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>>11771 (You)
>>If you wanted oldfag experience so bad why would you allowed furry, mlp and other deranged shit on /soy/ but not avatarfags
>because identities on the sharty harmed the site's quality by taking away focus from content and putting it towards the users themselves. If you want a site where avatarfags and namefags reigned supreme, see soygem.party. Their userbases all engages in this coalery and they have horrible namefag drama instead of soyjaks, soyquotes, or nasquotes because of it.

>>Are they really that much of a problem compare to the porn on /soy/?
>I do see a rising problem with threads becoming porn dumps, which if continue to fester will just turn this place into nu/b/. I would like to make a /soy/ specific rule about that if  it becomes too much of a problem.

>>I have yet to see a single so called "avatarfag" identifying themselves with actual names like w7-890 did.
>that doesn't make them not avatarfags.

>>It's like you are trying to have some sort of quality control but in the most contradicted way imaginable. 
>I'm trying to keep this an anonymous imageboard without identities by removing avatarfags.

>>My suggestion is removing rule 2 entirely, it's a kolyma kike rule and basically serves as an excuse to ban "annoying posters".
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>>11747 (You)
>if you have an earnest interest in changing the rule, then please supply an alternative.

>>old 'party and /qa/ was full of namefags and avatarfags, and maybe discord too
>all cancer that turned the sharty from fun website with a lot of OC into unusable dust. If you want unusable dust, then go back to sharty.

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>>11731 (You)
>as usual, I give new types of post clemency time before deciding if its an avatar or not. The user is just posting pony porn obnoxiously for now, but not using it as some kind of obnoxious signature on their posts. Though, the multiple new threads being made on it (instead of keeping it into one thread) did make me move it all into one thread.

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>>163301 (You)
>Who cares

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>>163285 (You)
>>jartycucks lost GEEEEEEGGGGGG

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