/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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what the actual fuck, a three day ban for a fucking joke?
(they banned me for the obviously fake lolita palace bookmark in case you're confused)

censorship is so high on the sharty you cant even post fucking jokes anymore
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i posted a screenshot that included picrel and they didn't ban me. it's weird how they pick and choose what to ban
i remember during the kuz era someone did something similar when he disabled post deletion
i may be misremembering but even kuz didn't ban the poster
Replies: >>12859
pretty sure we are remembering the same thing here, it was in a /nwg/ drug thread and someone posted a pic of like darknet markets and it had like a bookmark tab similar to OP
really, only permanent bans should be handed out for "advocacy, promotion of, or posting of pedophillia and pedophillic content". 

if they were actually confident that the poster is a pedophile there would be no hesitation to permaban but they feel the need to cuck out and be fence sitting fags
Replies: >>12869
TSMT, if they actually thought i had a real 'P bookmark why the fuck did they only give me a 3 day ban
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