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bbc won
Replies: >>233
Big Balkan Cock did indeed win.
>>96 (OP) 
brain beated cunt did indeed win

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Kitchen is a good place
we already have this stuff on /qa/ post it there

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"ai" art (not really ai but a machine learning program) is a tool used by lazy people who don't want to be assed to make something themselves.

on the other hand ai voices are just another kind of TTS. Its fine and it isn't like they are used commercially

stopped reading there 
nobody gives a shit about your fotm meme generators
Replies: >>224
I put “ai” in quotes because I agree they are meme generators for the most part.

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What GPU should I get jarty mine just decided to start overheating randomly so i need a new one
Replies: >>219 >>220
>>218 (OP)
any of the FSF approved gem cards
>>218 (OP) 
nice i actually like the anime one
inb4 furfags get jealous because nobody made an sodomite animal graphics card yet
Replies: >>221
Does it have Doraemon? I would watch that over hentai

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This thread is for posting modern / vintage vacuums and discussing repairability / practicality.
Here  is a link for a little history on 
19 replies and 4 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>61 + 7 earlier
>>11 (OP) 
Vacuum boomer here. Been busy fixing stuff. Getting a better camera for indepth repairs
Replies: >>199
The coof mauled poor gramps and now everythings dead
>>The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages.
>The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages.
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moar posting boomer . . .
Replies: >>212
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Hi kiddies, shits been really cold here. I also got the cops called on me for stealing shit out of the dump. 
The camera stuff is mostly done. Its sometimes hard to come up with things to talk about on here that people will find genuinely interesting. Which is why the 4 months of radio silence.  Hope you jartians are doing well.

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how does he do it? how does he run both the jarty, his own websites, and does videos? is he rich, does he datamine the jarty for money? what is it?
Replies: >>211
>>209 (OP) 
money from the Soots Pirate Guild

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>windows is ba-
I wish People customize any Windows OS like this
Replies: >>210

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Why do Linux and Firefox users behave like vegans?
They'll use every opportunity possible to remind everyone else what browser or operating system they are using and will shame anyone who doesn't use the same, just like the most obnoxious vegans.
Bro, you can eat your sòy burgers all you want, but stop trying to shame me out of eating meat. It is not going to work, FUCK OFF already.
Never using loonix, not using cuckfox, cope.
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Replies: >>195 >>201
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I will always remember Luke Smith as the perfect example of what happens when you fall for every single /g/ meme at once, without carefully analyzing them first. He owns four ThinkPads at least. While I see nothing wrong with them in themselves, as they are admittedly pretty good value for the price, four is just mindless consumerism, contradictory to his "philosophy". He started using every single shitty pseudominimalist, ncurses-based program, used a shitty riced out i3 setup of dubious actual productivity (like all tiling wms), then fell for the full Suckless meme and went in even deeper. Then he started making videos shitting on Python and praising C, which is ironic considering he is not even a programmer by his own admission. He effectively spent years trying out, configuring and hopelessly trying to integrate tens of meme programs to build what is, combined, effectively a shittier Emacs, just like most of /g/ was doing in their "productive" desktop threads a year or two ago. Then he read the Unabomber manifesto and blindly accepted it without constructively analyzing it first, same with the anarcho-primitivist ideology that was all the rage about a year and a half on 4chan and 8ch. While he stated on his website that he "didn't browse 4chan much anymore" it was obvious this wasn't the case. Then he went and took the memes way too far, and unironically went to live in isolation. While I see nothing wrong in itself, the actual reason he did it is massive cringe. He has t
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>>191 (OP) 
The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages.
>>191 (OP) 
because windows is significantly more expensive to run and constantly spies on you
this isn't like vegans pushing their lifestyle on you this is like a normal dude telling you to stop eating goyslob
so this guy experimented with and found his own way of operating a computer that fit his tastes, rejected modernity and found a minimalist way of living away from the rat race

and your main criticism is where he got his ideas?

frankly, he seems more intelligent than you.

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>the terminal is just like electron when it comes to cli applications except loonix troons justify it because its black (just like bbc)

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>i don't use systemd because it's a cia backdoor that they can use to access my... my uhm.... the... you know...
systemd is anti unix mindset

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