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>Hello everyone, September 20th, 2024 will be the date that ceases to exist. I no longer enjoy running the site, I believe soyjak culture has long since degraded, and's splinter culture has been gone for awhile now. Four years of bald cartoon man with glasses forum shenanigans is enough and I believe it's finally time to move on.

>Most of the oldfags aren't here anymore. The people who came to replace them largely do not care for soyjak posting. has been invaded by unfunny underage faggots and right-wing twitter users who just don't get the joke with soyjaks. Ever since Kuz, the soysphere has been swamped with discords trying to manipulate it, often times with them being headed by gore posters and pedophiles. The current administration consists of this as well. No amount of j*rtycvck brown troonjak spam or deflecting can change this truth: the of 2020-2022 has been dead for ages and is now owned and operated by the people who killed it.

> was a glimmer of hope after Soot sold the site. I had a lot of fun with it between 2022 and 2023. I checked it every day, posted soyjaks, and engaged with the community. Earlier this year, however, much of the fun dried up. I think many of the good users left during this time after's newfag hordes invaded. Some say they left because of my policies, some blame the newfags, some blame an over all lack of fun with soyjak culture. It doesn't matter why, really, they're gone and they're not coming back. The crowd that did replace has not been and will never be as funny or interesting as them as well. Instead, what came was a bunch of lolicon pedophiles and low-effort spammers. I'm not having fun with these users and don't think any oldfags are either.

>Because of all this, the site will be shutting down because it became something it was never meant to be: unfun to use. Soot's was the most fun I had online,'s golden years were a close second, but now I am having no fun at all so I don't see a point in keeping it online.

>I don't intend on selling the site to some namefag to turn the place into some underage faggot's personal discord and will just redirect this place to a static page about its death. By the time the domain expires, most people would have forgotten about this place. I do not intend on reviving, so if anyone buys the domain to do that, they're an imposter.

>I will be relaxing rules on sharing contact information on the board. Post your matrix ids or other points of contact so you can talk to the people of this site. I will just ban those promoting soycords and other pedo dens. just try to make some friendships with the posters here you enjoyed. I rather this place's death be the spawn of something greater.

>Despite all the negativity in this post, I would like to extend a warm "thank you" to all the people who helped make and fun to post on through all its ups and downs. The good laughs and memories you provided are irreplaceable and I will forever cherish the "funny soyjak meme site I spend my college years using".
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