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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival

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post your national flag, heres mine.
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added plus like 14 gorgilion more flags
>It's unknown
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threads moved.
anyways here's my flag(s) again

I forgot this board exists

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>swedish win

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swedish win

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>>>/meta/12323 (You)
>new boards that are getting the boot

>Rule 3
>>>>/brimmy/ 'cord/

>Rule 1
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>>>/meta/11526 (You)
>a no rules /b/ board would just devolve into how nu 4cuck/b/ is: porn dump coal that's influenced by discord servers.
>If you want that, 4chan has you covered. If you want something of higher quality, some level of moderation is necessary. Ideally this moderation would be user-selected rather than ingrained into a site, but again, peerchan isn't finished so we can't get that.

>Allowing board registration will at least permit users that are interested in certain topics to moderate themselves. Low PPD is not a bad thing in itself, so long as its consistent and the content is of high quality.

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>>>/meta/11523 (You)
>if it increases overall PPH, then I may need more global jannies, but I think that it'll be fine for now.

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>>>/meta/11516 (You)
>ev&o the idea isn't that bad besides all the bad parts
>because i'm not kuzzykins and I don't want to institute a new change without asking the site's userbase first.
>so long as your dustlita board doesn't violate the global rules of the site, I'll tolerate it.
>if it gets out of hand though, I'll put an end to the board.
>ev&o that's thefrogpond
>also @frogs why haven't you added the webring plugin so we can be xister sites
>hence why it's not being used right now

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>>>/meta/11486 (You)
>Possibly opening up board registration 
>Hello everyone, I think It's finally time that this site discusses opening board registration, so 'teens can host their own boards about their own topics with their own moderators, however I would like to discuss some rules for these boards, both in content allowed on them and permitted subject matter:

>Global rule changes
>Rules 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will all remain in effect as they are now and will apply globally.

>Rules 2 and 4 will be moved to be local board rules on every board that I currently manage (/soy/, /qa/, /sneed/, /art/, etc.)

>These changes should give board owners more flexibility in their style of moderation and the community they wish to create.

>Improvements to the "What is allowed" section of the rules to note specifically protected content that may appear on all boards, i.e, soyjaks. 

>failure to enforce global rules will lead to the board in question being suspended or seized.

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>>>/meta/12888 (You)
>>nothing of value would've been lost if i deleted your gay comic threads and rangebanned your ips
>I wouldn't care now, I'm not a whiney little retard like you who wants everything his way because "we have to be like 4chan!!"
>>what i want is a community that developing on its own without any interference from tranny jannies, that's exactly what happened after board registration was first introduced, too bad @admin is just too much of a reddictcuck to let people have any fun.
>yeah you said that plenty of times but who actually listens to you?

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