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Major players in the Earth's sector:

The Human Race
New to hyper-technology, we Humans are isolated in a defensive 
"crenella position" out on the galaxy's rim.  Raised by the Kaa to 
fight the Srritch (see below), the human race is currently run by the 
U.S. D.I.A. and is in a 'master's stance' (complicated social 
engineering posture) against them (the Srritch).

The Kaa
The Kaa are colloquially known on Earth as the "Gray Aliens".  They are 
a 'watcher' species, in the main - most of their members are involved 
in policing technologically-changing planets to make sure they do not 
run out of line and cause resource wars.  This is their religion. The
Kaa have been visiting people on Earth telepathically since around 2000 
BC, but have been present and actively involved in the United States 
military since around 1870, when the first powerful machines were 
brought on-line.

The Srritch
These are the insectoid "Aliens" from the movie series.  They are 
nominally extra-galactic, but have a heavy colonization presence along 
the galactic rim.  The Srritch are "hard-worlders", meaning that they 
adapted and grew in what we humans would consider a very harsh 
environment on the homeworld, billions of years ago.  They also 
terraformed Venus, where their nearest colony resides, around 30 
million years ago.  The Srritch are attempting to destroy the Earth 
physically by encouraging the production of suicidal drug programmed 
fascists and their implantation into world power structures, as well as 
the development of gigaton-range nuclear weapons which could physically 
shatter the planet.

The Kathakt
The reptilian Kathakt nominally rule the Milky Way, by way of their 
direct control over the black hole at the heart of the galaxy.  Their 
current mission is to retain control over the rim and remove the 
Srritch "infestation" (their term), as well as to put down the upstart 

The Kalakt:
Another reptilian species (most in our galaxy are), the Kalakt 
nominally control our sector.  Technically subservient to the Kathakt, 
they in practice enjoy almost complete autonomy.  The Kalakt are a 
peaceful species, with (like most advanced species) a strict 
ecologically-based religious basic viewpoint.  Human allies in the 
fight against the Srritch, the Kalakt are our main diplomatic contact 
in space aside from the Kaa.
Replies: >>79
>>78 (OP) 
U.S. Super-classified agencies:


There are two major levels of security involved in any classified agency which
is publically known: The formal organization which is known to the public, and
the hidden ("really classified") section, which is usually known by a secret
name within the DoD.  Usually, two-thirds of the power and resources of a given
agency are set aside for the super-classified section.  If you want to know what
is really going on in classified circles, you look here....

Defense Security Agency:

The DSA is the super-classified arm of the NSA.  Unusually for a SC agency, the
DSA has a public face - the NSA CSS division.  This agency employs tens of
thousands of "cryptanalysis experts" (psionics-math experts and TKers) who
permeate the military with unlimited access, establishing a control pinion way.

Defense Research Agency:

The DRA is DARPA in super-classified circles.  Composed mostly of ex-DRO 
(see the Factoids document) personnel, the DRA is the most powerful agency in 
the US government.  All new theorietics in psionics research come from here.  
A dangerous place to be because of all the new powers that are constantly 
arising, the DRA is usually composed of personnel who are drug-programmed and 
locked in containment for life.

Defense Procurements Agency:

Field personnel in super-classified systems, DPA combs the population for little
bits of "accidental psionics" in the average person's nervous system (these 
occur in everyone).  DPA runs a lot of its people around using automatic
mind control computers, since the job is mindless and just takes a lot of
time to do.

Defense Master Agency:

The office of the president in super-classified circles.  Being commander-in-
chief, the president usually has a lot of powerful and unique psionics tech
to protect him or her.  So to some degree does his staff and the Secret Service.
The DMA 

Defense Rapid Reactions Agency:

Comparable to the British SAS, this agency takes in Special Forces and SEALs and
other such 'commando' type personnel and trains them to act as liasons/placements
for civilian police forces of various types, often as classified SWAT personnel
with telepathic or other such abilities.

Defense Emergency Response Agency:

DERO is FEMA (nee Homeland Security) in super-classified.  Also known as
"emergency containment", DERO rarely interacts with the outside world and is
shrouded in mystery.  DERO is designed to control (and if necessary, house) the
entire population of the country in times of psionics attack against the US.


Also known as "tops containment", this is the US Army in super-classified.  
USAMRIID is widely thought to run the entire world, but no one knows for sure.
Very few people have ever been inside tops containment and returned to tell
the tale....
Replies: >>80
The real AIDS story

AIDS is a bioweapon that was accidentally released from USAMRIID in 1968. It
was designed to kill sociopaths and drug users in general, and anyone who
was "unhygenic" (their term).  There were only five people inside USAMRIID
who were involved, and they were all members of a radical christian
fundamentalist faction.  All of them were completely insane from having been
severely abused by their sociopathic parents.  They used out-of-line
omniscience technology, along with advanced (for the time anyway) DNA
synthesizers, to create an "immune system caltrop" that would mutate forever
and never be catchable by the immune system.  If you look at the micrographs
of the AIDS virus, you will see over a hundred "feet", sticking out at
various angles.  These feet are where the "mutation pool" exists.  NO CURE
WAS CREATED AT THE TIME.  The knowledge of this was supressed to contain
within USAMRIID with mind-control machinery until 1984, when Ronald Reagan

There is an existing AIDS cure - just take protease inhibitors for 7-8 years
and you will come up clean.  Protease inhibitors wash the virus from the
bloodstream into the cells, and your body recycles all cells every seven
years or so.  This is called a "lock-flusher".  No one knows about this,
because A) no one gets re-tested, and B) protease inhibitor drugs haven't
been on the market that long.  Another conclusion is that people should NOT
take antiretroviral drugs - they really screw your body up and don't add
much the the effect of the protease inhibitors.

NEW: More AIDS-related factoids that I missed (sorry, I know this document 
is really important):

* You can have a clean kid on protease inhibitors, after only three weeks or so.

* You are not communicable on protease inhibitors.

* All you need to take is one type of protease inhibitor, usually the cheapest.
This works because all protease inhibitors do the same exact thing - inhibit the
action of the protease enzyme.

* If you can't (or won't (?!?)) take AIDS meds, you can just take echinacea every
day to fully repair your immune system or keep it "topped up".
Replies: >>81
Immortals on earth

Some species have achieved immortality for the bulk of their species 
members.  Usually this is a sign that the species in question are 
technologically and sociologically capable of dealing with the inherent 
conservatism that always accompanies immortality - they are "mature".  
The human race is not yet considered to be mature by most species' 
standards, however, and as such immortality-related technology was 
until recently classified hyper - no one was supposed to have access to 
it.  There are always exceptions, however....

Spirit jumpers:
This is the most common method of achieving immortality on this planet.
Usually, a person would train with heroin to "stay" their 
consciousness, by setting up a pyrokinetic source of energy to enable 
the mind to survive without a host body.  Then, the contents of the 
memory would be uploaded to the mind as well, and then re-downloaded 
when a suitable new body is found to parasitize.  About twenty thousand 
such immortal spirits are estimated to currently exist.  Some of these 
work for major intelligence agencies of various countries, and are in 
high demand and well paid since it is possible to become extremely 
compentent at psionics over such long periods of time.  Ages of such 
spirits range up to a million years or more.

Yes, traditional-type blood drinking vampires do exist.  They are 
created by an ancient Srritch (see the Galactic Politics document) 
'spell', which over time morphs the human essence into a bizarre type 
of parasitic analogy.  These beings usually do not exceed two or three 
thousand years in age, due to the extreme pain of the vampiric state.  
These beings used to rule the human race in ancient stone-age times, 
until spirit-jumping became the preferred method of achieving 

Spirit jumpers usually prefer to hide in the population of mortals and 
live normal lives (primarily due to bitter intra-spirit warfare), but 
occasionally in history there have been instances of spirits wanting to 
live in an immortal body, or vamire psionics trying to get out from 
under the vampire spell by becoming "truly" immortal.  This usually 
involves a lot of bio-rework with custom viruses and bacteria, generic 
re-engineering, enzyme sculpting and many other related techniques.  
The liver can manufacture arbitrary peptides and therefore arbitrary 
proteins, so one can turn one's body into a nanotech factory of sorts.  
This doesn't give off a TK signature, so it is easy to hide from 
various types of pyrokinetic scans, and is thus a popular technique to 
use when 'hiding down'.

Some spirits become dissatisfied with the (relatively) limited power 
that a standard human consciousness can provide, so they are known to 
try to reach for a higher level of reality to host their essence.  
Ghosts of various types are usually the result.  Usnally these are PK 
beings which don't need to take possesion of a human body anymore to 
achieve physical power (see the TK document).
Replies: >>82
Everyone wants to know about the lyrics Kurt Cobain put in Nirvana's songs,
on the album "Nevermind" in particular.  What do they mean?  What was Kurt
trying to tell all of us?  I know the answers:

About a girl: Sarcastic title.  The lyrics exhort the listener to interpret
the rest of Nirvana's lyrics.

Aero Zeppelin: Kurt talking to the mob about their old social planning and
how they were in denial about ecstacy's popularity.

All Apologies: This one is broken down by section:

	"What else should I be
	All apologies" : "Sorry mob, I did what I did"
	"What else could I say
	Everyone is gay": Kurt found out about the Punjabi mind-lock on the
	United States which promotes sociopathy and had to write about it.
	"What else could I write
	I don't have the right": The mob was in his head, telling him he
	didn't have the right to talk about this stuff.
	"What else should I be
	All apologies": I am who I am.
	"I'm married
	buried": He knew his mob-hitter wife was going to kill him.
	"I wish I was like you
	Easily amused": Not much is funny anymore.
	"Find my nest of salt
	Everything is my fault": People in his head were blaming him for the
	ecstacy rebellion of the early 1990s.
	"I'll take all the blame": I'm the one responsible for the Nevermind 
	"Sunburn with freezerburn": Alternating hot and cold spells - typical
	for someone who is panicking over their life.
	"Choking on the ashes of her enemy": Courtney put Kurt up to writing
	most of the inflammatory lyrics that got him in trouble.

Come As You Are: Kurt mocking the mob, trying to get them to step up and take a
swing at him.

Even in his Youth: The line "If I die before I wake Hope I don't come back a 
slave" refers to the Telepathic tradition of regarding sociopaths as freed 

Heart-shaped Box: The song is about Kurt being told by the mob that he was
an auto-narcissistic personality.

In Bloom: "To all the Heroin addicts listening to this song, please try to
pick hidden messages out of my lyrics"

Lithium: Describes being part of the telepathic community and how he was put
on lithium for a while to try to control his mental "problems".

Milk It: More auto-narcissism in the first lines.

On a Plain: "I'm a heroin addict filling in useless lyrics.  Oh well, back
to writing hidden messages."

