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I was permabanned from the sharty for posting "illegal content". This is the "illegal content" in question:
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>>150943 (OP) 
I am unironically pretty sad. I have contributed with OC for years and even created some of the widely used variants. I consider the soy community and important part of my life, yet I can't post anymore because power tripping jannies aren't kept in check.
Replies: >>150954 >>158115
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banned for disrespecting sharty culture albeit
Replies: >>150950
>>150943 (OP) 
a lot of mods just ban you to power trip
Replies: >>150950 >>158115
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I am not a pedo. I never did anything even slightly pedophilic. Yet on the sharty I get constantly banned and called a pedo by retarded jannies for random stuff. This got really bad during the Froot era, it's like jannies now have carte blanche to ban anyone and call them pedophiles.
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>>150943 (OP) 
>puts lolis in bottom tier 
Yup, deserved
Replies: >>150952 >>158115
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I hate pedos though. I just don't like how sharty jannies call anyone a pedo for posting harmless stuff.
Replies: >>150953
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Same thing happened with me albeit. I got banned for saying that loli wasnt 'p.
just ban evade nigga
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How thoughbeit
I just thought posting it would get me banned, I had no idea the jannies were such moralcucks that I'd be banned simply for defending it.
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The current administration is totally losing the plot. The vast majority of my bans are totally unfair and random. I never actually posted pedo stuff, I never even posted sexualized loli stuff other than the "le BBC girl vs le BWC girl" memes, yet I am banned every week and called a pedo. Maybe I should buy the Sharty, I am very rich and I just one some couple thousand dollars by betting on yesterday's UFC fights.   

I don't have time for that. I actually have a job and only casually post on the sharty. If posting becomes a hassle for me, I'll just stop. I just really like to create OC.
Replies: >>150967
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>You WILL NOT advocate, promote, or post pedophilia or pedophilic content.
banned even doe lolis aren’t real kids
Replies: >>150966
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owned by the same nigga who molested his sister as a kid and then got almost every splinter to censor it
Replies: >>150966
erm, marge?
Replies: >>150969
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I am seriously thinking about buying the sharty. How much do you guys think the site would cost?
Actually how do I do this
Replies: >>151132
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What loli? The "le BIWISI girl" can't be posted anymore? I can't post images of Bern anymore even if it is not a sexualized image?

Might as well ban anyone who posts Cobson or Zellig as well.
That's not me you fucking retard. I am not the nigger posting shitlita.
Replies: >>150974
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Do NOT talk about our girl like that.
Replies: >>151067
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Replies: >>150978
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What is happening right now
Replies: >>150979
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Op here. Retarded gorilla nigger is getting me confused with you.
I am white
no, this would get the thread derailed with SISA posts
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'litaGOD here, here's a picture for you(sorry it's so dark in this room >_<)
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How much do you faggots think the sharty is valued at? I am thinking of buying it if the price isn't insane. 

I am 100% serious. The current administration annoyed me enough. I will purge jannies and enforce rules that actually make sense(only actual pedo content gets banned, bans are all proportional, jannies get punished for power trips)
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Jealous of my white skin?
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You're dumb. I haven't Emailed Froot yet. I don't want to negotiate while I'm drunk. Also, I need to have some idea of what are normal prices for image boards. 

