-support of closed borders
>willing to gatekeep
>intellectually consistent
>capable of cultivating a movement that isn't repulsive to white, midde and working class Christians
We're better off trying to influence local politics and supporting the tiny semi-libertarian wing of the national GOP (Rand Paul, Thomas Massie) when it comes to national politics. Also, I advise you to vote Trump for president or something 1488 yeah.
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Libertarians failed because of lack of cohesion. No two people have the same views on what's too much tyranny or freedoom. Noone but them are REAL libertarians. Everyone else is either a statist or a crazy anarchist and that division alongside LP pretty much being a falseflag psyop is why libcucks never will be taken seriously by the masses

Thats why authoritieritieriaisnm is good because everyone agrees on everything so no resources are wasted on infighting and we all have giant orgies

(btw i learned politics from r/anarcho_capitalism and r/politicalcompassmemes)
Replies: >>32
Despite the many baity elements of this post, it's by and large the truth.

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