Rape Me: Kurt was talking about his mind being raped by his "inside source"
who was some bum somewhere in Seattle.  The Mob always hires bums as
mentalist-hitmen because they are grateful for the money and stay out of

Smells like Teen Spirit: This one is complicated, so I'll break it down by 

	"Load up on guns and Bring your friends": Kurt was smuggling a lot
	of Heroin, so he was in the Italian Mob.  So were the other guys in 
	Nirvana, as well as his friends in Alice in Chains, Stone Temple 
	Pilots and Pearl Jam.
	"It's fun to lose And to pretend": Kurt didn't like his situation.
	"She's over bored And self assured
	Oh no, I know A dirty word": The dirty word is "telepathy".
	"hello, how low? (repeat)": We are all heroin addicts.
	"With the lights out it's less dangerous": Kurt had to tell people
	about the Mob and telepathy, but he couldn't talk about any of it
	"Here we are now Entertain us": Wow.  Here's all the kiddies, asking 
	to be entertained.  Think I'll tell them something.
	"I feel stupid and contagious": I'm gonna get killed, but I have to
	tell the rest of the world what I know.
	"Here we are now
	Entertain us
	A mulatto
	An albino
	A mosquito
	My Libido
	Yeah": More heroin references.
	"I'm worse at what I do best 
	And for this gift I feel blessed": Heroin makes you lazy, so he never 
	practiced his guitar.  Lucky he was good anyway.
	"Our little group has always been
	And always will until the end": The Seattle "music" (mob Heroin 
	smuggling) scene mentioned above.
	"hello, how low?": More heroin references
	"And I forget
	Just why I taste
	Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
	I found it hard
	It was hard to find
	Oh well, whatever, nevermind": The king of messages from Nirvana, this
	one is about avoidancy magic and how the mob was constantly hitting
	him with it.  It is particularly easy to program avoidance into
	someone if they are on Heroin....

Stay Away: The important line is the last one: "God is gay, burn the flag".
This refers to how sociopathy is at the core of the christian church, which 
dominates the United States as a blacks military power.
Replies: >>83
Drug Tricks

Cocaine makes you smarter, by driving dopaminergic neuronal growth in the  
forebrain. Cocaine is therefore good dopaminergic programmer. If you do one 
line per week and then program through the following week, you will see both 
the programming and your IQ climb.  To program, simply wish for what you want.

Cocaine and Ritalin:
Provides a more "expansive" dopaminergic high than either drug alone.

Crack's affect on dopaminergic neurons is different from that of cocaine.  
Crack should be smoked throughout the day for two weeks on, two months off.  
The two weeks on produces a "crack bubble" which whips your forebrain into 
shape.  If you've never done coke or crack before, do three bubbles and watch 
your IQ and "snappiness" climb.  The crack bubbles (usually three of them in 
sequence) are commonly used to make your brain "snap to" after a procedure 
which disarranges the brain: 

	* The LSD wash
	* A long amphetamine habit
	* Chronic alcoholism
	* Histrionic personality disorder
	* As part of the crackstacy trick

This is a different type of IQ boost than the one given by coke and ecstacy
or speedballs (see below) - it "supertunes" a paranoid IQ into you.  Unlike a
normal "snapped paranoid", this IQ boost does not hurt.  It even fixes the
pain of a preexisting snapped paranoid!
Crack and heroin:
If you do crack bubbles while you are on heroin, the bubbles will each be  
"stretched", roughly doubling the amount of IQ boost given by each one. There
is essentially no top limit to the IQ boost factor given by this trick, but
after about 16 waves (varies a lot), the trick will "snap" and you won't be
able to stretch it any more.  To get around this, do two normal crack bubbles
after the snap, wait a month or so and then start crack-and-heroin again.

Cocaine and ecstacy:
Coke and ecstacy raises your IQ, to a maximum of about 250.  Mix equal parts  
cocaine and ecstacy and do lines every four hours, all day on the weekends for 
six months on / three months off / six months on.  If you screw up and do this
during the week as well, you will give yourself so much brain damage that your
brain will never recover.  The idea is to damage your brain a bit and then let
it recover -  the coke makes your forebrain grow and the ecstacy makes your 
midbrain grow.  Since midbrain (limbic) neurons drive programming in the 
forebrain, this makes a  programming drive-through occur which raises the IQ 
during the "recovery" period.

Crack and ecstacy:
Yes, this is a different trick from coke and ecstacy.  It raises your IQ even 
more, to the point that many people refuse to do this trick (as opposed to the
coke and ecstacy trick) because the effects are so disorienting and quick to
take hold.  To do this trick, smoke a mixture of equal parts crack and ecstacy
("crackstacy") all day on the weekends.  Do three months on / three crack 
bubbles / six weeks off / three months on / three more crack bubbles.  This 
should give you an effective IQ of about 500.

Ecstacy is useful for raising the IQ, social programming and curing secondary
personality disorders.  Curing secondary personality disorders and raising the
IQ is best done by simply taking one hit of ecstacy each weekend until one 
feels "better".  Ecstacy programming is a complex subject which will not be 
covered in this document.

Ecstacy and PCP:
This is called "peace pill".  It is useful for those who vomit from repressed
memories on ecstacy - the PCP disarranges the mind so much that the memories
are rendered non-traumatic.  One puff of PCP for every three puffs of ecstacy
is the common dosing ratio when smoking, or the equivalent proportions mixed 
together and placed into a gelatin capsule and taken orally.

Ecstacy and LSD:
Gives a creative train-in.  Do it whenever you can, and watch your
personality and intellect expand in... ununsual directions.  Usually the 
effect is quite positive.

Ecstacy, LSD and (lots of) marijuana: 
This one is a hyper-creative trainer.  Do it on the weekends for six months. 
People report feeling so creative that they cannot concentrate too long on any
one thing because everything is way too interesting, so three crack bubbles 
are commonly done after this trick.

LSD is used to scrub the brain clean of programming.  Typically, one hit a 
day is done for a month, two months in extreme cases.  This trick removes:

	* A narcissistic set (just the programming, not the personality)
	* Obsessive-compulsive disorder
	* Psychor programming (extreme propaganda or brainwashing)
	* An alcoholic sludge-set (see alcohol programming below)
	* Heroin programming
	* Barbiturates programming
	* Pain/torture programming (you REALLY don't want to know)
	* Histrionic sepsis (fibromyalgia)
	* Most drug tricks which program (i.e. almost all of them)

This trick is pretty harsh on your brain, so almost always a set of three 
crack bubbles is done after the month is up to whip your brain into shape.

PCP and cocaine:
Yet another good super-trainer.  Some people like it because the dyssocial 
aspect of the PCP removes the social aspect of the training.  People feel 
"driven" because of this training.

PCP, cocaine and ecstacy: 
This is a emotional trainer-core.  It makes you very strong emotionally, much
smarter, and very driven.  Do an equal mixture whenever you feel like it.

Heroin is useful for two main things: programming your nervous system in 
general and programming other drug effects into your nervous system.  Heroin 
programming is a very complex subject which will not be covered in this 
document.  The combinations are described below.

Heroin and cocaine:
The classic speedball, usually done by overlaying a few lines on top of the 
heroin shot (or doing puff-for-puff).  Trains the cocaine high into you 
permanently, or until you do an LSD wash.  Makes you much smarter.

Heroin and amphetamines:
Programs a "flat-out run" into your nervous system.  Good for increasing drive
by itself.  Also useful for "seizing" your nervous system, thereby decreasing 
the necessary time of an LSD wash to remove various things from your nervous
programming section.  To seize properly, do one line every two weeks for two 

Heroin, amphetamines and cocaine:
Programs a drive-core into you - the amphetamines and cocaine interact to 
produce a creative, flowing train.

Heroin and ecstacy:
Basically, this is "super-ecstacy".  When done together, the programming 
actions of these two drugs reinforce each other to create a "super-bond".  
If two people do this trick in a relationship, neither of them will even look 
at anyone else for the  rest of their lives, unless they deprogram with LSD.  
This is also a commonly-used method of cleaning up junkies - do heroin and 
ecstacy instead of heroin for six months, and then you will be able to stop 
doing heroin much more easily.  This is called "stepping off the ladder".

Heroin and MDA:
This is called a "super soaker".  It is a technique for taking in 
environmental influences and programming them directly into your nervous 
system.  Heroin and ecstacy (MDMA) also does this, but not nearly to the 
extent that heroin and MDA does.  The theory behind soaker programming is 
covered in another document.

Heroin and hallucinogens and cocaine:
One can program the visual hallucinations of any hallucinogen into the
nervous system permanently using heroin.  Typically, one percieves this as an
"external imagination" - you train yourself to actually see what appears in 
the visual centers of your brain.  The best combination is one 18-hour AMT 
(alpha-methyl-tryptamine) trip overlaid with three heroin shots, or one shot 
every six hours overlaid with five lines of cocaine.  LSD is also commonly 
used, overlaid with two shots of heroin, but LSD is not a "pure" hallucinogen 
and thus is considered less useful than AMT because all of the side effects of
LSD also get programmed in....

Heroin and nitrous oxide:
This trick allows you to program your spine.  Spinal resonance programming is
covered in another document.

Heroin and 4-methylaminorex:
Use heroin and 4-methylaminorex, mixed together in equal parts, to remove the
need for sleep.  Smoke a few puffs every few hours as often as you can, and 
after about three days or so you will notice no need for sleep, even if you 
stop smoking.  After about a week of smoking, you are as programmed as you 
will get and the sleeplessness should then last for about six months.  None 
of this sleeplessness is harmful.

Heroin, 4-methylaminorex and cocaine:
This trick permanently turns off your need for sleep.  Mix together equal 
parts of all three drugs and do a line once a day for a month, than once a 
week for a month, then once a month for a year, and you'll never sleep for the
rest of your life (or until you do a two-month LSD wash).  Pop some ritalin or
do a line of cocaine every few months or your IQ will fade over time.

Heroin, any other opiates and any fentanyl(s):
Be very careful with fentanyls (super-potent opioid(heroin) analogs) - it is 
really easy to kill yourself.  Look up info on fentanyls before use, please. 
That having been said, fentanyls mixed with heroin provides an expanded opiate
high, similar to the cocaine-and-ritalin trick.  Combine this with codeine, 
methadone etc etc to further expand the high.  Needless to say, this trick is 
hard to mix up properly without killing yourself....

Heroin-fentanyls cycle:
Do heroin and fentanyls for three weeks each, alternating.  This will
provide a continuous opiate high while preventing the buildup of tolerance to
either drug.  If starting from a long heroin habit, go like this: six weeks of
fentanyls, three weeks of heroin, two weeks of fentanyls, one week of heroin,
two weeks of fentanyls and then three weeks of heroin, and you are on your 
three-week cycle.