I never dealt with imageboards before, so I have no idea of the price we're dealing with here.
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It's leaking...
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If your trans show clitty if your a real woman show tits or gtfo
Replies: >>150997
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Do you know what was the price the sharty was sold for in the past? I need to know this before any negotiations. Couldn't find reliable info on this anywhere.
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Erm... I'm a guy?
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what the fuck is that abomination
Replies: >>151000
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It's called being mixed race nusoigagas... I'm 50% Aryan, which is 50% more Aryan than any of you.
Replies: >>151001
Satako looking ass nigga
Replies: >>151004
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Shittoko posted a picture of xer face?
Replies: >>151005
I’m saying you look like a fat mexican
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GEEEEEEEEG the jartyjak is a spinning image of the average jartyfag
*spitting thanks grammarGOD
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15k is really low. Yeah, I am going through with this. Bye jartycacas.
Replies: >>151015
Spoiler File
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it's faggot @jewt's "anti-cp system"
he spent 11 months on this btw >>>/comtech/538
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This ugly ass gorilla mf 😭😭😭😭 you could shoot 2 slugs through those nose barrels nigga im dead😭 blud really thought this was a safe space oh nonononon..
is this you
What the average skajyos fan looks like
who's this doe geg
Replies: >>151019
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It’s him, no other images show up when you reverse image search his muttmug
Replies: >>151020
i have no idea who was doxxed but whatever idc
oh i get it now nvm geg
post link to website you found picture on
Replies: >>151024
He can’t because it’s actually him GEEEEEEEEEEEEG
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Replies: >>151027 >>151032
Holy fucking diamonderald
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Geeeeeg nigger was confident enough to post xis pic
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Replies: >>151032
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Delete these pictures.
Replies: >>151047 >>151052
if it's not then are you supposed to be a guy or a girl? because i'm genuinely confused lmao.
Replies: >>151035 >>151041
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>Thinks there are women on this site
Here's a better picture of me.
damn nigga all i'll say is expect a shitload of edits once the boorufags find this thread
why in the world would you dox yourself on a fucking jarty soylita thread?
Replies: >>151039
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>Thinks I'll get doxxed for posting two pictures of my face
you should dye your hair blonde and wear a pink ribbon and then take a selfie with that same laughing expression. Then we can really have some gemmy booru edits.
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>>Thinks there are women on this site
>Here's a better picture of me.
Replies: >>151042
this is the jake of the nate x jake yaoi threads...
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Replies: >>151045
you look like the type of guy who gets caught by pedo catchers
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he made me feel better about myself, that's all that matters
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>these are the people who brag about being white on imageboards
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why is the green haired whore laughing at my twp
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OP if you want to buy the website you can't because you have to take into account the fact that Froot already made more money from datamining than whatever you'll be able to offer him
what a soulless brim im glad ragefag quit drawing her
Notice this guy's scrapped soylita filenames proving he doesn't care that much about her
Replies: >>151069 >>151071
RageGODS won
Skajyos lost
Replies: >>151077
Coping ‘litafag ^
Replies: >>151074 >>151077
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ev&oe he is irl meximutt he probably looks whiter than the average nush*rtshitskin
Replies: >>151076
>looks whiter 
you're probably the same shade as lol
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adam samefag dni
it's funny how you called yourself "adam's defense league" on soypedia because you knew no one would defend you but yourself.
Replies: >>151084 >>151087
coping skajyos. the only ones defending you are literal spics and trannies.
Replies: >>151098
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Only one of them is me. The other guy has a history of hating you. You aren’t so likable faggot.
No i'm Adam you retard. Nobody else bothers to argue with you but me because the rest don't care about your bitching.
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honestly looks kind of cute
Replies: >>151096 >>151097
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>honestly looks kind of cute
there isnt even anyone defending him lul he is just THAT obsessed about that he is able to solo fight
Replies: >>151102
For the most part yes. It's just him samfagging over and over again. Some 'litafags have bothered defending him. But since I can view users history I can say that most 'lita fags are litreally trannies. Troon=opinion invalidated.
Replies: >>151104
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actually, only l*te is this obsessed with checking users post history, which isn't that much better than adam considering him being a furtranny 
That's the only thing you have. You are a tranny lover and that is worse.
Replies: >>151106 >>151107
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i don't give a fuck about who posts her i just like this variant and i'm not afraid to admit it 
you are the one who's dreaming about having gay sex with another discord drawtranny and projecting your own pedophilia on others
Replies: >>151109
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>i don't give a fuck about who posts her i just like this variant and i'm not afraid to admit it 
>you are the one who's dreaming about having gay sex with another discord drawtranny and projecting your own pedophilia on others
Replies: >>151108
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that's not even me kek
Replies: >>151110
 Who caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares. Can you just commit 41% already. Your online activism for this variant will amount to nothing. Just kill yourself.
Now he's denying it LOL
Replies: >>151111
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>implying there're only two soylita posters on this site 

