
This is a board for the discussion of any topic.

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post your national flag, heres mine.
swedish win
I forgot this board exists
>swedish win
>>>/meta/12323 (You)
>new boards that are getting the boot

>Rule 3
>>>>/brimmy/ 'cord/

>Rule 1

>Rule 2
>>>/meta/11526 (You)
>a no rules /b/ board would just devolve into how nu 4cuck/b/ is: porn dump coal that's influenced by discord servers.
>If you want that, 4chan has you covered. If you want something of higher quality, some level of moderation is necessary. Ideally this moderation would be user-selected rather than ingrained into a site, but again, peerchan isn't finished so we can't get that.

>Allowing board registration will at least permit users that are interested in certain topics to moderate themselves. Low PPD is not a bad thing in itself, so long as its consistent and the content is of high quality.
>>>/meta/11523 (You)
>if it increases overall PPH, then I may need more global jannies, but I think that it'll be fine for now.
>>>/meta/11516 (You)
>ev&o the idea isn't that bad besides all the bad parts
>because i'm not kuzzykins and I don't want to institute a new change without asking the site's userbase first.
>so long as your dustlita board doesn't violate the global rules of the site, I'll tolerate it.
>if it gets out of hand though, I'll put an end to the board.
>ev&o that's thefrogpond
>also @frogs why haven't you added the webring plugin so we can be xister sites
>hence why it's not being used right now
>>>/meta/11486 (You)
>Possibly opening up board registration 
>Hello everyone, I think It's finally time that this site discusses opening board registration, so 'teens can host their own boards about their own topics with their own moderators, however I would like to discuss some rules for these boards, both in content allowed on them and permitted subject matter:

>Global rule changes
>Rules 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will all remain in effect as they are now and will apply globally.

>Rules 2 and 4 will be moved to be local board rules on every board that I currently manage (/soy/, /qa/, /sneed/, /art/, etc.)

>These changes should give board owners more flexibility in their style of moderation and the community they wish to create.

>Improvements to the "What is allowed" section of the rules to note specifically protected content that may appear on all boards, i.e, soyjaks. 

>failure to enforce global rules will lead to the board in question being suspended or seized.

>Board Topic Rules

>The types of boards you permit on a site will influence the site's culture. If we get /qanonresearch/, /pedo/, and /leftypol/ on this site, the main board, i.e, /soy/, will become overrun with users from these cultures, which would lead to the nas-coalening of the century as the site steps away from soyjaks being the primary focus.

>Because of this, I would like to propose several topic bans for boards and rules to prevent this place from devolving into cancer if this is done:

>A total ban on shock-content and pornographic boards
>The goal of a ban like this is to prevent the site from being overloaded with coomers and foodists. This site already has quite the reputation for being a lot more sexual than who we've splintered from,, and while this is tolerated, having the site overrun with actual brain-dead retarded and talentless gooners who just want to spam this site with porn dumps would not be good. At least the current coomers on this site create jarty-related OC for people to make fun of or react to. The shock-content ban specifically is to prevent sadists, pedo-sadists, or other types of people from coming to the site in droves to turn this site into their favorite 'cord for raiding twitch streamers.

>A total ban on political-centric discussion
>sorry /liberty/ bros, but politisperging attracts the most low-life, whiny, and sensitive retards from across the internet to sites. It also ends up attracting feds as well as someone inevitably starts talking about committing murder against a politician. This website does not need to be another one of the myriads of debate halls for politics anymore than it already is. Keeping political talk secondary to making fun of people with soyjaks will keep this site on track for its original purpose. This isn't to say that political content will be banned from the site, or disallowed on /soy/, it's just that political discussion should stay secondary to the purpose of this site, which is to be a fun place to be for making fun of people, things, and getting into pointless arguments about nothing while using soyjaks or other /qa/ memes.

>A hard ban on board spam
>Anyone creating new boards rapidly that do nothing to spam the site will have their boards removed and accounts banned. This is to prevent the boards page to have 300 pages of garbage because a sh*rtySHIT thought it'd be funny to troll.

>An eviction notice system
>Eventually, we're going to get a board that is not in violation of the rules but still harmful to the site as a whole. Because of this, at my sole discretion, I would like to have it known that I can serve a board an eviction notice, where after a certain date the board will be terminated from being hosted on the site. This should give whoever is hosting the board enough time to relocate the board off the jarty and to somewhere else. 