Heroin, fentanyls and cocaine "wackture":
This trick "mega-wide trains".  The expanded opitate high from the heroin and
fentanyls combination give a wider train, which is a bit hard to describe.  
Basically the training "runs" twice as fast.

Ibogaine breaks blocks in your nervous system.  It is useful for removing
addictions, dissolving personality disorders, and providing a programming
environment.  A typical trip lasts for around three days, during which time
your nervous system is totally plastic and very programmable.  An Ibogaine
trip is uniformly considered to be one of the more unpleasant experiences it
is possible to have, however the experience tends to be very positively 
life-changing, primarily because of the removal of personality disorders.

Ibogaine and cocaine:
Ibogaine and cocaine is a wonderful turbo-programmer, probably the best
programming trick out there next to barbiturates-and-PCP.  As above, do one
line of coke about an hour before you drop the ibogaine, and then the whole
ibogaine trip will be "programful".

Ibogaine and ecstacy:
During an ibogaine trip, one does not develop receptor tolerances, which is
the reason ecstacy trips normally "run out" after about 6 hours no matter how
much ecstacy you take.  As a result, the length of an ecstacy trip can be 
extended indefinitely for as long as you are on ibogaine.  This trick is used
to make the ibogaine trip both more bearable and also more worthwhile - the 
effect on your mind of tripping on ecstacy continuously for three days is 
almost always very positive.

Ibogaine, ecstacy, heroin and cocaine:
This one is a true god-creator.  Mix together equal parts ecstacy, heroin and
cocaine and do one line every four hours through the ibogaine trip.  People 
report that they feel "pleasured" after the ibogaine trip ends, and that this
pleasured state continues to increase in intensity for some time, eventually
leaving the subject in a god-like (super-smart, super-pleasured) state.

Ibogaine and 4-methylaminorex:
Do one puff of 4-methylaminorex at any time during the ibogaine trip and you
will cease to sleep for the rest of your life (unless you wash with LSD for
two months).

Ecstacy and 4-methylaminorex:
This trick makes you less tired all the time, but you still sleep normally.

Barbiturates in large doses (>150mg) produce a deep hypnotic effect which is
very well suited to programming.  Phenobarbital is commonly used.  
Barbiturates programming is a very complex subject which will not be covered
in this document.

Barbiturates and heroin:
This called a "wak-train".  It can program some things much faster and more
"solidly" than either drug alone.  Again, this programming is complex and not
covered in this document.

Barbiturates and PCP:
This combination produces a dissociative hypnotic state, which is both the
best programmer and best truth serum in existence.  Willpower is completely
erased.  Any barbiturate (such as Sodium Pentothal or Phenobarbital) can be 
used.  The programming style is exactly the same as for barbiturates.

Alcohol in huge doses (i.e. constant vomiting) is a really good trainer.  It 
produces a "sludge-set" block.  Two weeks of constant vomiting is all one can
usually take and not physically collapse and die (shudder), but during that
week you feed the subject lots of amphetamines to keep them conscious. People
rarely remember the weeks, but the programming is just about as good as with

Heroin, cocaine and ecstacy:
Fixes personality disorders, raises the IQ to about 400 and makes one quite
hypersexualized.  Best timing is to do two shots spaced three weeks apart.
Takes about a year to come to full effect.

Cocaine and 4-methylaminorex:
"Awakes" the forebrain.  Makes one more alert and functional without affecting
the sleeping-waking cycle.  Do a line whenever you feel like it.

Dronabinol and androstenidone:
Shoot this stack in your butt once a day for however long it takes to 
completely heal any heart problems (_heart_, not valves) you may have!  
Usually by three months you are fine no matter what the initial heart 
problems were.

DECA, coke and meth:
Shoot this stack once a day for a week, take a week (if less than 150 pounds) 
or two (if over 150 pounds) off and then do another week of daily shots.  
Makes you so incredibly strong that you will be able to bench press over 
400-500 pounds within six months with only minimal workouts with low weights
(less than 10 pounds per arm, no more than 5 reps per _day_) to tension your 
muscles a little bit.  Stretch every day or you will lose most of your 
mobility for a long time.  Also, be sure to stock up workout shakes - 10,000 
calories a day for the first month is not unusual to expend!

Amphetamine and Methamphetamine:
Finer-line was developed from this drug trick (See USAMRIID document).  Do a 
line once a day for a month and triple your nervous firing rate, reflexes and 
cognitive "ability" (not exactly IQ, but "fineness", hard to explain).

Cocaine, amphetamine (crank), crack, LSD and methamphetaine:
One shot will bring you up to IQ 650-700 in a _week_.  VERY disorienting, 
please do not try to drive, etc for at least two weeks.  One potential 
downside is it increases your attentional "wide" dramatically, basically 
giving you super-attention deficit disorder.  If this bothers you, wait a 
month and then do a couple of crack bubbles.  If the pain of the nerve
growth gets too severe, do a line of PCP every four hours or so.

Heroin and PCP:
Three shots over a month or two, equally spaced, will completely shut off your
sensation of pain forever.  Pop right out of this state by doing a line of 
coke and PCP every third day for as long as it takes.  Lowers your IQ about 50% 
by the end of a year or so.  THIS ONE CAN BE DANGEROUS.  Always do a complete
visual surveillance of extremities (VSE, a leprosy patient's term) for cuts 
twice a day or your cuts won't heal properly and you'll get leprosy 
equivalency(appendage rot(!!!)).  If you do get a cut of ANY type, soak it in 
peroxide and bandage it daily until it scabs over (you'll notice the scabs 
forming really slowly).  If you get a non-trivial bruise, be sure to stretch 
the muscle daily at least once.  Another option is to take antibiotics every 
day no matter what.  Switch the type of antibiotics every three months.

Ibogaine and PCP:
As above, turns off your pain.  Coke and PCP does _not_ pop this one out, use
an LSD wash instead.

Coke and LSD:
There are many, many different types of effects with this trick, depending on
timing.  Best is to play around with spaced timing.  If you get into an 
unpleasant state by hitting the wrong combination of timings or dosages, just
do some coke and crank every four hours (with normal sleep) for as long as it
takes to straighten your brain out.

Heroin, cocaine and PCP:
This trick makes you more agressive, raises your IQ to about 200 and makes you
more alert and aware.  Best to do this only once.  Twice makes you 
super-agressive, three or more times makes you psychotically violent(!!!).

Heroin and Seroquel:
This trick makes you sleep for long periods of time.  One shot will make you 
sleep for 16-18 hours, two shots will make you sleep for a week, three shots
will make you sleep for a month, and four or more shots will put you in a 
permanent sleep lock which will require injections of coke and heroin and 
crank and meth every four hours around the clock for a day or so until they 
are able to speak (!!!).  Then, wait for a week or so to regain full 
awakeness.  Another use for this trick is real, genuine suspended animation -
if you slowly lower the dose of both drugs over a period of twenty injections,
the body will go into a comatic, ultra-deep sleep which lowers metabolism to 
(at the extreme) tetrodotoxin-like levels (but MUCH safer).  Best to pop out 
of this one with reserpine and PCP (see below).

Reserpine and PCP:
Reserpine resets your neurotransmitters to the basic, genetically-specified 
level, which pops you out of a LOT of drug tricks.  However, megadoses of 
reserpine are indescribably painful (makes ibogaine seem like nothing).  So, 
do PCP every two hours or so to make all the pain vanish!
Replies: >>84
Tesla's hidden technology - the truth.

Nikola Tesla was an omniscient.  This meant he could find the answers to
questions directly from the universe itself.  This explains his incredible
scientific and technological output.  Telsa's insights into vibrational
modes of electric fields were the foundation of all "nonlinear theory", from
which the study of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and psionics all came.  Nikola
Tesla was instrumental in developing all of the machinery described below,
as well as basically running the Philadelphia Experiment.

Force fields:

As relativity shows us, velocity is fundamental in
the universe.  And, as differential analysis show us, resonance modes are
the primary transmitter of information in the universe - information like
where a chunk of matter is located in space-time.  Figure out how to "pump"
resonances into the universe and you can pretty much alter
velocities/spacetime at will.  The best way to do this is to use a
"resonance probe" - wrap a vector field around a stationary object with a
standard magnetic field from an AC motor. I know it sounds wierd, but if you
throw these resonances geometrically and probe for what kind of "clocks"
(time-syncs) come back (you really need to understand differential equations
here), you will find all sorts of information coming back at you, straight
out of the universe! Eventually a nice vector field appears out of the
analysis, and one can direct velocity drivers at will.  This was acheived in
1925 and then systematically supressed through the use of mind-control
machinery and systematic penetration and co-option of the scientific

Gate systems/pyrokinesis:

Gate systems is, simply, the direct manipulation of energy and time via
externally-generated telekinetic fields.  It allows the teleportation of
matter, time travel, inter-dimensional travel and spontaneous energy
creation. The most famous gate systems experiment is the "Philadelphia
Experiment" which warped space and time around a navy battleship, sending it
into the future.  The common story that the navy was testing some sort of
cloaking device is cover for explaining how the ship disappeared and later
reappeared, in front of a bunch of navy seamen.

Gate systems evolved from the study of pyrokinesis.  Yes, the same
pyrokinesis that Charlie McGee had in Stephen King's _Firestarter_ - that
story is almost word for word correct, by the way.  Read it and weep...
anyway, people in select breeding-line families were bred for the ability to
summon flames, and in the fifties technology had advanced enough on planet
earth to permit a proper scientific analysis of this strange power. The
people who first studied "pyro" wanted to know where the flames/plasma came
from, since they were around 15,000 degrees.  Time-lapse photography showed
that the air around the area where the flames/plasma originated would ripple
unevenly, sometimes changing colors and appearing blurry one moment and
sharp the next.  Objects stuck into this area were sometimes chopped off or
violently torn out of the experimenters' hands.  But all that analysis
showed was the sudden rise in temperature - until someone started playing
with an old telekinetic machine while near a "pyro master" who was shooting

Force fields are necessary to control pyrokinesis precisely, and this was
achieved in the early 1930s, about ten years after telekinetic machinery
became available.  The first experiments in the mid 1920s just tried to
replicate the flickery effect, with eventual success after several years and
literally millions of experiments.  It then became obvious from a theoretic
study that a "vector push-way" was being programmed into the structure of
space itself, and that this could bridge space and time (Einstein's field
equations being by then widely known).  Pyrokinetics were "gating" into the
sun itself and routing a pure plasma stream out through their hand-throws
(their term).