i can guarantee you that there're at least 5 soylita posters on this site excluding me and i can tell which soylitfag was the one who took those selfies.
lita is pretty much the only pph and oc provider for this shithole
but hey at least we got a funny thread out of it today
Replies: >>151113
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replied to himself award
Replies: >>151119 >>152426
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this thread has at least 3 soylita posters judging by their filenames and posting styles, and it doesn't even require you to abuse your mod power to find out, what a shame adam
Replies: >>151122
Spoiler File
(6.6MB, 540x540, 00:17)
Replies: >>151121 >>151246
post your face then let's see by how much you're whiter
Replies: >>151124
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yeah (you),(you) and (you). I can't believe you're still posting here after that face reveal. What's even the point? Lute doesn't care about you. Every reply you make is embarrassing. You're turning into a lolcow, man. Nuts.
Replies: >>151123 >>151246
the only lolcows here are you and l*te because the both of you are pederasts who run discord servers
Replies: >>151126
butthurt. actions have their consequences retard.
LOOOOOL. Dang it, man, your obsession with ragefag and lute is making those fellas look downright normal compared to you. You're starting to sound like a real schizo.
>and even then, what makes you think that someone who got triggered by a leaking mail would post his face for attention?
because you're autistic
Replies: >>151130
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nah that's not me get over with it you obsessed brimstone

and if i'm correct about that poster he's not a vpn hopper like me 
i won't tell what he's been posting other than soylita but you can check his post history and see for yourself
Replies: >>151133
the version of mysterium that lets you pay per gb, resetting your router if it works other vpns that aren't banned
don't use tuxler though
>and if i'm correct about that poster he's not a vpn hopper 
he(you) infact hoped vpns 2 times. Stop blaming your mistakes on others.
>get over with it you obsessed brimstone
Hey it's not my fault you're a mutt, did you expect me to not make fun of you?
Replies: >>151246
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i'm not even him doe.
and i torGOD
yall niggas is stupid ass niggas
Replies: >>151139
skayjos is that you
look at this nigga begging for attention
You want a cookie pal?
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gigo here AMA
Replies: >>151142
i have converted to soylitaism and i learned proper english
is this Real gigo89
Replies: >>151143
Replies: >>151145
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kys datamining tranny
Replies: >>151154
why are gigo spam on shemmy saying Raid other Imageboard with Soylita poster?
Replies: >>151147
because I used to be a swarthy moralcuck but then soylita appeared in my dreams and with her i've had sex for the first time in my life and that changed me
Replies: >>151148
Marge This not Real gigo you speaking to.
Replies: >>151152
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>because I used to be a swarthy moralcuck but then soylita appeared in my dreams and with her i've had sex for the first time in my life and that changed me
Replies: >>151150
this was me before that dream
now i'm a changed man
Jarty is active in euro hours now?
I am the real gigo I have proof
Replies: >>151153
where Proof not a real Gigo poster and lie to announcement on jarty 'litaposter I HATE
Replies: >>151156
projecting troon
Replies: >>151155
Why am Gigo create post on Jarty for the slopjak poster quoted with Seething at my post GEEEEEEEEEG
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man you're a god tier lolcow
Replies: >>151157 >>151158
is this gem new?
Replies: >>151160 >>151163
this is not gem this coal from the worst Jarty poster on the Jarty 'litaposter ban like gore GEEG
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<this is not gem this coal from the worst Jarty poster on the Jarty 'litaposter ban like gore GEEG
Replies: >>151162
a fail on Jartycuck Fail from the Soylitaposter KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG
yes >>150821
Replies: >>151164
Replies: >>151165
i'm not a 'lita poster but what is your main language?
Replies: >>151166 >>151167
my Main languages the english but 'litasposter not speak English GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG
Replies: >>151168
I'm not sure how to answer this question, since English is my main language
Replies: >>151168 >>151171
marge which one is giGOD
Replies: >>151172
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wouldnt it be nice if we could be obsessed with posting gems instead?
clearly not unless you have dyslexia. I mean what language did you speak first?
Replies: >>151173
i the Real gigod and I post Jarty make 'litaposters seethe when post make anger soyjak skajyos is the seethe
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My first language is English, what are you attempting to ask?
Replies: >>151174 >>151175
>my Main languages the english 
This is not proper english
>my Main languages the english 
This is proper english
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me when i see a new gigo post
Replies: >>151177
Delete Post and gigo make anger end and leave Jarty peace if no post on Sharty
Replies: >>151178 >>151181
(you) are not gigo
Replies: >>151179
why are 'litaposter make seethe at me for expose peerchan spammer skajyos in the jarty GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG
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>>>151177 (You)
(>you) are not gigo
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we are all gigo until they doxxes themselves.
Replies: >>151185 >>151186
Replies: >>151198
Replies: >>151197
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>we are all gigo until they doxxes themselves.
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>>we are all gigo until they doxxes themselves.
Replies: >>151194
at least oldj*rtysluttas were putting effort and sovl into their soylita gore ocs
muttlita is dusty and unfunny and forced
Replies: >>151201
not esl
they are being gender-inclusive
Replies: >>151198
meant to reply to >>151185
Who asked
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Pretty impressive how you guys managed to derail my thread and doxx yourselves as brown Brazilian trannies for free. You jartycacas really live to the reputation.

