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>>>/meta/13541 (You)
>>wordswordswords i'm a norulescuck
>go share 'p in your UTTP 'cord then.
>>i don't consider 5 neutralplier threads excessive spam
>the ban wasn't handed out for excessive spam. see >>>/soy/103498.
>>requesting yotsuba porn
>meds. i've never requested anyone to draw porn, here or anywhere else. either you looked in the global post history for whichever VPN IP i was using at the time and made some false connection, or you're just making things up.
>in fact, if i felt like arbitrarily deleting whatever i don't like and being the coal police, the soytan fetish threads made by offsiters on /soy/ wouldn't still be up.
>however, i expect this random accusation will now form the entire basis of some namefag characterization that i never wanted to have in the first place (hence keeping myself out of the spotlight for so long.)
>>left for months after making a shitpost deadsitekek laughing cob banner
>maybe some of us have IRL happenings and don't live on boards 24/7.
>maybe i decided not to janny anything for a few months to see how more lax moderation would play out.
>maybe you're just an obsessed schizo.
upcuck m4j53hewrhh
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