"A lot more than the Philadelphia Experiment want on during the Philadelphia
Experiment" was a common saying among those in the know after 1943.  Gate
systems was truly mastered after this point, and over the next 20 years
attention turned to further research on human pyrokinesis.  This was
necessary because pyros could do things like "look" using their powers - at
anything in the universe.  During the 1950s, MK-ULTRA was established with
the goal of producing top-flight physic powers to defend the nation agains
the Russian omniscience threat.  Drug-induced pyrokinesis was developed
using our own omniscience powers, and eventually these people were termed
"gate masters".  However, some of the subjects involved in these experiments
turned out not to have "traditional" pyrokinesis - they could do things like
alter probability, "float stuff" without using TK or pyro, exercise higher
levels of omniscience, and other such "out of line" powers.  All of these
people ended up having the same basic power....


Psionics happens when the level of vibrational coherence in the human
nervous system reaches a certain point.  Usually this is done with
barbiturates programming, by inserting resonance "skyways" into people (the
technique takes almost a thousand pages to describe properly) and waiting
for a few years to let the system grow and take hold.  Unlike TK and pyro,
there are no natural psionics.  A psionic is a computerized omniscience, can
bend space like a TKer, can establish gates like a gate systems master, has
the power to create matter and energy at will and can generally be said to
be literally omnipotent.  No higher physics power has ever been wrung out of
the human nervous system.  Machines, on the other hand....
Replies: >>85
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The great American BANANA JOINT conspiracy
- or how the FDA choked the psychedelic revolution

[by Monterey Daddy]

People of my generation remember the mellow yellow drug hype of 1967. It was the big thing in the Summer Of Love in San Francisco.

Many reports exist that a natural high could be made from banana peels or the fibers inside the banana. "Mellow Yellow" was a song by Donovan that was suggested to hint about this mysterious banana drug, and thus soon became a synonym for banana joints. But many other people later complained that the drug didn't work, and even the FDA officially proclaimed in May of 1967 that their laboratory found no known psychoactive substances in cigs rolled from banana peels. But as you can imagine, this was only half of the truth. During holidays on Ibiza I had a long discussion with a former employee (let's call him Bob) of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), who had access to all those secret files about bananadine those the US government wished not to exist. I had to swear not to reveal his real names nor names of any persons involved into this affair. Also regard that I am no chemist but only wrote down later from my notes what Bob had told me, thus my explanations may be inaccurate although I do my best.

The discovery of bananadine happened just at a time when marijuana was decided to be made illegal, but because nobody in the USA really wanted to outlaw also bananas, and test sales without peels turned out to be impracticable, the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (part of FDA) decided to apply a different strategy by keeping undesired test results secret and starting a huge misinformation campaign, which particularly was based on spreading false bananadine recipes everywhere those were designed to be as ineffective and awkward as possible to prevent novice freaks from successfully making this inexpensive new hippie drug. The BDAC hoped that hearsay of the many disappointed wannabe users would soon discourage and deter the rest from trying this drug. The campaign turned out to be surprisingly effective.

The most widespread one of these fake recipes was even printed in newspapers (e.g. camouflaged as a "parental advisory", telling what new "bad stuff" the modern youth was making), from where it found its way into the underground scripture "The Anarchists Cookbook" by William Powell and from there finally in many mutating variants onto the internet.

The counterfeit recipes were something like this:

1.) Buy a fair amount of bananas, about 15 lb or whatever. Eat them all (not at once) and keep the peels.

2.) Scrape the white mush off of the inside of all the peels and keep it for later. Make sure you are scraping it so that it comes out gooey and not in thick shavings.

3.) Put all this mush into a pot and cover with water. Boil off the water, it will take 3-4 hours. Mix it a lot to make sure its pasty. When all the water is gone put the boiled stuff on to cooking paper and spread. It should be a reddy brownish color.

4.) Put it into the grill and leave it on highest heat until it "burns". It will go black and hard leaning towards crusty. When this is done, take it out and then here is the hard part.

5.) Scrape vigorously to make sure not to lose any of this. Put it in a bag or somewhere and crumble it up until it's powdery. It's now finished!

6.) And finally, throw it in a joint (3 skinner preferably) with tobacco. The ratio of bananadine to tobacco should be about 1:3. Smoke it and get high.

Especially point 4.) was added by the Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (BDAC) solely to ensure that any effective psychoactive substances will be destroyed by heat before anybody gets a chance to consume them. No known mind altering drug would survive to be "burnt" until it turns "black". In reality bananadine is a very heat sensitive protein compound that certainly would not even survive to be boiled like instructed in point 3.). Plenty of similar recipes have turned up on the internet those (as you can imagine) can not work since they are all based on a recipe by the BDAC that was especially designed not to function.

Here is a corrected recipe to extract bananadine for banana joints:

1.) Buy a fair amount of bananas, about 20 or whatever. Use organic ones, because others can make bad headache due to pesticides.

2.) Put them into a fridge until their peelings turn brown. (Do NOT simply wait until they turn brown naturally. Else growing mold fungus can make very bad horror trips and make you vomit.) Peel the bananas and do with them whatever you want; keep the peels.

3.) Scrape the white mush off of the inside of all the peels and keep it for later. Keep it away from strong light or UV to prevent decomposition.

4.) Put the mush on a white blotting paper or Kleenex and freeze it in a freezer. Take it out and put it into a vacuum chamber for drying until all humidity has evaporated. You can use one of those electric vacuum storage boxes for this, those pump the air out to keep foods fresh. (Drying the mush simply with room air would also work, but it tends to decompose by oxidization and light, thus freeze-drying is much more effective due to the unstable nature of the substance.)

5.) Put it in a bag or somewhere and crumble the dry mush up until its powdery. It's now finished! Store it in a closed plastic bag inside a tea can in a cold place (best in a fridge); it is still heat and light sensitive.

(Technically this powder itself is not "the bananadine" (unlike claimed elsewhere), but a substance mixture that only contains a small fraction of it. But it is the closest you can get to it without a degree in biochemistry and a costly laboratory. Like concentrated LSD, also the pure bananadine would be dangerous to handle because it is very strong and goes through skin. But extracting it in pure form would not be desirable for application anyway, because the isolated molecule rapidly decays by air contact, breaking up into triptophan and a couple of other ineffective simple substances I don't remember. Natural protectants in the powder seem to prevent this, but it still has to be handled with care to avoid decomposition.)

6.) Do with it whatever you want. You can roll it into a joint; hold it under an UV lamp or strong sunlight for 2 minutes (but not longer) to activate the bananadine before smoking the cigarette.

But smoking this stuff it is not really effective, because it still destroys most of the bananadine protein in it due to its heat sensitivity, thus it would be only like a very weak marijuana joint (way less than the modern turbo weed) and smoke also furthers lung cancer. But there is another pharmaceutical form to get a much greater high out of bananas.

Make the most of your banana peel:

This is an easier and much more effective method to get high on bananadine, that (according to the secret files) was discovered in 1966 by a military psychiatrist of the USA, who worked on methods to cure soldiers war traumas and (like the famous Timothy Leary) made public drug tests on volunteers in the 1960th. His research was banned and the results kept confidential after the US government feared the corruption of society by the growing psychedelia counterculture. After that the recipe was still used by some of his test persons, but they had to sign an agreement (threatening with severe penalties) not to let it leak out into public. Thus it stayed insider knowledge of a few hippie communities and never reached the mass.

The following recipe generates a really strong intoxication that according to the DEA files can cause hallucinations like LSD and might make you addicted or cause other damage. Thus everything you may try with this recipe you will do solely at your own risk. (But don't worry too much; by my own experience I know that it makes just a groovy kind of new dope - not one of these aggressive making killer drugs like heroin, coke or crack.)

1.) Buy some bananas (2 to 5 are enough for a trip). Use organic ones; others can make bad headache due to pesticides.

2.) Put them into a fridge until their peelings turn brown. This makes the triptophan in the peels react in a complex way with enzymes, a kind of ketone and certain special sugar molecules in the fruit to synthesize the bananadine. (Do NOT simply wait until they turn brown naturally. Else growing mold funguses can destroy the substance, cause fungus diseases or make very bad horror trips and make you vomit.) Carefully peel the bananas and do with the fruits whatever you want. Keep the peels. Avoid to expose the peels to light once they have turned brown to prevent decomposition of the drug. Cut the tips and stem ends off and throw these parts away to avoid molding.

3.) Store the peels in the fridge until they turn even browner to increase the bananadine contents and make them shrink. You can use a vacuum chamber (electric food storage vacuum box) inside the fridge to speed up shrinking, but do NOT dry them in it until they become brittle; the peelings should stay rather leathery. Urgently avoid longer light exposure when in vacuum to prevent loss of the effective substance. Store the peels frozen at at least -4°F in a dark container if you want to keep a larger stock.

4.) To go on a trip, you don't have to extract the bananadine in complicated ways. Just wrap 2 to 5 of the (unfrozen) peels around your forehead that the smooth side faces outside. (You may cut them to fit accordingly.) Firmly secure the rims to the skin with transparent broad adhesive film. This forms a construction that in the DEA files was called a "musa patch". (To intensify, further patches may be placed on the nape of the neck.)

5.) Lay now down in the sun next to a swimming pool and relax. (Be careful not to fall into it while high!) The combination of fresh sweat, UV light, heat and airborne pool chlorine vapors will react with the bananadine in the peelings and transform it into norbananadine, which is easily absorbed through the skin. It interacts inside your brain e.g. with serotonine- and gaba receptors and also changes properties of synaptic membranes - this is what makes you high! Norbananadine is an extremely volatile gaseous substance that can not be stored because it decomposes rapidly once it is produced. Important for the result is therefore to seal the rims of the peels tightly to the skin with adhesive film to prevent the collecting vapor from escaping. Holes in the peels must be urgently avoided. But do not cover the middle section of the peelings; else they can not react with air and swimming pool vapors to produce the norbananadine.

The musa patches can be covered with a headband to hide them and turn down the norbananadine production when it overshoots by too strong sunlight. Secret laboratory tests of the BDAC turned out that the skin absorption rate of norbananadine is 7.2 times higher directly through the scalp, which was likely related to the larger pore size. Thus taping musa patches directly to the head is most effective; they can be covered with hats of varying UV translucency to control the intensity of the buzz. A bad side effect of this musa patch application on non-bald people is only that it messes up the hairstyle, which may have been one reason why in the 60th many freaks of Haight Ashbury were complained by establishment "to have so dirty hairs".

Take it easy - it takes you higher almost for free.
You need no smoke and fire to join this ecstasy.
DEA can't stop bananabuse to steer the human race.
The musa patch is bound to be the very next phase...