Anyway here is some actualization on my situation:

I was unbanned

But the sharty is broken now, so I still can't post
Replies: >>151209 >>151246
i have trouble believing this was a real post
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>Pretty impressive how you guys managed to derail my thread and doxx yourselves as brown Brazilian trannies for free. You jartycacas really live to the reputation.

>Anyway here is some actualization on my situation:

>I was unbanned

>But the sharty is broken now, so I still can't post
Do you still wish to purchasse the site
Replies: >>151210 >>151213
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No, I'd rather goon while jumping and pumping on my BBC dildo.

I'm so valid
Replies: >>151211
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You're not me bud.

Forgot to use the correct file name.
Replies: >>151213 >>151214
answer to my question doe >>151209
Replies: >>151216
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Sorry guys, I meant to say I'm a slut for BBC, my dyslexia is going wild.

Being trans is stressful in this world so please accept me.
Replies: >>151217
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Yes. Being serious, someone needs to save that shithole. It won't be easy though, I have no experience managing an image board and other users told me repeatedly that Froot is a sleazebag who will scam me. I'll still try though.
Replies: >>151226
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Holy fail. Imagine believing I would save one of the hottest images of Yuri as the 26th in my Yuri folder. This one is Yuri 3 nigga.
>>150943 (OP) 
even THOUGH rika, konata, chiyo chan, andy, pomni and soylita are the gems that saved the sharty
Replies: >>158115
what things are you going to change/put in place
Replies: >>151233
Adding an otaku board, an origami board, a jap culture board, another anime board for old Aryanimes, JAV board, hentai board, yaoi board, WMAF board and a language board (guess what it is for heh)... Possibliy more in future also im going to delete >>>/soy/ because it has 0 fucking pph like god damn.
Replies: >>151236
why not just contact hiro and buy 4chan
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Erm, that's not me sweetie, >>151039 was the last post I made before going to sleep.
Where and when did you see that post?
We Americans are white lol
Replies: >>151253
There are no credible sources or evidence to support the claim that Joe Biden touched Barack Obama's BBC while they were in the White House. This statement appears to be a rumor or a false narrative without any basis in fact. It's important to rely on verified information from reputable sources when discussing public figures and their actions.
Replies: >>151249
If by "BBC" you are referring to the British Broadcasting Corporation, then no, Barack Obama does not have any special association with the BBC beyond being covered by them as a public figure and former President of the United States.

