/sharty/ - Off-site soyjak.party meta

Cry about the sharty here

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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th

report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival


I have a new information that Gigo89/nico trying to impersonate me (fail again award) on Soyjak wiki and Seething in here. and Actually i don't ever have a wiki account yet. My "Niggersquid" Account only exist in Gembooru and Soybooru, not on wiki (Lazy albeit, if i create a wiki account i don't use that name). Because of this i will Clarificate that's NOT me you Retarded Nigger!1!1! During this Ramadan (even though i'm Christian and i live in puerto rico which had little to no muslim) i'm busy for a new Splinter project so i have no time to use imageboard during this ramadan Eve. 

>Who is Gigo89/Nico?
I heard this Polandian are Joel/Warlock arch-enemies, which is based. But also really hates me and trying to ruin my reputation (i tried to hijack swedishwin but because this nigger i fail) and also a Sperging ESL. I also heard that he's also impersonating me on soygem.party after CodeCaca incident (which i was already banned) and posting Splatoon while i was hiatus on every imageboard (expect my splinter project). and If you're found splatoon post on sharty, jarty or shemmy during ramadan, that's not me, but actually Gigo89 try to impersonate me. Beside impersonating me, he's also impersonating jokerfag and alunyafag on Shemmy 

>Things that Gigo89 likes :
- Vocaroo-chan (due to created by crimsonvoidhydra1488)
- Dragonjak (Same as above)
- Avatarfagging as Gigachad
- Joker
- Alunya
- Poland
- Vtuber
- Splatoon
- "OCs" (or something)
- Kelly (Deviantart dust created by a pro-MAP Autist)
- Moon man (only in /pol/)
- Palestine 
- LARPing as Commie/Leftist
- Antifurteen and Crimsonvoidhydra1488 (his best friend)
- Feralteen
- Mameson
- Npestajak/'Pesta
- Colorjak
- Soytan (before Shemmy exist/when he's on Jarty)
- Soysuba
- Skibidi Toilet 
- /nate/posting
- LARPing as Oldfag
- Editing 'Wiki

>Things that Gigo89 hates :
- Brown Troonjak
- Slopjak
- Countrywar
- Cobbert 
- Swedishwin/Swinny
- Joel 
- Tefal ('Wiki janny)
- The Bulgarian (FnF pedo Creator)
- Boogeyman Hunting (Especially FnF Pedo)
- Frootist
- Euromutt 
- 'Zellig
- Discord 
- Twitter/Xitter
- Never Goon Minion (due to being a Xitter Coal)
- Being called a ESL
- ESL Derangement Syndrome (TRVTHnuke mental illness but he's too obsessed and can't give a evidence)
- TCOAAL (due to sperging 'Corder TCOAALfag on shemmy)
- All Glitch Production stuff
- Vivziepop Stuff
- Dodorex (a ESL Sperging Swedishwin nametroon who try to doxx me and Captain Cob)
- Soytan (after leaving jarty and joining shemmy)
- Soylita/Shoyta (He's will sperging when found it)
- Baldi's basic (Since Joel likes it)
- Israel and Zionist
- Me (of course)
Last edited by ack
Replies: >>15921 >>17316
literally who
shit nobody heard about gem
Holy shit
>>15899 (OP) 
Gigo89 here, yeah i impersonate you because you're a autistic who obsessed with retarded splatter kid game
Replies: >>15924 >>16033
Replies: >>16033
sperg wars
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Clarification : this is not me, this is just impersonating gigo89 to tarnish my name
>>15899 (OP) 
>- Kelly (Deviantart dust created by a pro-MAP Autist)
meds, it was ((( @stardust_2114 ))) who made kelly
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