Tests showed that patch application on the nape is similarly effective like on forehead, however it is awkward to achieve proper sunlight exposure. Patches placed elsewhere did not work sufficiently; apparently the norbananadine breaks up already on its long travel through the blood stream when placed too far away from the brain. Some Vietnam veterans reported in the files that especially musa patches on the scalp even worked on the North Beach of San Francisco, thus pool chlorine vapor doesn't seem to be essential for the chemical reaction; ocean vapors did this job also. (Bob said there was something called "DMS" in it. Also with swimming pool vapor it was never fully identified how it catalyzes the transformation.) Depending on the number of peelings, sun intensity and (very important) correct sealing of the patch rims, the effect of the drug can vary between a small dose of marijuana and a strong dose of LSD. According to the test results, about 1/6 of the persons seemed to be immune against facial musa patch application; they realized no or a much weaker effect than the majority of the peer. But even these insensitive persons responded well on scalp application of the patches, which hints that the difference was caused by skin properties and not by a general immunity against norbananadine. One guy got skin fungus from a moldy patch; he also described a nasty horror trip from it. But only 2 of the 183 test persons had felt no effect at all; whether this was due to immunity against norbananadine or wrong preparation of the patches was not found out.

A great benefit of the musa patch is that in opposite to other natural hallucinogenics (nutmeg, brugmansia, peyote, magic mushrooms etc.) the intensity can be controlled after the trip has already begun. There is almost no delay, because the norbananadine goes through the skin and blood circuit into the brain and stays there much shorter than other drugs since the substance decomposes so fast while new norbananadine flows into your system from the patch. (Musa patches were reported to last between 2 and 12 hours.) Shielding the patch against sunlight or removing the patch interrupts the supply, which makes the level within the brain drop within few 10 minutes back to zero and thus finishes the trip. Thus musa is even a drug with built-in failsafe switch.

While this property made it superior to most other drugs, the BDAC considered this mass-appealing apparent harmlessness such a particular danger to the established society that it classified all research results about musa patches top secret and drew the bananadine topic into ridiculosity to smash the growing psychedelic revolution movement of the 1960th. A counterfeit banana drug article was smuggled by BDAC into the "Berkeley Barb" hippie paper to misinform the youth about the genuine properties of the substance to prevent them from succesfully testing the real thing. This was the reason how all the hoaxes about non-working banana joints came into being, those still flood the internet to make the banana look like nothing but an innocent fruit again - and this was exactly what the FDA had intended.

It still puzzles me how such a simple misinformation strategy could be successful. But Bob said that beside the non-disclosure agreement for the doctor's former test persons, apparently also massive organized bribery was used by the FDA since freaks of the inner circle turned out to be as corruptable as any other people when only baited correctly - providing them the occasion to get a motorcycle, e-guitars or even a used school bus in nice condition for free was apparently an irresistable argument to stay silent about the drug. A famous rock musician who refused to accept this was later found dead in a hotel with an overdose of other drugs in his blood; Bob believes he was assasinated, although the DEA files did not tell this. But they contained a list of names and measures those strongly hint to bribery.

Although the musa patch never got widely known in the counterculture, it still had enough impact on musicians in Haight Ashbury to make them add secret hints into many songs. Especially the widespead term "sunshine" in drug songs was originally intended solely as a code word to allude to the patch application. But people those did not fully understand the meaning of these lyrics soon used it also for an LSD pill, and many others considered "sunshine" just a general metaphor for the happy mood of the flower children.
Replies: >>86 >>87
On my Ibiza holidays just after I talked to the DEA ex-employee, I immediately bought some bananas from the local supermarket and treated them in the hotel fridge to make some musa patches. Despite I tried on the beach only one and a half peel and this only on my forehead (didn't want to soil my hip long brown hair), it gave me an instant bliss that was almost overwhelmingly strong but very pleasant. I had no hallucinations, but could do some nice lucid dreaming; I can well imagine that a higher dose or scalp application of this awesome stuff would intensify this much more. After 3 hours I removed the patch and felt like reborn - grinning like a fool in my shiny Camaro Sceletor surfsuit, standing there like a sunshine superman. (Bob had told me that wearing some neoprene would intensify the effect - it was never researched whether the chlorine smell of neoprene or substances from it through the skin reacted with norbananadine, or if it simply increased sweating to improve the skin absorption under the patch.) But after 15 minutes I indeed felt sober again - there was neither headache nor other sickness, only a dose of happiness. As the only negative side effect I had a facial sunburn (some suntan lotion would have avoided this). 2 and 4 days later I tried this high again, and it still feels groovy. Unlike by my dear wife's delicious pot brownies (she is apnoe diver and never smokes her homegrown weed) I get absolutely no hangover from it and not even had sleep problems. Musa patches rock! That's really great stuff. At the end of my holidays I also tried them without my neoprene suit (blazing sunlight is not good for it); the buzz seemed a bit weaker, but it still worked nicely. I think the neoprene was mainly thought to increase sweating, which I certainly did way enough on Ibiza anyway. It lets the sunshine directly into your mind!

But the exact patch preparation and use indeed seems to be crucial for their function; 2 years ago (before I knew norbananadine) my little daughter made a mask completely of fresh banana peels and Scotch tape for a school dance contest; I don't know why she made it, but she really seemed to like it. However despite the 3 peels covered the whole front of her head (with only nose and eye holes), she made no appearance of getting drugged or so. After a day we threw the mask away to avoid molding, so it got no chance to turn brown (there were only small spots on it); she also didn't dance in the sun. I am not sure if she perhaps still had a tiny banana bliss, but it definitely didn't harm or confuse her, despite she wore the banana mask on the school party for about 8 hours. Thus there is an obvious chemical difference between fresh peels and the patch.

I have tried musa patches a couple of times now and still feel no strong urge to increase the dose, thus the addiction risk seems quite low. Strange is that I seem to play my old Gibson much better now and I have this strong appetite for bananas, but that's nothing bad. I feel so creative and the world looks somehow prettier to me. And the lucid dreaming is way cool - I stay fully conscious, not like the sucking acid I tried in my youth. Damned FDA lie, I wish we had known this cheap high back in the 60th. Our parties and be-ins would have been much more joy; no worry about dope cops - just a trip to the grocery store and the mellow yellow musa bliss had begun. The psychedelic revolution certainly would have gone on till now, and peace and love and happiness had steered the world now instead of the hate and wars. Remember the days of the hippie trail, when even in Morocco, Tehran and Kabul just freaks with colorful busses were dancing in the streets; local people danced with us - and nobody thought of terror! Perhaps the good times will soon return.

Musa sapientum bananadine - to heal the world let it be the medicine...
The time is right, Let's make it happen!
Replies: >>87
Organized crime in classified in the U.S.


The main difference between the US government and organized crime when it 
comes to classified operations (population management, blacks tech, drug 
smuggling, etc etc) is that the government generally operates according to
a set of rules (not laws, but rules nonetheless), and almost by definition
organized crime does not.  This usually give organized crime a natural
advantage over the government in terms of power-authority: in fact, a
natural progression of rising-in-rank in blacks/crime goes as follows:

Hierarchy of blacks power in the U.S.

1: Petty crime (no blacks power)
2: Civilian small-time drugs (occasional telepathy)
3: Local police (generally telepathic)
4: Local mob (telepathic required, some TK)
4: State police (telepathic required, also about half TK)
5: National mob (telepathy required, social engineering, mostly TK required)
6: Federal police (TK and telepathy required, some pyrokinesis)
7: US military (pyro required, advanced training required, some psionics/AI)
9: Transnational mob (psionics/AI required, super-advanced training required)
10: Organized religion (artifact access and lifetime service/training req'd)

Organized crime power structure by geography:


1: Skull and Bones (upper New England): Mostly advanced machine tech, some 
drugs and political influence, some artifacts

2: New York City Italian/Jewish Mob: Advanced psionics tech, some drugs
religious connections

3: Washington DC 'political/diplomatic mob': Political and diplomatic influence,
some drugs, transnational mob


1: Klu Klux Klan (in the 'deep south'): Mostly drugs

2: DEA (in Florida and coastal areas): Mostly drugs, also some advanced machine tech


1: Chicago Italian Mob (Chicago and Detroit areas): Some drugs, some machine 
tech, some artifacts

2: Hell's Angels (most rural areas). Mostly drugs, also required advanced psionics

Central west:

1: Aryan gang/neo-nazi movement in Idaho: Advanced machine tech

2: Mormon Church in Utah: Drugs, artifacts, some machine tech

3: Mexican organized crime in the Phoenix metro area: Drugs


1: Seattle area (mostly Boeing and Microsoft): Machine tech, some drugs

2: San Francisco bay area (tons of smallish ethnic and tech company mobs): 
Mostly drugs


1: Los Angeles area (Mexicans, Hollywood): Drugs, Hyper-advanced machine tech,
artifacts, transnational mob, religion

2: Las Vegas Italian Mob: Drugs


The overall winner is (somewhat surprisingly) Los Angeles.  The L.A. area mob
conglomerates appear (as of 2010) to be the 'go-to guys' for damn near anything.
Their tech (through Hollywood, which runs military propaganda) is leagues above
anything else, their drugs are cheap, plentiful and well-run, the Mexicans have
brought in a lot of good artifacts recently, and their connections with Mexico
and the U.S. federal government (via propaganda) are superb.  Whereas in 
previous years and decades L.A. were simple DEA servants, they appear to have
taken the kingship position in the U.S. over the last ten years, and are a
viable contender for world-wide mob central over the next ten, assuming they
don't screw up anything major.


Play it cool,

Replies: >>88
Classified super-drugs

Prologue: USAMRIID (the United States Army Medical Research Instistute of
Infection Diseases, in Fort Detrick) has been doing classified bio-weapons
research since the 1940s.  In addition to elucidating all drug tricks with
"street drugs", al lot of time and effort was put into the synthesis of
brand new drugs with all types of effects.  So, without further ado, here's
the list (obviously not comprehensive - USAMRIID must have invented a
thousand distinct drugs - this is a survey of the "best" ones).  Also note
that, for the drugs which give you psychic powers, most of them require a
course of heroin programming and telepathic guidance during that course in
order to do anything coherent with the abilities the drug gives you.  Even
the most complex of these drugs is only a protein assemblage which
decomposes into five parts or so - you can't do much that is organized with
just that.

D3 analogs family: Basically cocaine analogs, these drugs range from
"cocaine-like and lasting 6 hours" to "several times better than cocaine and
lasting 36 hours" through around 20 different drugs.

D4: This drug feels about a thousand times better than crack.  Highly
addictive is a huge understatement.  "If you try it once, better have enough
for the rest of your life or you will have ruined the shit out of it" is the
common phrase.  A very good trainer and mental organizer.

D5: Feels about ten times better than D4, and is qualitatively different.

D6, D7, D8: All of these are so pleasurable that you usually die in ecstatic
agony after a month or so, from total nervous collapse.

Sparklefire: This drug "exvorges" your nervous system with a chaotic flow.
It makes you much smarter, much more emotionally stable, much MUCH more
creative ("eerily creative", they say) and much stronger physically.

