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>there are troonix users on this website right now
Replies: >>393
>>392 (OP) 
3.5 billion users are on linux as is the vast majority of professional devs... are you going to tell me that all of them are trannies?
meanwhile based microsoft will force pride fags down your throat for the entirety of june lol
Replies: >>394
What do you expect?

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prompt: show me the lyrics for "It's been so long" by the walking tombstone, and modify and make it about windows 10 powershell and regestry 

Here are the modified lyrics for “It’s Been So Long” by The Living Tombstone, about Windows 10 PowerShell and Registry:

Verse 1:
I dunno what I was thinking, overlooking Registry keys
Now I suffer the curse and nothing’s as it should be
With all my frustration, confusion, and madness, arising to haunt me forever
I can’t wait for the solution at the end of this endeavor

Is this control I am seeking, or seeking a deeper understanding?
Stuck in a PowerShell paradox, I wanna make things less demanding

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w7 I see you in the 'chives begging for help with setting up jschan
just use OpenBSD or FreeBSD if you're so anti linux (even though you should take your meds because GNU/Linux has nothing wrong with it)

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 >an adrenaline rush is just overclocking your body
meme arrow fail, you look like that and say that now

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Crap. After learning how to code, I still don't know how to code.
I want to Master crap like alloc, files on C, all of SQL and just Master HTML without pissing my pants.
Replies: >>357
>>356 (OP) 
kys /tv/ tourist
Replies: >>358 >>359

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why aren't you running plan9 jarty?
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you mean AAA games? no
but please tell me an example of "new" so I can see if I can help you.
it can run quake, is that "new"?
Replies: >>350 >>352 >>703
we need games that are like early 2000s ones with edge, art style and gameplay.
ummm yikes... I bet this thing doesn't even beam propaganda into your brain like windows 11
NASSY cobcoal
modern games meaning games between 2001-2012
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>look at my aryan self-insert 'jak

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hey linux brothers
do you compile your own kernels, or are you sure you kernel provider isn't enabling NSA SELINUX?

you can check if the NSA has access to your kernel like this:
zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX
if it is =n you are safe
if it is =y you are fucked
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>cating into grep is le bad because cat -v or something
Replies: >>331
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you need to uncompress it you retarded faggot, what are you gonna do? gunzip -c < /proc/config.gz | grep SELINUX ?
Replies: >>333
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looks like cobson doesn't know that zcat is a symbolic link to gunzip -c
cobsisters we lost

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the absolute state of trannylation
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Replies: >>325 >>329
nintendo switch emulator
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>>322 (OP) 
>people use trannylators to pirate soytendo games
>trannylator devs make patreon
>money predictably corrupts them and now you need patreon account to download the latest builds of soytendo trannylators
>people pirate the builds, trannylator devs seethe
>now you need a linked account to use the latest build 
at this rate they will be making the project closed source and toss gpl in the trash
Replies: >>327
>>people pirate the builds, trannylator devs seethe
>>now you need a linked account to use the latest build 
>you need to make an account on a proprietary website to use our service
so much for free and open source
i had a version from my repository that came before this nonsense, but i will uninstall anyway because fuck these troons
>>322 (OP) 
kek fork it

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Give me 1 (one) reason why you're not using Gentoo Linux right now.
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Python makes me want to vomit.
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>udev le bad because like... it just is okay?
>its bloat be cause like... it just is okay?
>bash le bad because like... it just is okay?
>python le bad because like... it just is okay?
Replies: >>293
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I don't own a thinkpad, and I don't use gimp

anyways let me explain:
1- udev is a tool  from so that even if other distros ( other that red hat linux and fedora) don't adapt systemd, they will still be able to control a low level tool in the OS
2- bash is slow and bloated ( I am not making this up, it is in the BUGS section in the bash(1) manual:"It's too big and too slow.")
3- python is a slow and bloated alternative to shell script

I don't really care about these packages, I just don't like all the fuss about how you can do anything with gentoo because some nigger on youtube said so, if you want do to anything you should use linux from scratch, not some stupid abstraction made by systemd lovers
Replies: >>295
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or just grow up and start using windows that works too
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>grow up and start using windows
>be an adult and stan the indian nigger tech gods that make shitty menus and buggy spyware, chud

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