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slopjak dumping ground

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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th some time after 6 PM CST
report any threads with broken images so i can restore them for archival
Due to CP spam attacks, the DNSBL will be re-enabled.

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im sure that I will be sticking around on the threads during the last hours to answer questions.
I'm still working on restoring many of the older threads to a viewable format. there's likely many oldGOD threads missing that may be on archive.ph though.

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which timezone are we going by?

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<Date	User	Actions	Links	Log Message
<54 minutes ago	jewswon	Move	>>163589	-
<1 hour ago	jewswon	Move	>>163587	-
<1 hour ago	jewswon	Move	>>163586	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163556	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163557	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163558	/soy/ is a nsfw board so it allows fetish stuff ig
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	163575	nvm
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	163574	might be actually promoting animal gore (might be a joke idk)
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163577	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163576	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Spoiler files	>>163569	automod: Suspected CP
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163568	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Spoiler files	>>163568	automod: Suspected CP
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163567	-
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>>jarty kulture
>>did i get banned?

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<Date	User	Actions	Links	Log Message
<54 minutes ago	jewswon	Move	>>163589	-
<1 hour ago	jewswon	Move	>>163587	-
<1 hour ago	jewswon	Move	>>163586	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163556	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163557	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163558	/soy/ is a nsfw board so it allows fetish stuff ig
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	163575	nvm
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	163574	might be actually promoting animal gore (might be a joke idk)
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163577	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163576	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Spoiler files	>>163569	automod: Suspected CP
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163568	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Spoiler files	>>163568	automod: Suspected CP
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163567	-
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>>>163678 (You)
>>>>>163667 (You) (You)

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>>>163678 (You)
>>>>>163667 (You) (You)

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<Date	User	Actions	Links	Log Message
<54 minutes ago	jewswon	Move	>>163589	-
<1 hour ago	jewswon	Move	>>163587	-
<1 hour ago	jewswon	Move	>>163586	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163556	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163557	-
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Dismiss reports	>>163558	/soy/ is a nsfw board so it allows fetish stuff ig
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	163575	nvm
<5 hours ago	ragefag	Ban,Delete	163574	might be actually promoting animal gore (might be a joke idk)
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163577	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163576	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Spoiler files	>>163569	automod: Suspected CP
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163568	-
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Spoiler files	>>163568	automod: Suspected CP
<5 hours ago	jewswon	Move	>>163567	-
Message too long. View the full text

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>>>163667 (You)

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> Chud 2 minutes ago 163664 

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