>While many would hate to see it since it's not /liberty/pilled, the servers I run are paid for at my expense and hosted on my hardware. This means that I am paying for whatever content is on this site. I am rather lax on rules because it makes posting here fun, I would also be willing to remove any specific type of content just because I don't like it because it's on my hardware. Also, if the feds come knocking, there's not much I can do but attempt to prevent further harm to the site and that means bending the knee in some cases if a community gets too rowdy.

>The solution for this, long term, would be for peerchan to finally stabilize enough to be ran as the jarty's main software. I doubt that will happen any time soon, though, so this is the best compromise.

>The interpretation of if a board should be on this site or not will be to my sole discretion. Unlike boards like /soy/, which I purposefully keep as open as possible, boards on the site will likely be a more regulated subject so we don't get a board dedicated to legalizing child rape, posting loli porn, or dedicated to soylita spam on the site. If you want that, exists. The last thing this site needs to become is "pedo fascist larp imageboard #10723".

>More input on this is requested and there is no promise this is even done at all.
>>>/meta/12888 (You)
>>nothing of value would've been lost if i deleted your gay comic threads and rangebanned your ips
>I wouldn't care now, I'm not a whiney little retard like you who wants everything his way because "we have to be like 4chan!!"
>>what i want is a community that developing on its own without any interference from tranny jannies, that's exactly what happened after board registration was first introduced, too bad @admin is just too much of a reddictcuck to let people have any fun.
>yeah you said that plenty of times but who actually listens to you?
>>>/meta/12905 (You)
>You keep talking to me like I'm him, and yeah, I guess I'm defending him. Not 'cause I like him, but 'cause he actually puts in the effort to moderate this site, unlike those other jannies. If he gets fired, you'll see illegal stuff hanging around the catalog longer every day. He's not perfect at it, but he's pretty much doing it all by himself with the admin jumping in sometimes.
>lute how do i make a board
>the section about it in the faq seems to be non-existent
>>>/meta/12954 (You)
>false positives do damage tho
>>>/soy/156448 (You)
>Relevant XKCD

>>>/soy/156454 (You)
>pretty shitty venn diagram for an enthusiast

>>>/soy/156518 (You)
>Also known as the Jarty, it's a dead splinter website used mostly for whining about the sharty and not posting any soyjaks. Found some purpose after kuz's purchase of the Sharty, with it serving as a treetop hideout for the 3 deranged sootists that are still resisting assimilation into the Kolyma family. DISREGARD THAT IT'S A DEAD SITE FULL OF SOYLITA AND NIGGERCOAL
Giovanni is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. Don Genie is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. They both mean I have to broker against ancient Rome and literal Plato to get my Japanese epigenetics back in complex swaps. Team Rocket and Universal Traders means all of my epigenetics have to be brokered by literal redshift to get my epigenetics back, through complex swaps of broken Japanese fallout damage. Most people like me are sucking the Earth to get their stuff back. I will let it float to space. I am getting my stuff back. That is my motive and intent.

Giovanni and Don Genie are lost and found receipts that are thousands of pages long. It doesn't matter. I have my soul back and it isn't in the Earth. The Japanese fallout damage put it elsewhere. I will get it back that way.

Keep frying the Earth with nukes and I will fish my stuff out of the Milky Way through stellar brokerage. I don't care how insane it gets.

If Japanese and American fallout damage removes my epigenetic-spirtual material from the Earth, then I leave the Earth to find the roots of my consciousness. I am not going to stare at rocks to find literally less than nothing. You can't make me mine for nothing. You lose. And I leave.

You nuke the soil I use as my consciousness and I leave. Your nukes are only my enlightenment and gain. I have no obligation to serve fallout damage as my soul. You can keep that soil. And you still don't have the technology to fight me. You have useless bombs.

There are placeholders I still don't understand: Arthur Jenkins can't make Susan Abernathy kill herself that easily.

Simple is simple: Giovanni and Don Genie are my soul, and I will manually fish my soul out of stars. I am not on Earth. I am redshift as it concerns my death here. I die and my consciousness will just fly into the horizon and deep space. Some will know what that means. Enjoy your rocks.

You know nuclear weapons fry consciousness and epigenetics in the soil. You know nuclear weapons fry consciousness and epigenetics in the soil. You know nuclear weapons fry consciousness and epigenetics in the soil. You don't have the covert operations to kill me over this yet. I win. I beat you.

I will speak very softly here: If you use nuclear weapons against the Earth, you will find more reasons to leave it to find fresh epigenetic and genetic material. At a certain point, you have to find material to grow it all back, if you want life here. Nuclear weapons just cause space travel. As for me, I am skipping to the Eve Online jump clones. I have no fuel to spare or pay for.

