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>>>/meta/12488 (You)
>>If that was the reason then we would have an influx of normal people as well
>that we did during the splintered era, but they left for the sharty the second froot took back over. Leaving us with only the worst of the sh*rtySHITS.

>>this is the only site that doesnt ban these niggerdly posts and therefore you are a nigger too for complying with these niggers
>I'm trying to stay hands off and not be the coal police unless absolutely necessary (like with the pedo niggers). Clamping down too hard is going to cause harm to the site.

>>you have no one to blame but yourself for this as you allowed these people on this site and allowed them to slowly cross more barriers
>fair enough. I should have clamped down harder on them earlier. I do not want to upset the userbase though by getting into cancerous rulescuck territory where every 6 seconds you get banned for posting bait on bait website. The sharty has been like that forever and it's unusable because of it.

>>There is noone else to blame but you. Fuck you and fuck off for actively making all these jartycvck streotypes come true.
>then what's your suggestion to actually fix the problem? Is it just scorched earth and to ban people with great prejudice? If the issue is immigrants then I am right that it's sh*rtySHITS coming in and shitting up the place. Still, is it really going to be good for the site to just have the coal police running around? I'd like more opinion on the subject.

>>this custom subreddits things is the biggest fiasco EVER on this site that killed every single bit that made it unique by simply letting people copy their own sites to here
>I asked for opinion on it, but no one commented. I thought that users would like to be able to have their own places of discussion apart from /soy/. 

>>perhaps @you could make it so only official boards show up on overboard
>that may be a good idea.
upcuck 45kj4k64k6rlk
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