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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

We need to get rrrid of xer.
rent-free in your brain skajyos won
MoralGODS and soyteens are rent free in your head, cordtranny
Replies: >>158782
Found a coalony discorder
Replies: >>158782
>>158775 (OP)  (You)
>>158777 (You)
>18 minutes between each post

try harder next time, nobody even cares anymore.
Replies: >>158811
why are you so obsessed with me gigo? 
you don't even like jarty you just use it to complain about shemmy >>>/qa/5305 or beg someone to make you a sharty splinter (because you consider jarty a dead site)
i did nothing other than allowing people to have fun 
@ack was the tranny janny who banned you for namefagging/avatarfagging >>>/sharty/15899 don't you hate it when that happens? 

there're already 3 posters in this thread, the text only op >>158775 (OP)  clearly posted this thread as a satire, at least i think it is 
and the 'lita avatarfag >>158777 supporting me for the obvious reasons 
and there's gigo89 >>158779 >>158780, if you don't believe me just check his ip, he's responsible for majority of the esl redtext here 
and there's you, the seething tranny janny who think i'd just sit here and posting about myself all day, in fact you're the ones that can't stop mentioning my name
nigger i know it's you skajyos 
go back to QAfe nigger
Replies: >>158822
you know @ack banned you for "avatarfagging" as your euromutt oc right? 
and what's my account if i'm really in qafe? where's your proof?
Who is gigo? your boogeyman is useless kys QAfe pedophile
Replies: >>158822
Troonhou WNBAG
Pedocord gayop like you must be doxxed seriously, you are worse than any QAfe member
Replies: >>158822
Skajyos is unironically such a fucking faggot.
Replies: >>158813
worse than being a faggot, this commiepedotroon is a discorder and QAfe psyop, a pedocord
Replies: >>158814 >>158822
Oh yeah he mentioned he browses leftypol too. He’s like a caricature of everything the soysphere hates.
Replies: >>158822
holy esl normie newfaggotry
Replies: >>159246
>>158775 (OP) 
we need to get rid of tranny janny rageKIKE and his esl shemmy-afterparty sisters
Replies: >>158826 >>158828
What is the closest way of contacting LUTE?
Replies: >>158827 >>158834
maybe we can help find more about xir in order to get rid of that pedo - PINGAS MAN!
Skajyos samefag
send an email
Dox xim
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Replies: >>159153
Mods reveal this pedophile IP
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Replies: >>159246
kys Lvivpedo
Go to jail
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what is rumored to be xher 'cord account
- KellyGOD
Replies: >>159357 >>159360
No, I'm not skajyos you brainlet.
Replies: >>159360
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in fact i will reiterate, me and bu5t have no contact with skajyos on Discord or any other platform.  The closest we have spoken was here, whoever "babataco" is, he is retarded if he thinks skajyos helped me with anything on the shemmy. All help I got was from the colony
Replies: >>159399
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Replies: >>159362
hi skajyos
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skayjos you're the reason soyteens think that people who browse the jarty are pedos please kys
Replies: >>159414
Looks like his cord sisters are backing him up
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op here. skajyos lost
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