However, if "BBC" is being used as slang for something else, such as a body part, it's important to note that discussing public figures in such a manner is inappropriate and disrespectful. It's best to focus on their public actions and contributions rather than engaging in unsubstantiated and personal claims.
damage control
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Yup, slept like a baby(loli). Probably going to watch some more Azumangah Daioh today.
Suspicious how you replied 7 minutes later... no way all three 'lita posters could be active in the same dead site at the same time.
Replies: >>151260
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Why are you so obsessed
Replies: >>151263
>replied at the same time
Skajyos disconnect from your IPS
is it so hard to just stop hoping on your VPN IPs. You aren't fooling anyone anyways.
Replies: >>151268
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I thought Daioh was a cunny gem?
You really think Skajyos would go this far just to mess with you? Blud thinks he's the main character💀
stop flattering yourself skajyos
blud really having full blown conversations with himself.
>You really think Skajyos would go this far just to mess with you? 
she's not gonna let you hit bro💀
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dont get too cocky chris
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>>150943 (OP) 
all Sharty saving SISAs and built for BWC
Replies: >>158115
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>>150943 (OP) 
>didnt even put Asuka on the list 
you are a amoeba 
die in hell
Replies: >>158115
>>150943 (OP) 
Sharty mods now are all crayon eating idiots whose idea of anime comes from a Jack Chick tract.
Replies: >>158115
>>150943 (OP) 
Same! I used to get banned on the 'zarty and The Shemmy
Replies: >>158115
>replied to himself award
what is this thread
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>>150943 (OP) 
update, I was perma banned again for posting this video
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>>150943 (OP) 
kys kona is gem
Replies: >>158115
Xhe looks like a gorilla but has the strength of a 2 year old
>>150943 (OP) 
How is pomni pedophilic shes 25
Replies: >>154444 >>158115
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It's a 'lita pomni though
Wht the fuck is wrong with these people
tranny looking nigga
nahhhhhhhhhh what is this where did you even get this video from
also doesnt seem permaban warrant tbh
did you write an appeal
Replies: >>154569
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Yes, the MOD asked me to send him the video during my appeal. He watched it and then confirmed my permaban.

Again, the reason stated for the ban was "illegal content".
I was permabanned from the sharty for the following
"all you do is fedpost, you have shared how to anonymously buy cocaine with cryptocurrency, have asked how to synthesize PCP, and have shared simple firework consctuction instructions"
Replies: >>154573
I’ve seen your posts they were pretty funny and reminded me of those bait and switch memes
Replies: >>154576
I also emailed the raw text from this ( ) to random email addresses I found on /raid/ with the subject being "4-AcO-DmT Banana Tek synthesis for you <3"
Bliss isn't a real thing and instead does the same thing as 16 benedryls, which is a deliriant which can cause heart problems
Replies: >>154577
I also dm'd some random xitter accounts with this too
Um that’s what you get for larping as some kind of nuKuz and giving everyone false hopes
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Banned from the Shemmy for ironically giga quoting some schizo rant about gooning to Pokemon lolis.
Replies: >>154622
ill unban you
kill yourself trangeleno
Replies: >>154626 >>154628
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Thanks. This was really fast. 

shitlita will always be coal.
Replies: >>154670
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>Thanks. This was really fast. 

>shitlita will always be coal.
did you get unbanned from the sharty as well i think i saw you on /a/
Replies: >>154694
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No. Still banned from the sharty. I am waiting until the ban reaches 14 days so I can Email Froot and try to get him to unban me.
Replies: >>154720
so about a week from now
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I was unbanned from the sharty. Pretty late since I never posted anything illegal and all my bans were due to harmless bait. 

I promptly started gemming up the log with Lennon/Legendre/Giga/anime and other NAS gemeralds. This of course made nusoibabas throw a tantrum, so I was permabanned again for "posting illegal content". 

This is not the website I helped create. I wish I could sue those faggots for using my variants. The soy community today is a bunch of toddler crybabies who can't take a joke. How can those losers say with a straight face that they are the descendants of old /qa/? 

Froot, you obsessed faggot. If you're reading this, know that you failed. The sharty became a rule cucked hell in which any poster who is actually funny gets immediately banned. Under the current rules no gem can actually come from /soy/, no creative person would actually choose your gay website.

