>You have a soulmate which is cut from the same cloth as you and you are reincarnated until you find each other. You literally choose what each other looks like when you leave the simulation.
>That's it. That's the deep dark secret behind everything. The Star of David, the Cross and Rose, Yin and Yang. Even the Ouroboros.
>God literally torments you until you do this. HOLLYWOOD is an anagram of HOLLOW YOD. Son of Man unfulfilled means this. Love one another.
>In the films In The Line of Fire and Contact it shows a recurring image of a man and woman seperated by the Washington Monument which was a warning for 9/11. They knocked down the twin towers (representing male and female) as a message from Yahweh or the Demiurge or whatever you want to call it to show his wrath that you haven't figured this out. Back to the Future is about connecting a male and female together and has hidden 9/11 warnings. Zemeckis also directed Groundhog Day as a message about this system. I know more codes.
>That's the one true religion.