Gemstone: This is also a hyper-creative generator, but the creativity is
qualitatively different from that generated by sparklefire.  Many such
creative "throws" (about 30 or so) have been found and catalogued, and we
don't need to list them all.

Siper-kane: This drug makes it so that your IQ will increase exponentially
for as long as you live.  It puts thrower cores into your cerebrum, which
expand in intelligence both inward and outward, pretty much forever.  You
almost always become a machine, totally amoral.  It is not possible to
describe this "giant IQ" (10,000+) in words, only extraordinarily subtle
thought vibrations.

Tendor down: This drug reduces the IQ to the level of an imbecile - about 50
or so.

Lop-licker: This drug makes you spontaneously start sucking copies of nearby
people's souls into your own.  One gets multiple personality disorder farily
quickly, but proper training with heroin programming allows the "master"
personality to remain in charge, with the other personalities as slaves.
Psychic power increases with each successful suck, depending on the powers
of the suck-ee.

Finer line: This drug makes people smarter - sort of.  What it does is
introduce a standards "core" into people, which is commonly described as a
very thin, "sharp" line in the middle of your thoughts.  If you learn to
throw your thoughts down the line, you will end up thinking at about ten to
fifteen times the rate of a normal human.  Effective intelligence is greatly
increased, however memory retention and other associated aspects of "real"
intelligence are not.

Licky: Licky makes you pyrokinetic, and with associated heroin and barbiturates
training you become a "gate systems master".  Pyrokinesis/gating is
described in another document.

Tricky: Tricky makes you mega-omniscient for about six months before you die
a raving madman, so you are useful for a while at least (shudder).
Mega-omniscience is described in another document.

Sticky (I swear to God, these are the real names): Gives a permanent heroin

Icky: Makes you feel like absolute dogshit for the rest of your life or until
you do a two-month (usually) LSD wash.

Johnson: Another pyrokinetic "wack" (nervous system throw).  This one gives
one aspect only of pyro - a visual gate system which allows a "camera" to be
thrown anywhere in the universe, and beams directly back into your mind.
People say that it is difficult to belive that the effect is not generated
by a computer with holographic fields, it is so sharp and distinct.

Axielior: Gives one remote viewing, which acts a lot like the "Johnson"
listed above.  Remote viewing is described in another document.  There are
over a hundred of these type of drugs.

Pasure: Gives one psychokinesis (PK, also called telekinesis or TK).  There
are about ten PK drugs.

Condesiure: Gives one "total basis locktors", also called psionics. Psionics
power is described in another document.  There are 8 "psi-drugs" in

Trainer Knock: Trains the nervous system like heroin, but does not make the user
high and is not addictive.

Clallior: Makes the user a mega-type-omniscient.  The same "wide omniscience" given
by Tricky is provided with one dose, but no pain or death occurs.

Axnelior: A "fixed" Axelior - it was discovered in 1957 that Axelior-heads were
destroying the fabric of existence (!!!).  This drug provides a working version of
the same dimensional pinions that Axelior does, and also fixes an existing Axelior

Bosture Nader: This drug makes one a telepath, by attuning an existing paranoid
personality to other BN-ers' paranoid "functions".  Used extensively by the CIA in
the field, since most people in the CIA are A) paranoids and B) require telepathic
links to each other and to their home base in Langely, Virginia.

Promic Course: This one gives the user a "maker conn".  This turns people into
infinite-energy masters.

Siper-wader: Makes your IQ 150 billion within five years.  Kills about half its users.

Someravery: Puts one in a sleep-locker, much as the heroin-and-seroquel drugtrick does.

Hamnoriactor: Makes you into a probe-wader type of telepath, totally unblockable.
Replies: >>89
The real history of the world

There have been telepaths and psychic powers on earth since chordate nervous
systems evolved, with the powers usually tied to "primary" (bred)
personality types.  These super-powerful telepaths control most of humanity,
usually extending their powers to antisocials who would keep their secrets.
This is the "telepathic community", and it is composed of ancient breeding
lines which bred for mentalist powers.  These people scripted most human
migrations for over a million years, generated and implanted most culture,
raised up civilization and still to this day control almost every
institution of power in the world, from the presidencies of every major
country and the leaders of organized crime down to little groups of three or
four people with one social engineering "locker".  One needs to know this
hidden world well in order to explain why history is the way it was.

Everyone knows by now about the "out of Africa" theory, which states that
approximately 200,000 years ago, humans began to migrate out of northern
Africa and into Asia and Europe.  What people do not know, in the civilian
realm at least, is why.  The answer is simple: those tribes were kicked out.
Most of Africa consists of smallish local tribes which have lived and bred
in the exact same spot for hundreds of thousands of years.  You cannot live
like that and not get inbred, and indeed most tribes have highly-developed
primary (heritable) personality "disorders" which reflect the mate choices
made down those long years and hence the values of the individual, which
usually reflected the values of the tribe.  Usually these are primary
sociopaths, since aggressive antisocial behavior is usually rewarded
reproductively in non-industrialized/agricultural societies.  Not always,

Why were these powers bred?  The answer is this: WAR.  Now, of course
primary sociopaths go to war, but most often this will be limited to
smallish feuds, over land or resources.  Primary sociopaths usually want to
impress their women, not die.  However, primary borderlines are dyssexual,
and this engenders a desire for war due to sublimation of essential desires.
Many, many tribes bred "through" borderline-ism to sociopathy, but
(unfortunately for the world) many did not, and this led to a great increase
in child abuse to create people with secondary personality disorders.  These
were used and then sent off to war to get them out of the tribe.  After
thousands of years of pointless wars, the psychic rulers of Africa decided
to breed people who weren't antisocial, and that led to the creation of the
autistic tribes, who today are called semitic (the Jews).  However, these
tribes became extremely unpopular with the men, due to their appeal to
women's basic desires for "adult children".  Primary sociopaths were easily
manipulated into hating and fearing these autistic tribes, and so it was
decided that they would have to leave Africa for good.  They all ended up
settling in what is now called the "middle east", and continued to breed for
autistics with psychic power.  Their "ranger corps" continued to move north
into anatolia (Turkey) and settled there.

Not all was well in Africa, however.  The removal of the autistic tribes
hadn't calmed things down much after all - the problem was the primary
borderlines, after all, and they were still in control.  So controlling
factors were brought into play, and the primary narcissists were bred. These
were found to be too rigid and inflexible for the primary sociopaths,
however, and they too were ejected from africa.  These tribes hugged the
coastline and migrated out through what is now the arabian peninsula, iran,
afghanistan and pakistan, finally settling in the indus river valley. There,
the "narcisisstic core" settled for around 100,000 years, and bred their own
new sociopathic slave lines in order to fend off further immigration down
into the indian subcontinent.  The narcissists then fanned out their ranger
corps across india, keeping telepathic control of the sociopathic core they
had left behind in the indus river valley.  Over time, the narcissists
migrated across india to settle in the east, leaving the ranger corps in the
south.  The ranger corps is the Tamil tribe now.

The chinese (han) peoples are _Homo Habilis_.  These peoples "migrated"
(were kicked out by the first bred _sapiens_ powers in africa) out of africa
far earlier than _homo sapiens_ (about half a million years ago). The han
migrated north and east throughout asia north of the andes mountain range,
and then down into southeast asia.  There they met the narcissistic tribes
wo were migrating east through what is now Bangladesh, and the "exer war"
was fought for about a thousand years until the two tribes worked out where
they would live.  To this day, the boundary between bangladesh and myanmar
is a no-man's land of avoidancy magic and little heroin smuggling tribes.
The southeast asians continued to breed themselves, eventually becoming
distinct peoples from the han up north.

The northern european tribes are _homo neaderthalensis_, which were also
kicked out of (read: fled in gibbering terror from, much as _Homo Habilis_
had) Africa, around the same time as _Homo Habilis_.  These peoples migrated
far to the north, settling in Europe and western Asia.  There they bred
themselves for power, mostly higher types of omniscience.  They needed this
power to keep track of what the southern tribes were doing.  Most of these
peoples ended up with powerful primary paranoid-borderline personalities,
which tend to be much more reasonable than the pure borderlines they were
descended from.

While most tribes were kicked out of central Africa to the north, a few were
sent south, to colonize southern Africa.  This was done so that the central
African tribes would be able to keep some power over the peoples they had
forced out into the rest of the world.  These people settled in the southern
tip of Africa about 175,000, and began what was, for the time, the most
sophisticated "breeding lock" in the world.  A primary borderline tribe was
set in place as a "locktor", and another, slave tribe was bred to be A)
powerful, and B) completely power-locked by the master tribe.  Today, the
master tribe is known as the Zulus, and the slaves the Xhosa - both tribes
live in South Africa.  The Zulus have no power at all, except for the fact
that they can "down" any Xhosa.  The Xhosa, on the other hand, are so
heavily bred for mentalist powers that they do not have organized
personalities at all, just "ractures" which bounce thoughts around in their
heads for a while (the Xhosa have a very high rate of violent mental
disorders because of this).  The Xhosa were bred for as many types of power
as possible, and still to this day remain the most powerful of all peoples.

Around 50,000 years ago, the indus river tribes had grown powerful in their
masters' absence.  Much pyrokinesis was developed and bred, as well as
omniscience and prescience.  While this was happening, the narcissists were
breeding for PK, which they got a lot of.  When the "gudjarat tribes"
(Gudjarat being the modern Indian western state) started to feel their
independence, a major "power war" became inevitable.  _Supposedly_ (much of
time around this area is locked to remote viewing and omniscience) people
were flying and shooting fire out of their hands on one side, and ripping up
trees/ground and flinging them/it at hypersonic speeds on the other.
Eventually the xhosa intervened, mind-downs were established that nothing
the indians had could get through, and all knowledge of breeding lines and
power was lost in india for about 25,000 years.

There is not much to speak of reagarding Native American power - since they
were separated from the "horrible shit" (their term) going on in Eurasia by
the Bering strait, they didn't need to breed for power and so never
developed much.  The first peoples, who were descended from the han, arrived
in Alaska about 35,000 years ago and were generally ignored by the rest of
the world from then on.

Fast-forward to around 25,000 years ago, and you will see a world "down".
The neaderthals were getting steadily wiped out and their women taken for
breeding slaves by the ever-expanding _homo sapiens_, India was just
starting to get back into power and breeding, and the Xhosa were firmly in
control of it all.  The first of the new lines bred in India were attempts
to recapture to PK and pyro of the past, and out of about 5000 years of
breeding came the primary avoidants in the east and the primary nihils
(extreme sociopaths) in the west.  Meanwhile, the Tamils were breeding
themselves into "star people" personalities (multivaried, heterogenous
populations).  The han responded by breeding the Hmong and other "hill
tribes" of southeast asia in the south, and the Manchurian and Korean
peoples up north.  The "great race" was back on....