Enjoy being the admin of a site for chuddy toddlers with 0 intelligence or creativity, who are obsessed with drama and incapable of taking a joke.
lol just learn to ban evade fag
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wait so you are telling me you got unbanned and then shortly afterwards got permabanned again
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>nooo why can't I spam the site with cp
typical j*rtyCUCK nonsense
Replies: >>155540 >>155561
>>150943 (OP) 
>rei top of the chart
>didnt even add Asuka
fuck you
Replies: >>158115
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Update: I was unbanned again, so I started posting Lennon/Legendre gems. I am quite the productive poster so nusoibabas obviously accused me of being the 'cord. I kept going while nusoigugugagas started a massive thread begging nudev to ban me, he stood his ground and told nusoilediapers that no rules are being broken . Still, I was banned again because apparently the anti CSAM filter flags one of my gigas as 'p.

While I waited to be unbanned from the sharty again I went to the shemmy and fulfilled a comission to draw porn of Tama with a big ass.
ah hell nah only in ohio 💀
>shemalesissies went so far with their 4cuck larpery that they returned back to goonging to cute site mascots
not like this...
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Nigga, get laid
well how has it been since then
Replies: >>157667
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I guess it's time for an update. However this will be a long one, so I will break into subsections:

1) The Night of Long Slots


       I was allowed back into the Sharty. There was a lemon vs lime event, and I decided to help by making OC for team Lemon. Sadly most of the posters didn't want to participate and the thing was pretty boring with barely no memorable OC. I made a bunch of the OC during the Beach vs Waterpark event, it was a pretty good event with lots of users participating in the fun, so the site userbase quality seems to have  plummeted since that time, which is extremely worrisome since that wasn't very long ago. After team lemon lost they decided to ban Lennon for some reason. 
       The Lennon ban made me kinda salty. I am one of the people making the Lennon edits and trying to turn it into a fun variant, I am not part of any 'cord and I only do this because I want the soyteens to have more new fun things to play with. Being accused of being part of some nefarious plot to take down the Sharty kinda stings, during the years I only showed love for the place even if I hate the jannies there(I always hated jannies since the Kuz era, jannies are subhuman trash and deserve death by nigger rape, but they somehow are even worse now than they used to be, death by 1000 pozzed nigger dicks to all Sharty jannies is needed).          
       After the end of the lemon v lime event the Sharty felt dead. Everything felt stagnant, there was nothing going on. A lot of posts were being made, the site was active, but all the activity was empty. For the first time in my years of jakking I felt out of place: maybe I am to old for soyjaks, maybe the soyjak meme was only a pandemic fad, maybe I should just go back to 4chan, maybe the site is going into a more mainstream less edgy direction and people like me should look for new altchans. It felt horrible. The Sharty isn't supposed to be a boring or even a comfy place, it is supposed to be chaotic, edgy and free. If poopson is real his name is boringness. A thousand forced nuvariants, a million 'cords and a billion NAS posters spamming the site with coal will never be as destructive as simple boringness.
       Something had to be done, and quick.

A peak inside the slot

       Scrolling through the log I spot a lonely figure, a humble 'cado poster is posting slot gems, he is receiving very little attention, with most of it being negative. The posts are kinda funny though, he is making smart use of text for comedic purpose. This teen was a lone hero gemming the log on a coaly night, I immediately knew that I had to join him. I started collecting slots, I searched for 'cado images and memes, I was getting ready for war against boringness and stagnation. When I felt the time was right, I started posting 'cados and soon a bunch of other posters joined in.
        In a few minutes the log was taken, the legions of 'cado posters encountered little resistance. Protected by Froot's golden rule against janny tranny tyranny we filled the log with fat gay man butthole: there were slots, walkable slots, AI singing slots, angry moms in anime, angry niggers in real life. It was really funny.     
       There was a lot of whining though. 'Cado's beautiful slot was always a powerful weapon to keep the site free from annoying newGODs who take themselves to seriously and can't take a joke, but the amount of crying surprised me. The leakage was out of control, threads asking for a 'cado ban started popping up. I am still surprised about  jannies not banning me that day along with the other 'cado posters, it was one of the few times jannies actually followed the written rules and common sense instead of reactively caving to nusoicaca noise(rare janny W?).         
       This story was supposed to have a happy ending: The 'cado posters were supposed to get tired, they would stop posting so many slots and go to sleep. We did our part after all, we saved the Sharty from boredom and we trolled the most sensitive and annoying nusoibabas. The jannies showed restraint and no one was banned. Sadly that was not what happened, this story gets really ugly, and the events succeeding the Night of Long Slots may end the Sharty and even the entire soysphere.
       The next day an auto-filter was added to the Sharty, all posts deemed NSFW are immediately spoiled.                

