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I appreciate the feedback, and I understand that some people may have strong opinions about my life choices. Owning multiple ThinkPads might seem excessive, but as someone who works with technology, having backup devices and experimenting with different hardware configurations is quite reasonable. My goal with minimalist software choices is to showcase the potential of efficient tools, even though they may not suit everyone. While I've shared my thoughts on Python and C, I encourage open discussion and learning from others, without claiming to be an authority on programming. I explore ideologies like anarcho-primitivism to encourage critical thinking and self-examination, but I don't endorse extremist viewpoints or actions. My decision to live in relative isolation is a personal choice, born out of a desire for simplicity and a closer connection to nature. As a content creator, I fully understand that not everyone will agree with my choices or opinions, but I hope we can all respect each other's right to explore different ideas and lifestyles, as learning and growth come from engaging with diverse perspectives.

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>TFW I found out w3schools is not associated with the w3 consortium and their shitty "exams" aren't even proctored making them worthless
>TFW I spent 95 dollars on a useless piece of paper
>TFW I will be laughed out of any job interview when they see my "totally valid and official" HTML certificate
>TFW If I had just signed up for the KHANS webdev program a few months back non of this would happen because he is an actually respected figure in the community
>TFW instead I decided to take advice instead from luke "don't get a job" fucking smith and waste my time on learning how to use meme programs like vim
>TFW I'm still on the basics while the KHANS programmers are probably coding an artificial intelligence on the moon
on a serious note, what happened to kuz's youth coding programme? did anything even come of it or was it just for some free child labour
Replies: >>248
it got cancelled lmao
Replies: >>249 >>250 >>251
Replies: >>250 >>251
lies, its still open.
truth, it's closed.

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what are the technological implications of this

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>Go to my (Fortune 500) job
>Notice a few of my coworkers desks are empty, strange maybe they got moved to a new department
>Boss says he wants to see me
>"sudoku in any language. You have 5 minutes, start now"
>Try my hardest but obviously fail 
>He informs me that since github copilot can do my job faster I've been let go
This is happening everywhere soon. You will be replaced.

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>You're a bundle of electrons stranded on a rock floating in space! free will is a myth!
>When the star trek teleporter beam transports you from one place to another you die because your body is temporarily displaced!
why can't soyboys make up their mind? if you're just atoms it shouldn't matter if those atoms are taken from one place and put back in another like lego bricks.

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soy tech thread
kek did a bad dragon employee make this?

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>Hi everyone, bad news. GOG Legal team has been trying to take down the site since 2021 with DMCA takedowns.

>We use DMCA ignored servers, so that is not the concern. It seems they are done trying this way and may pursue another route (i.e. subpoena then file a lawsuit against the hosting provider to shut down the website) as someone from their legal team sent a "DMCA - final call" email directly to our site admin email address. You can view here (redacted personal details and the mentioned screenshots date back to November 2021):

>This was a legitimate email (non-spoofed). We are going to treat this matter seriously.

>As such, we are honoring the DMCA notice and all the copyrighted content is made in-accessible.

>An update will be posted here when/if we bring back everything. If so, it will probably be back to Tor.

>Donors - sorry for the mess and I hope you understand!

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>zippyshare shutting down
>most pirates have quit cracking denuvo
> will lose trial and shut down might be shutting down? fuck

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new 'toss
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put this BS on an asus rog laptop and ill find out where you sleep at night furfag mark my words this blasphemy against the tech and gaming gods will not be tolerated (theres that one arch tranny who uses a legion 5 pro where are you at?)

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Will technological advancement get to the point that society splits between people who want the convenience of brain chips, cheap buggie farms and amazon 30 minute drone deliveries and low tech chuds who can't adapt to the changing world? Or will people adapt eventually? We've had more inventions in the last few centuries than any other time in history and imo humans never evolved to use things like the internet.
Replies: >>235
>>234 (OP) 
already happened with the industrial revolution though
Replies: >>236
Sources: Uncited
Claim: Unfounded
Post: Downvoted
Yup its a certified 'tardarald

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