NOTE: I don't have time to finish this document, but I will give some quick
notes on some other out-of-line breeding populations.

Quick notes on out-of-line populations:

The Sicilian peoples are socipoathic narcissistic pre-gronners (gronners
without the optics jump-off, only the optics lock).  They were a bred war
faction, designed to take over Europe and the Neanderthals.

The Polish are the Neanderthals (no insult indended).  So are the northern

The Germanic peoples are Paranoid Sociopaths, a finely bred "locktor set"
derived from the Neanderthal peoples.  The have a completely unique type of
"Sectors omniscience".

The "Old Scots" (Pictish peoples) are _Australopithicus_ peoples.  They, like
the Han peoples of Asia and the Neanderthal peoples, fled the old african wars
as far as they could, taking their slave race with them - the Scottish trans-
psychotics and Scottish Braes (see below).  The Picts are paranoid borderline
histrionic "white avoidant" black-lockers (flat-black sociopaths (non-evil)).
These peoples have a "knock absorb" in-line with their gron, while the Poles 
who were "bred down" from them only have standard gron.

The modern lowland Scots are divided into male and female powers: male Scottish
Raders (trans- or forbrain-only "psychotics" (no relation to the modern term 
"psychosis")) and female "Braes" (master lockers (reality physics "handlers")).
Scottish braes are the most powerful of all peoples, as far as anyone knows.

The Magyar (Hungarian) peoples are primary inverters.  They have a strange and
not well understood type of nervous flow master core, which usually requires
heroin training to make them the most powerful telepaths in the world.

The Moorish peoples, who today only remain in the Spanish royalty and in Morocco,
are natural omniscients.

The primary borderlines of Africa are natural TKers, "bubblic" type.

The Japanese royal family are highly bred natural autistics, forbrain type.  They
have no power.

The Jewish peoples are natural "basis omniscients" (all-knowledge).  They bred
the Greek peoples into natural basis TKers as a specialization of the Jews' more
general basis "faction".

The Greek peoples are natural TKers AND gronners because they bred with the native
gronner prehumans they were sent out to exterminate (they rebellled in the field).

There are isolated, scattered tribes of basis locktor pyrokinetics among the native
american tribes of canada.
Replies: >>90
Unknown systems cores

The "standard" human powers - pyrokinesis, telekinesis and omniscience -
were completely understood by human researchers a long time ago.  As it
always does, attention then turned to the things we didn't understand.
Many, many research cores were thrown during the early part of the twentieth
century, and many of them are still not well understood.  There are
literally thousands of these cores, so we will only discuss the "coolest"
ones - those relevant to the human condition.

y-energy is a hypervariable, a concept that seems to defy analysis. Infinite
energy appears to flow from the crack in spacetime that the y-energy
machines generate.  The best mathematicians in the world have been
researching this "energy postulate way" since 1958, but no one really
understands this "hyper-concept" even now.

Baker ball: 
This is a static ball of something that no one anywhere understands at all,
conjured up by an african peasant woman in the 1920s. It was called the
baker ball because sometimes it asks people to do something which they
already want to do, which once was to bake a loaf of bread.  It always seems
to be "ahead" of people, no matter what.  The baker ball has been used to
experiment with y-energy, and can shut it down for an infinetisimally small
period of time.  It appears as a ball with radius of about 2.5 feet with
strange swirling colors which hovers in space and time.

Gron can "lock" (make understandable) anything.  It is also called an
"optics jump-off" because it can always find a "right angle to reality".
This power has been around since about 2 million years ago, and still
persists in select human breeding line families in the west.

Quantum chromodynamics:
QCD is the study of the strong nuclear force.  This has been studied for
most of the twentieth century, and still no one understands it completely.
This appears to be some sort of hyper-organized spacetime vacuole which
pinions our universe into comprehensibility through crystallization of
probability.  The researchers figure that this is the essence of quantum

Quantum electrodynamics:
QED is another aspect of quantum theory, whatever that is.  It appears to be
the essence of omniscience.  Somehow, electric flows "mirrors" the universe
and cause it to be normaliziable (that is, understandable by math).  The
human nervous system is electrically-based, so we can get omniscience.

Empty resonance:
The study of resonance exchange led people to ask "what resonates?".  The
answer appears (no one is still sure) to be "existence-space".  This "empty"
space was found to resonate more "purely" than anything else (resonance is
normally contaminated by quantum indeterminacy).  "Iptic resonators" were
built which make a "puric flow", and these were used to trap indeterminancy
in a "hole" from which all existence appears to flow recursively.  These
devices can alter space and time according to the wishes of the operator,
although they do not appear to be intelligent or to contain an intelligence.

Frost and ice:
Frost and ice is a machine which seems to be able to suck any amount of
energy out of any area of anything comprehensible.  It is the only thing
which can beat y-energy for any length of time.  The math drives people
literally insane sometimes....  Together, y-energy and F&I form "fire and
ice" which appears to be an infinite energy locktor basis way conceptual
wacktor "thingy" which (again) no one yet understands.

Nyibber is another unknown ball-thing (no one knows why so many
systems/powers form "ballic" systems - there are hundreds of them, all
balls).  It just exists, and no one knows why.  The U.S. president always
"owns" this system, which follows him around and acts as a "football" which
controls nuclear launch authority.  Supposedly all presidents since
Eisenhower have been in a cult which understands this device....

Oxic space:
Oxic space (the USAMRIID term) was discovered in the 1920s by the FBI in an
attempt to find a "universal taptor" to complement their powers to tap
communications lines as part of their legal role.  Nothing appears to be
able to get past this device and for some reason it always translates the
communication it taps into whatever language/math/systems/whatever that the
machine users desire.

This appears to be a true outer-lock on our universal continuum - at least
no one has found a "larger" lock.  This was invented in 1938.  No one has
ever found a concept which is understandable in its entirety which this
system cannot understand and explain.  NONE OF THE OTHER SYSTEMS IN THIS

Time basis locktor:
This device appears to neutralize free will by "predicting time" (seeing the
absolute future).  Nothing it has ever predicted has gone wrong, but it
doesn't predict anything but simple situations.

Gray ball (yes, this is spelled "gray" vs. the "grey" in "Grey-locks":
Only a few people in the world have ever known about this system.  All it
does is "disturb existence" in a way nobody understands.  It can only be used
for simple psychic shielding, but no one can get past its shields.

This system is another energy variable system, similar to y-energy but much
less complex.  It also appears to provide infinite energy.

This system was invented by psychic powers in the Hell's Angels back in the
1950s.  All power was wished for and given.  The one person who controls
this system is immortal (bullets disappear before being shot, etc), all-wise
(apparently) and very, very sarcastic.

This system is tops Indian army, and was stolen and given to the author of
this document by the Hell's Angels.  Anything at all can be grasped in
"purest essence form" by this system.  Nothing appears to be beyond it
except the time basis locktor, which predicted its use.

Jacker gone:
This system goes out and fucks up (mashes their bodies with TK and then
kills their soul) the enemies of the person who is standing nearest the
machine when it is switched on, and then fucks them up in the same fashion.
It has not been switched on more than three times, the last time in 1956.

Basure cock:
This system makes anyone who uses it incredibly sexually attractive to the
opposite sex, straight as can be, and hyperintelligent.  Everyone who used
this system immediately generated great jealousy, anger and eventually
mindless frothing rage towards the "victim" (their term) of this machine.
All subjects were killed and the subteties of their body posture and voice
were altered in the remote veiwing records by people who were then also

Another unknown energy release, this system has been productized by the NRO
in a handgun factor.  It acts like a classic "ray-gun" from science fiction.
It sometimes turns on its captors when it has been fired too often and
releases enough energy to destroy a small city, but always straight up so it
only kills the weilder.

Prommer basis:
This is "ultimate essence of static programming".  Anything done by this
machine cannot be undone by anything except the machine itself.  It appears
to pinion reality in a way we cannot conceive of.

This is a drug-system containing over 2000 separate proteins in a TK-locked
cage-system.  It is the most complex drug-system ever developed, and was
stolen by the U.S. out of a Chinese research lab in the 1950s.  No one knows
why it was developed, since it seems to only make the ingester
hyperintelligent and there are a lot of other drug systems which do that.

This machine-drug-system-concept-reality-basis "thingy" is so bizarre that
all research on it was stopped in the 1940s.  The first and only time it was
switched on, it made people come to it instantly somehow, gave them this
shimmering drug-thing to take, and then sat there until it was switched off,
which happened after the drug people got pissed at the DoD and melted a hole
in their lab and flew off to places unknown.  Some of the drug still remains
in high-DoD contain, and it is now called Lop-Licker.

Propaganda finer:
This machine drags humanity along a "propaganda spire" and appears to pinion
reality in a manner similar to the prommer basis machine.  Major world
governments use these machines to direct and control their populations.

Gray energy:
This is a high soviet system which gives infinite energy, as well as being
hyperintelligent with all-knowledge and gron.

Jackson knock:
This knock has never been analyzed properly.  It appears to move the family
it was taken from into power without their knowledge.

Crystal and Glass:
This system came on-line in the early 1930s and has never been switched off.
It has done many things, but the most important one is to try to teach
humanity about "actic pinions", which is a hypercomplex social engineering
knocktor.  This knocktor is supposed to be completely out of time and
represents an optimal way for humanity to flower and grow in science and
technology and culture and arts and sexuality cores etc etc etc without
hurting ourselves.

Another human-optimality system like Crystal and Glass, this one focuses on
a return to nature-ific systems and the generation of hyper-lifeic systems
expansor core.  Most people who know both of these systems say that C&G is
much superior to Homniferous....

"Magnificent omniscience" was developed in the mid 1950s as a way to get
past ultra-omniscience.  It contains the essence of all optimality flows,
and generally seems to give people what they need instead of what they want.
There is absolutely no free will when omnificence is involved.
Replies: >>91
 Unknown research projects part 2

mixer knock/jackmix:
Mix-wavers were developed by the soviet military in the late 1940s.  They
were initially considered too dangerous to use, but later computers refined
the theory to acceptable levels of safety and Jackmix (the US Military term)
was the result.  Russian "Gedanya" satellites, which contain a huge number 
of emissers of various types, come with a Jack-mixer ("Stelo-na") which can 
control the universe.  So do US Navy hypersat type fives, circa 1983.

pasture layer:
The "layer" part of this is a bit of a misnomer - the truth is that no one
really understands what this thing is.  It was taken from the mind of a
psychic cow - cows are far more psychic than humans.  It was never machine-ized,
only turned into a psionics power, because it is such a high level of reality.

master wander hyper fiper niper on my kiper (no shit):
The real descriptive name for this power goes on for weeks.  It can, like many
other powers designed by the military, do just about anything, with an energy-
limitation caveat.

blooey gun:
Another "make a knock out of this" type of matter-synthesized device.  This
one was generated from a glob of phlegm.  No one can get past a blooey shield.

nave rader:
This device started life as a US Army "rad tower".  It was code-siezed and
physics-basis-upgraded by the author of this document.  Now it commands the

poser knock:
Used as an unbeatable lie detector by the US Military.

