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[New Thread] will be closing on September 20th

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baby im obsessed

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>>>/meta/13970 (You)
>The End of
>Hello everyone, September 20th, 2024 will be the date that ceases to exist. I no longer enjoy running the site, I believe soyjak culture has long since degraded, and's splinter culture has been gone for awhile now. Four years of bald cartoon man with glasses forum shenanigans is enough and I believe it's finally time to move on.

>Most of the oldfags aren't here anymore. The people who came to replace them largely do not care for soyjak posting. has been invaded by unfunny underage faggots and right-wing twitter users who just don't get the joke with soyjaks. Ever since Kuz, the soysphere has been swamped with discords trying to manipulate it, often times with them being headed by gore posters and pedophiles. The current administration consists of this as well. No amount of j*rtycvck brown troonjak spam or deflecting can change this truth: the of 2020-2022 has been dead for ages and is now owned and operated by the people who killed it.

> was a glimmer of hope after Soot sold the site. I had a lot of fun with it between 2022 and 2023. I checked it every day, posted soyjaks, and engaged with the community. Earlier this year, however, much of the fun dried 
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>>>/meta/13971 (You)
>>>13970 (OP) 
>it's fucking over
>at least go out with a bang, lute
>play on some minecraft server for a final convo, or do an event, or something
>don't let jakking die in darkness

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>>>/meta/13973 (You)
>fuck it, i'll play some 'craft for old times sake. post IP and version so you can datamine me
>I think Soot moved on with his life after he sold the sharty and holds a decent paying job. I'm sure he thinks about the good memories of the place from time to time but goes back to his normal life.

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>>>/meta/14053 (You)
>I'm pretty sure angeleno wants to leave the shemmy. I wouldn't be shocked if other splinters distance themselves from 'jakking or shut down. the real 'teens have moved back to baiting on 4cuck a long time ago.
>him leaving is part of the reason why i'm out too. I think that it's time for the zoomer shrekchan sphere to wither away and die. Froot's is nothing like Soot's or even Kuz's and long since lost relevance on the internet. 
>Angeleno and I already talked before and the DMCA thing is resolved. I pity the guy for how's discord admins treated him.

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>>>/meta/14059 (You)
>just did that
>im going to work on that right now and get it published. the sites a clusterfuck of raid edits because it was unmaintained, but im sure someone interested could restore it.
>you're welcome, I hope you had fun on the jarty while it lasted. I know I did, I just know that going forward I won't.
>it's better that the site die now than get worse. I'll still be on the internet, just probably not under this name. I doubt this will be the last "internet socialization" thing I end up doing.

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>the splinter is really is a dead horse and is a laughing stock plus the actual pedophiles being there
>the "jarty" brown soyjacks, satoko, fnf "pedo" will either just die on months or will die due to being stale, so enjoy while the jarty the dead website shuts down
>>Most of the oldfags aren't here anymore. The people who came to replace them largely do not care for soyjak posting. has been invaded by unfunny underage faggots and right-wing twitter users who just don't get the joke with soyjaks. Ever since Kuz, the soysphere has been swamped with discords trying to manipulate it, often times with them being headed by gore posters and pedophiles. The current administration consists of this as well. No amount of j*rtycvck brown troonjak spam or deflecting can change this truth: the of 2020-2022 has been dead for ages and is now owned and operated by the people who killed it.
>the extremely stale sharty is just one turbo sperg namefag (joel) being protected by the adminstration and starts up drama who derails good threads and boosts the pph and nas vs nas sperg wars (fnf vs zellig, pou vs fpe, ( has some numales which can be jakked for variants on it, therefore it's sharty culture) vs whatever fotm). plus t
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>>>/meta/14102 (You)
>you can go ahead and namefag at this point. the site's not lasting past the 20th, so I don't see any reason not to.
>wGOD, i've missed you. did you ever get that alt chan of yours working? I would happily use it if it meant getting a little bit of the old jarty back.  sorry for banning you all those times, you were my favorite namefag.!

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>>>/meta/14119 (You)
>in the end, so did soot too. The site was unmaintained towards the end of his reign and he ended up selling it off to kuz which started the beginning of the end. 

>I tried listening to people about being fair with the rules and it bit me in the ass. I was too lenient on the soylita faggots, but they were eventually removed. Even before that point the site was in a state of decline and was becoming less fun to post on. The site was going to die eventually and was not ever going to return to the old /comfy/ days.

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>>>/meta/14137 (You)
>You're right, I could try my hardest to make this site fun to post on. I could do events and gimmicks and other stuff, but ultimately that won't bring the site back to what it originally intended to be: a continuation of the soyjak posting on soot's sharty. That's what brought me enjoyment and now it's no longer here.

>Also, that would take a lot of time and effort to do. Time and effort that I could put into other projects that are more fulfilling for me. I know I will eventually try my hand at a community online again (this isn't my first and it won't be my last), but it likely won't be soyjak related.

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