Breaking the filter

       The filter is bad. It makes the site ugly and boring. The filter is coal. It spoils gems like rapeson and buff colorjak. The filter is mustard. It doesn't even filter all slots and it is easy to break. The filter is chudded. It is completely unnecessary since 'cado is a gem. I hate the filter, I hate the filter, I hate the filter, I hate the filter, I hate the filter. TFD needed to be enacted immediately. 
       I broke the filter by putting a tranime image on the first sprite of 'cado GIFs, other teens found similar solutions. Then me and the other 'cado posters started spamming slots again. This time our intentions weren't friendly, we were mad at the filter, we were deliberately annoying and disgusting in our posts, and this made the other teens really mad.
       The Sharty became a warzone. The filter gets updated, then a new generation of anti-filter 'cados is deployed and then 
a new wave of leakage washes over the entire log, the cycle repeats. The only pause to this chaos was when LennonDEITIES wiped the log. 
       The filter is broken to this day. If you use some manipulated 'cado you can still get it through the censor. The final solution for the 'cado question was to ban 'cado posting ips from uploading any unspoiled images. whatsoever.   
       In the end the 'cado spam died down. But the filter is still there, it hasn't been updated and it still sucks. The entire thing was blamed on the usual suspects: muh shemmy, muh 'cord, muh trannies, even doe I told everybody that I was the one who did it and explained why I did it.                      
       The nusoibabas just got used to the filter, our newGODs suck after all, they probably want even more filters and random stuff banned, they need to learn that banning coal is easy but creating gems is hard, and gems don't just sprout from the ground, they are made by talented people, and if you ban all talented people just because they made your clitty leak once you don't get any more gems.        

With this I end the first section. You probably are thinking:
>oh wow, you're the faggot who spammed obese gay man butthole for 24h straight, kys.
It's a fair reaction. Sadly this entire affair is just a parable, it hints at deeper problems going on in the Sharty and more broadly the soy community. As the most obsessed and least medicated member of the community it is my duty to explain to you all how these and related events hint at the end of jakking as whole. In the next section I will detail why I will be leaving, and then after that I will explain how things will play out in the next month(spoiler: it will suck a lot).

End of part 1.
Replies: >>157674 >>157817
op deserved to be cucked by the janjans btw
Replies: >>157673
False. OP is autistic but clearly has good intentions.
Future savior of the soysphere award
Replies: >>157744
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how can a single chud be so keyed
he is apparently leaving though
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Update: the auto-filter is gone

The sharty is healing. Thank you for whoever took this decision. I will be VPN posting some slots and stuff but I will not spam the log out of respect.
Replies: >>157818
xe will save the white race from extinction one day
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that was a good read when will part 2 be released
mud is the new developer of the sharty, replacing ronald's old role, cheers to ronnie's departure

mustard is the new manager, he seems cool
I need to browse the art board more holy gem

>>150943 (OP) 
I caught a perma today for the same thing and I did not even post anything bad. something weird is going on with sharty moderation
Replies: >>157820 >>158115
there is definitely a trigger happy janny might be behind the deletion of cytube threads for some reason
I'll be going away for a year. I hope the soy community is still a thing when I come back. I wish the best of luck for all jakkers. I hope all the sites that make the soysphere are still around. I hope soyjaks never die.
Replies: >>158005 >>160601
is this the same OP
Replies: >>158007
Definetly not, xhe would have put in a ddlc picture with at least two paragraphs if it was
>Hating on the future savior of the soysphere
Replies: >>158044 >>158511
hope it is a falsenvke
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>>150943 (OP) 
>I was permabanned from the sharty for posting "illegal content". This is the "illegal content" in question:
: >>150945 
it may be true uh oh
yeah this may be true hopefully he keeps true to his word
bumping this one in awhile
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Replies: >>160307
o algo
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>>150943 (OP) 
looks like you aren't going to be able to update this here see you on the sharty
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