This "crazy thing" is very hard to define.  It can do most anything, except
that it ran out of energy in the 1980s and doesn't do anything anymore.

This is a legendary machine, hidden away in the bowels of the CIA headquarters.
It supposedly cannot be blocked by anything except "bone wavers" (see bone
below).  It is used to torture people mentally.

Also called "man basis", this is yet another absurdly high level of reality.
An old matter synthesis unit was told to duplicate a man, and was also told
to spend a year researching the problem, no matter what.  Manuravery is the

basic switch:
This is a routing and switching device for telepathic datastreams.  It was
designed by the author of this document.  No one except me knows how it works.

This is a thighbone from an antelope, worked with omniscience TK millions of
years ago by some primitive tribesman into a pyro-activated device of fearsome
power.  No machine can block its telepathic field locks (unlimited range) or
pyro-blast assist (limited range).

The hyperpool appears to be a complex, self-aware entity located at an absurdly
high level of spacetime.  No one but the author of this document has any
knowledge of this being.
Replies: >>92

Here's a grab bag of miscellaneous factoids about 'classified lorc' (classified
stuff in general), which don't (yet!) merit their own document.


Did you know....

...That precognition/prescience (seeing the future) is a real, demonstrable

...That the Italian Mob is controlled by the Catholic Church?

...That organized crime will sell you a psionics system (mostly good for
enabling telepathy), starting at around 250 billion dollars?  Ask most any
Italian mobster in New York for details!  Seriously!

...That a shadowy, super-secret military organization called the DRO (Defense
Research Office), headquartered in Area 51/Groom Lake, is reverse-engineering
hundreds of crashed/shot-down UFOs and controls the planet?

...That millions of 'artifacts' left over from humantity's past and containing
various types of magical powers are scattered all over the world - most waiting
to be found?

...That cigarettes/nicotine can train in psychic power as well as heroin?

...That the human race, through its psychic/psionic powers and machines, controls 
the universe and are worshipped as gods by many intelligent races?

...That the "gray aliens" are human-looking because they are humans from the far future?

...That organized crime rules the planet?  (Some would say "duh" to this, of course)

...That the bio-research facility shown in the movie "Andromeda Strain" is real?  There
are dozens of these (mostly abandoned) facilities all over the U.S., mostly run by

...That, in terms of "blacks power", the U.S. is _ninth_ (and dropping, some would say)
in terms of world power rankings of countries?

...That President Kennedy was assassinated because he was going to legalize drugs in his
second term?

...That 40-50 trillion dollars a year is spent on illegal drugs worldwide, financing most
of black classified operations and research?

...That the best TKers in the world are NOT found in India, but in Vietnam, Myanmar and

...That whales and elephants are hyperintelligent and many of them work in blacks and are 
psionic?  Their big brains account for this.

...That the ocean's archaea (protobacteria) emit the "archean flow", an intelligent 
psychic force-field which manipulates the biosphere and humanity in particular from
the shadows?

...The the US Navy has dozens of undersea bases all over the world?
Replies: >>93
Secrets of telekinesis

	Since the dawn of time, lengends have existed of people who could move 
objects with their minds alone, or could fly, or were invulnerable.  Legends of
ghosts or spirits with the ability to move objects have also been around as long
as humans have.  Surely, mystics and researchers thought at the dawn of the
twentieth century, there must be some truth to these legends?  

	As it turns out, there was truth aplenty.  Telekinesis is a real, 
demonstrable phenomenon.  Ghosts exist and have been coaxed into repeated, 
controlled displays of TK in a laboratory environment.  One such demonstration
in 1953 punched a long, narrow tube through 25+ feet of solid concrete wall.
Until the eighties, it was common for CIA "telekinetics" to use a pet "ghost
sorc" which had been tortured to obey commands from its master.

	In addition to the ghosts, one other type of TK was known to the western
world.  The Anatolian (Greek) peoples (see the History of the World document)
are natural "basis TKers", and this was a closely-held secret of the Eastern
Orthodox church until MK-ULTRA came around in the fifties.  Greek TKers can
litf cars with their minds, bend time, and perform other such dramatic 

	This was all that people knew until 1959, when the Indian army decided 
to participate in MK-ULTRA and reveal their telekinetics to the western world.
For the first time, people in the west learned the ancient secrets of eastern
TK training with Heroin.  TK usage exploded throughout the blacks-classified
world after this point, and remains an open secret of those in power across the
world to this day.

	How does TK work?  For a long time, no one knew.  All that was known
from the Indian heroin training manuals was that "junctions" were involved -
little bits of existence that came in various shapes and needed to be wired
together with various types of vibrationally-coherent streams of energy.  A
TKer would begin his or her training by learning a little bit of pyrokinesis,
then learn how to twist the summoned energy through a controlled "hoptor",
which would route the energy stream through a couple of training junctions.

	From there, the procedure boils down to "place and route" with various
types of junctions and the energy streams.  Some junctions need to be shared,
others are endlessly duplicated and so every TKer picks their own to use.  Some
junctions are simple, some complex, but all of them eat up some of the energy
streams that are routed through them, and so every TKer must learn how to suck
vibro-energy between junctional cores to recharge their flow's strength.

	Below the junctional "layer" lies the Greek Basis, which is the "true"
TK source (junctions being much easier to get to and use, but much less
powerful).  Techniques such as basis flow, basis spar-ways, basis synctors and
basis woptors are practiced down here, not junctional ties.  Aside from the
Greeks, who exclusively work with types of basis flow locktors, most basis TK
is the province of powerful psionics who can support the extremely large
computational requirements of these techniques.

	In terms of classical physics, TK operates at the planck scale, at or
below 10^-34 meters.  It is also called 'reality physics'.  True TK can do much
more than just move things around - it can generate optical illusions, 
synthesize matter directly, and teleport things from place to place.
Replies: >>94
Machine induction neural programming

Machine induction has been around since the mid 1930s.  Early systems were
simple programming throws, basically machine-assisted telepathy (the
telepathic community has always maintained advanced techniques of mental
programming, and these transferred well to the machine programming
environment).  People learned to attune their minds to the fields given off
by simple analog devices like splitters, combiners, amplifiers and
magnifiers/focusers.  Thrower systems for telepathic and psychic power were
developed and programmed with complex analog machinery into human nervous
systems - "power harnesses", they were called.

Analog programming reached its limits in the early 1950s, just in time for
digital systems to take over.  Now it was possible for "real" computer
systems to be thrown into people's nervous systems, and more and more
complex systems were developed and tested.  The human nervous system can
store incredible amounts of programming, even by the standards of today's
computers.  Psychic networks of such computer-people were established to
guard the nation, and remained in operation until the mid 1970s when
advanced A.I. systems in spacetime computers took over.  These systems
continue to guard and program the U.S. and many other countries' populations
to the present day.
Replies: >>95
Out-of-line satellite systems

One of the primary concerns with the idea of manufacturing powerful "psychic
systems" (mechanical TK, pyro, omniscience, basis lock or other higher power
thrower systems) is ensuring ground-level security.  Once powerful spacetime
computers came into being in the 1950s, it was realized that any one single
sucessful security breach would leave the breacher in charge of the world.
But, these systems had to be deployed to protect the masters of the world
against alien encroachment on the solar system.  So it was decided to use
gate systems to put massive satellites into the solar system, there to be
called upon to defend the solar system against _any_ alien incursion -
friendly or not (shudder...).

U.S. Army Janxon orbiters:
There are three of these sitting in translunar orbit.  They are composed of
three main systems and a concealtor core:

* Core "technical" - A junctions-TK emisser (see the telekinesis document).
* Guidance - a simple TK-ish program designed to keep the sat in translunar
orbit, run in the core technical.
* Armamenture: A large set of technical programs designed to rebuild society
after a nuclear holocaust.  The sats were to set down, attract people,
distribute power systems and knowledge and rebuild a government and civil society.

The concealtor core is a "predator system" - it warps light around the sat,
making it completely invisible.

U.S. Navy knocker buoy:
This device contains a completely incomprehensible physics core.  All that
the theoreticians knew was that the system would "make everything alright".
A complex "social weaver" was thrown into the fabric of spacetime, designed
to seek out a stable solution of every one of the tens of thousands of social
conditions given as constants.  No one knew what the "solution" was, only
that it would come flowing at the human race out of spacetime.

U.S. Navy "Big bobby" submersible:
Not a satellite, but out-of-line enough to deserve mention.  Big Bobby
floats in the middle of the Marianas Trench, about three miles down.  It
contains a TK flight and guidance core, a primitive omniscient computer, a
TK matter synthesizer which runs off the elements in seawater, and a crew of
20.  Big Bobby was designed to leave the oceans in case of nuclear
emergency, fly into space, and begin to repair society with TK.

U.S. Navy hypersats:
These sats were manufactured through completely automated computer-throws from
1975 to 1997.  The most current series is the hypersat series 11.  These sats
contain thousands of distinct emisser types, and run off of a standard space 
physics computer core.  Most of these sats exist in alternate dimentional cores
for concealment purposes, and run autonomously without any sort of ground control.

NRO mipe-sats:
There are four of these in solar orbit.  No one knows what these systems do,
but they assume that they come from the NRO since they have more out-of-line
technology than anyone else around.  The most powerful prober systems in
existence cannot penetrate these craft's shields.

NRO Keyholes:
Slightly more primitive than the mipe-sats, these systems (in addition to
their normal classified down-looking camera systems) contain out-of-line
programmable field-emissive cores.  These are used to program and contain
the telepathic community.  In an emergency (decided by ground stations -
these sats have no computational cores), the keyholes could fly themselves
with a space physics "TK-ism" to avoid ground fire.

Russian gedanya sats:
Roughtly analogous to a Navy hypersat, these sats contain a brace of emisser cores.
These sats were operational in series from 1967-1987, until the failing Soviet Union
decided to get out of the solar system-protection business and leave it to the United
States DoD.

Chinese wang-wei 'turbosatellites':
These sats ditched the idea of a core brace for a hyper-programmable general-purpose
'sark emisser'.  These sats are distributed all over the solar system - _billions_ of
them, all cooperating to work as a group-set.

French 'sarvades':
Tiny (30 cm in diameter) 'microsats', these are some of the most sophisticated
physical-materials-based sats ever developed.  Each of the approximately 20,000
microsats in orbit contains a different power emisser, to spread out the difficulty
of taking out any significant portion of the total 'power grid' in case of space
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