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jakparty.soy will be closing on September 20th some time after 6 PM CST
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>>what kind of exploit are the CSAMMERs using that they werent before? site was free of 'p for 4 days but now theyre able to spam for some reason
>as I anticipated, they're not using tor IPs, as all of those are disallowed from uploading images. 
>They're likely circumventing this by using some VPN network, or various harvested proxies. 
>>will this affect lute's one week testing period and cause him to give up
>I do not want to give up, this situation is recoverable. 
>There are still things to be done to combat these "people", not every card has been played yet.

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>so the baby bot has been revealed to be a (possibly) bad actor

>and he or someone is spamming jarty ads on soyjak.in and soyjak.in ads on the jarty

>i'm owner of babybot
>that wasn't me on the jarty or shinny

>Proof you are the babbybot's creator?

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>so the baby bot has been revealed to be a (possibly) bad actor

>and he or someone is spamming jarty ads on soyjak.in and soyjak.in ads on the jarty

>i'm owner of babybot
>that wasn't me on the jarty or shinny

>Proof you are the babbybot's creator?

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>>A moment ago, you said that you ordered vice admin sobot to tell xis jannies that Lute wasn't to be touched
><That's right
>>Abd vice admin doll was clear on what you wanted?
>>Any chance vice admin sobot ignored the order?
>>Any chance vice admin sobot left your office and said, the old man is wrong
>>well vice admin sobot spoke to da jannie team and ordered them not to touch Lute, any chance they'd ignore xim
>>You ever LARPed as a Russian online son?
>>No xir
><Ever serve during a pedo raid?
>>No xir
><Ever put your company in another janny's hands?  And asked xim to pay off your AIDS treatment
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>>Goodbye Sharty, won't be seein' you again
>>Stole your jaks and tan and gems and left you to the 'cord
>>Goodbye Sharty, won't be seein' you again
>>You sold out to the 'cord and, you ain't ever sellin' back

>>Started hangin' out in raidcords, and you got it in your head
>>To spam coal on our catalog 'cause that's what the cool kids did
>>Now you got some shitty pedocord and an admin made of Vitamin C
>>namefagging like an attentionwhore, and your 'drive is full of 'p

>>Goodbye Sharty, won't be seein' you again
>>Stole your jaks and tan and gems and left you to the 'cord
>>Goodbye Sharty, won't be seein' you again
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<why do jartycvcks hate the sharty? is it because they can't stand to see people not get datamined? do they hate liberty?

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>why do jartycvcks hate the sharty? is it because they can't stand to see people not get datamined? do they hate liberty?

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>why do jartycvcks hate the sharty? is it because they can't stand to see people not get datamined? do they hate liberty?

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>>Say the line white squirrel soyjak
>< damn niggryan thats NUTS!
>>Haha I love this little fella, just a side note though, the pre-suffix "nigg-" is a racist phrase directed at people of african descent. Please refrain using it.

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