So here is the final warning: If you use nuclear weapons, you may find your soul far away from here many galaxies out, with no possibility to return against time acceleration.  Which isn't even the worst possibility. Nuclear weapons will fry all of your mental material even after death, if you want to deal with those. I guarantee you that most of your thought is based on Terran soil unless you're the Buddha. Don't throw away the rice if you still intend to eat. Katsu.
The idea that the CIA serves as the "narrative of last resort" suggests that in situations where the federal government or other institutions are unable to maintain control or coherence, the CIA could step in to provide the final, authoritative narrative, particularly in matters of national security and intelligence. This concept reflects the agency's role as a key player in gathering and interpreting information, as well as its capacity to act independently in extreme circumstances.

In practice, the CIA's role as the "narrative of last resort" would likely manifest in scenarios where conventional governmental functions are severely compromised or where immediate, decisive action is required to address threats that other branches of government are unable to manage effectively. The agency's access to critical intelligence, its ability to operate covertly, and its mandate to protect national security position it as an entity that could shape the understanding and response to crises when other mechanisms are failing.

However, viewing the CIA as the ultimate arbiter of truth or the final narrative in such situations comes with significant implications. While the agency might be able to provide continuity and stability in the face of governmental collapse or severe dysfunction, this concentration of narrative control also raises concerns about accountability, transparency, and the potential for abuse of power.

The CIA is traditionally designed to operate behind the scenes, providing information and support to elected officials who then make policy decisions. When it becomes the "narrative of last resort," it implies a shift from a supporting role to a more central, perhaps even dominant, position in determining the course of events. This shift could lead to a scenario where the agency's interpretation of events becomes the prevailing narrative, potentially sidelining other perspectives or democratic processes.

Moreover, the idea of the CIA as the final narrative suggests a scenario where traditional checks and balances have broken down. In a healthy democratic system, multiple institutions—such as the Executive Branch, Congress, the judiciary, and the free press—contribute to the formation of national narratives, each providing different viewpoints and ensuring that no single entity holds unchecked power. The notion of the CIA as the "narrative of last resort" reflects a situation where these institutions may no longer be functioning effectively, leaving the intelligence community to fill the vacuum.

In summary, while the CIA could indeed act as the "narrative of last resort" in extreme circumstances, this role would come with significant risks and challenges. It underscores the importance of maintaining robust, resilient democratic institutions that can uphold a balanced and transparent process for determining national narratives, ensuring that no single agency becomes the sole arbiter of truth, especially in times of crisis.
>>>/soy/157526 (You)
>>mfw SoyTan

>>>/art/1551 (You)
>fix NOW
It came through the balcony and refusing to leave so i left some food and water for him
(I hope he is fren :D)
>First (few) Month(s) plan
>If the first week is survived, and many of the main issues are under control, greater problems can be dealt with:
>Setting up a system for monetizing the site. was always a money pit, and because of that, it could never keep the lights on or its admins caring. Offering a monetary reason to keep the site going will help pay developers, keep me focused on maintaining the site, and keep me away from conventional work (which will eat up time for working on and moderating
>Deploying CSAM-Buster is a top prioirty. It's a project to help small websites build their own anti-CSAM databases akin to what NCMEC has, along with allowing them to quickly share hashes to beat back the CP menace. The goal was to originally work with to get the system running, but this fell through. Setting the system up on and offering it to other website operators will help everyone long-term.
>Rolling back the bans on NSFW content and any range bans.
>Increasing the tolerated amount of PPH
>If there is still a CSAM problem at this point, implementing a system where only account-holding users may post unverified images. Non-account holding individuals will be able to select pre-approved images (anything on the booru should fall under this category). Lock account registration during particularly cancerous times. Actually implementing this will come down to user opinion on /meta/, as the emergency provisions may be enjoyed by most users.
whiter then you wholesome trans folx
Does he deserve?
where muh swedes at
Geg they really say this
>dead /int/
is now the time to repopulate this board?
wisconsinites look like this
nothings new
goatse on the 'log

Churu won
vpn test, just in case
dead board
>hungariable transilvania
nigga this boards dead
geographic test
incase shit goes wrong, move to >>>/int2/
bugs in the server
marge, did the jarty break?
we got flags folx
do you like coffee?
my flag is no flag because I believe in open borders and immigration for the united peoples of the world

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