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[New Thread] will be closing on September 20th
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>>>/meta/14137 (You)
>You're right, I could try my hardest to make this site fun to post on. I could do events and gimmicks and other stuff, but ultimately that won't bring the site back to what it originally intended to be: a continuation of the soyjak posting on soot's sharty. That's what brought me enjoyment and now it's no longer here.

>Also, that would take a lot of time and effort to do. Time and effort that I could put into other projects that are more fulfilling for me. I know I will eventually try my hand at a community online again (this isn't my first and it won't be my last), but it likely won't be soyjak related.

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>>>/meta/14165 (You)
>when effortful, they're funny. but the low effort spam sucks.
>imageboards suck since it's hard to remove undesirables because of how plentiful proxies are. don't start one if you do something  online.
>im sorry man, but the sites just not fun anymore

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>>>/meta/14255 (You)

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>>>/meta/14702 (You)
>the only people who would buy it would likely be a discord user just trying to turn use it to attention whore and not an oldGOD wanting to revive 'jakking. it would have been coal.
>the only way i  would maybe change my mind is to de-soyify the jarty to get it away from the AIDS that is the nusoisphere. Even then, anonymous imageboards are just awful to moderate because proxies can be used to spam. I'm just saying, there's a reason why soyteens could never raid a php forum.

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>>>/meta/14814 (You)
>well, whatever happens, take it with grace. the walls of the soysphere are closing in and you really can't control that. just do what's most fun even if that means killing a site or too. just make sure to archive.

>anyways, im going to bed. it's been a long day. I'll try to post here as often as convenient before its closure on the 20th. here's to hoping that these last days will be gemmy.

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