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>>>/meta/13545 (You)
>like i said, least obvious samefag of all time. thank you for proving me right.
>>n-no u!
>>YOU're a pedo and YOU post soytan porn and request yotsuba porn
>>citation: just trust me, okay?
>everyone can see what kinds of """jaks""" you upload to your niggerstone booru, it's basically a goon folder dump. and there's a reason the 'lita tag has 3 times as many posts as every other tag. i wonder if Porkbun would want to continue hosting that website if they knew about how many images on there are traced from actual CSAM.
>>what makes it avatarfagging
>on a deadsitekek such as this, anyone can tell that 2 or more threads made within a couple minutes of each other, using the exact same image, are made by the same poster. you don't need to see IPs to determine that.
>if luke wants to take away my janny powers for handing out a 1-day ban to someone making obvious slide threads that violate the rules he set up because you whine that i'm overreaching, he can do so. i really don't care that much either way, which is also why i'm here doing it for free so infrequently. i come here to post funny soyjaks and see other people's funny soyjaks. which is why i'm here so infrequently, the most prolific posters are dramafags like you who would be more at home on kiwishit.
>>citation: just trust me, okay?
>tell me what else i've posted because you apparently know me so well all of the sudden. i've never posted on their wiki or even the board itself, because they're all froot-era newfags obsessed with doxxing and raiding instead of making funny soyjaks that aren't meant to self-insert with.
upcuck l64jk5e3hrewh
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