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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th
report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival
Due to CP spam attacks, the DNSBL will be re-enabled.

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>First (few) Month(s) plan
>If the first week is survived, and many of the main issues are under control, greater problems can be dealt with:
>Setting up a system for monetizing the site. Soyjak.party was always a money pit, and because of that, it could never keep the lights on or its admins caring. Offering a monetary reason to keep the site going will help pay developers, keep me focused on maintaining the site, and keep me away from conventional work (which will eat up time for working on and moderating jakparty.soy).
>Deploying CSAM-Buster is a top prioirty. It's a project to help small websites build their own anti-CSAM databases akin to what NCMEC has, along with allowing them to quickly share hashes to beat back the CP menace. The goal was to originally work with soyjak.party to get the system running, but this fell through. Setting the system up on jakparty.soy and offering it to other website operators will help everyone long-term.
>Rolling back the bans on NSFW content and any range bans.
>Increasing the tolerated amount of PPH
>If there is still a CSAM problem at this point, implementing a system where only account-holding users may post unverified images. Non-account holding individuals will be able to select pre-approved images (anything on the booru should fall under this category). Lock account registration during particularly cancerous times. Actually implementing this will come down to user opinion on /meta/, as the emergency provisions may be enjoyed by most users.
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