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Well everyone, it's finally over. After YEARS of posting on bald cartoon men with glasses website, our time here has finally come to an end. For better or worse, this is how it has to be. I have to give my sincerest thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site's success, everyone from the slopjak shitposters to the genuine effort posting users who have tried to make this place fun to use.

All of you have etched out a name for the jarty as something worth remembering. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, because the memories I made here are something I hope to have the privilege of being able to take to my grave. Thank you all for the good times and good laughs. I love you all and, at least as it pertains to this site, this is goodbye.

Some time soon I will be putting up a static page in honor of the site and with an archive of old posts.

If you need me, you can reach me on XMPP at
or at least for the next month:

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What the fuck does gay mean when it is used in books? Does it mean something unnatural? it's a book from 1922 if that matters I guess (the phrase is a bove the mouse as I don't know how to crop images or whatever

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>must consvme more ADHD ridden shooter slop
>naughty dog platforming in a first person shooter
>game is more fast paced because no one put any effort in level design
>game is more reliant on the chainsaw because no one put any effort in level design
enjoying DOOM Eternal means that you are a man easily distracted by pretty images thats unable to look beyond that
everything that was bad in DOOM 2016 is amplified by Eternal by a factor of at least a thousand
Replies: >>1885
I've never played anything beyond Doom 2 wad file, am I missing on something?
Replies: >>1886
you are confusing the quaint fun clay miniature shooter with the multi-million dollar denuvo product published by bethesda

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Replies: >>1853
>>1852 (OP) 
holy gem mine
around 1.7k videos and total views are over 430k views?

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>j*rtyCUCKS can't figure out how to win the fishdom games
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<xaxaxaxa, it is so funny seeing little j*rtycvck spies filtered by the standard fishdom-based kolyma team entrance exam! xaxaxaxaxaxaxa!!!
Replies: >>1799
Level 100 KHAN vs level -100000000 j*rtyCUCK
wtf gemerald temple
Replies: >>1801
where is the gemmy template you're talking about?
Nostalgic KHAN era gem

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wow they added lute to heggin indie games.
Replies: >>1794
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>>1793 (OP) 
>xaxa is that really the best you could do? I have whole major games named after me not to mention my good faring in the reddithammer 40k universe
Replies: >>1795
Praise the KHAN!

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>oh my corporation what a wholesome set of rules
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>m....muh....muh.... MUST NOT SAY NIGGER

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Replies: >>1788
open spades fun though
true, everybody knows BSD has the best gaming collections (it literally has preinstalled games in /usr/games)
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linux desktop is the shittiest joke to ever come from techborea
Replies: >>1788
>>1781 (OP) 
hi frog i use linux and still managed to play Red Dead 2 at 60fps
windows UI is the shittiest joke to ever come from techborea

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is ubisoft selling out to microsoft?

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why is it that trannies make kino content? like a lot of the people who work on bedrock and foundational software projects are troons. the people who make basically everything experimental and indie that has some flair or aesthetic are troons (especially some of the better twitter artists). the people who make interesting and good music are troons. a lot of indie game devs are troons as well.

Is there something about cutting your cock off and taking estrogen that just gives these people magical artistic powers? is being mentally deranged just a benefit to artistry? what kind of magical hexes are the trans witches your parents warned you about using to become good at art? can chuds use this knowledge to make kino content?
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Replies: >>1664
bait biting time

>indie games
>experimental indie flair assthetic
>troon music
>is being mentally ranged just a benefit to artistry?
its just the opposite, being a depressed miserable cynical hateful person will only lead you to create shitty pretentious nihilistic "art"
thats why trannies are obsessed with le "damaged" characters with sad backstories and make everything about death
Replies: >>1664
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>>1658 (OP) 
>good music
breaktroon detected, gtfo from the HARDGOD territory
and the worst thing about it is what algoniggers are pushing low effort troonified copy-paste slop while saging actualy good projects
Replies: >>1666 >>1772
gem toss
Replies: >>1772
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>why do trannies make kino content w7-890
no idea but you also forgot the /trash/ tier STEM furfags infiltrating opensource to force thier aryanist genocidal agenda fearing thirdies use thier code without permission and crack thier 1488 encryption and shiiet because of muh white gatekeeping

>does drilling an axewound give you powers
maybe extreme globohomo discounts and special priorities if they whine long enough on the anglosphere (also anyone got that screencap of a troon getting over 75k dollars in government aid? need it for research)

no idea but HRT does cause extreme mood swings and sex sensitivity according to what ive read on imageboard dramas

theres a scientific study about magic mushrooms and LSD increasing creativity with a gallery of thier creations from the volunteer trials

>as a greedy yellow skinned chud i need knowledge to make kino content
same thing here brother whats the easiest way to steal disability money from troons? i need those sheckels to lift up my poorfag family

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Replies: >>1773
the chinese want to exterminate the filipinos tho

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