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>>>/meta/12542 (You)
>>can you check mine then JUTE? because my router never rebooted this entire time though i did change devices do it pussy leak the whole thing
>you actually don't have a posting history. don't you move around a lot, that should change it. Though, I can recognize you by your batshit insane writing style.

>>thats my new friend on discord pic related is some of his videos
>oh no no no no wGOD uses FURcord?!
>anti-furries, how do you respond.

>>jsut tell me the source instead of being a selfish little fuck?
>idk where it is, i just grabbed an image off the internet when i typed in niko from oneshot.

>>arent (You) the one applying disney filters to random animals and fapping to them? nice projection faggot dont dodge it mate

>>that faggot literally said "daisy's destruction is based" WHY is that NOT considered pedobait? answer me faggot
>I believe i banned him now and removed the message. if i didn't, then re-report it so i can. its now covered under rule 1.

>also make your own board already
upcuck 6tu8;.5k53h42gh2
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