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>>>/meta/13538 (You)
>for the least obvious samefag of all time i'll put on my capcode.

>>multiple oldjarts who definitely aren't just me left the site to post on /trant/ and /b/
>the former board has uncensored loli on the catty right now and the latter is the most pozzed board of all time. i fail to see the loss here. you fit in more with the troonhoupedos anyways. see you tomorrow.
>>banning gore and naked kids = literally hitler
>the rules here are about as lax as they can be with the intent of keeping the site online. if i wanted to be the coal police, i would be going around deleting a lot more shit and handing out stricter bans.

>>i spam 5 selfinsert coal threads to hit the thread limit for my ip and i get a 1 day ban? literally 1984
>exhibit A. the posts are still up for all to see. consider the lack of further jannying my manifestation of the libertarian larp. i could be less benevolent if i wanted to.
upcuck 57l6k64
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