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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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>paw patrol is cop propaganda
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"paw patrol is cop propaganda"

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This game BROKE me...
Replies: >>1615
>>1614 (OP) 
buck broken even...

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Post your favorite flash games 'eens.
7 replies and 7 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>1084 >>1613 + 1 earlier
>>922 (OP) 
the entire creeper world series. completely gemmy RTS gameplay, peaked at 3, haven't tried four though, maybe it's better.
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>Post your favorite flash games 'eens.
Replies: >>1613
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>>Post your favorite flash games 'eens.
>>922 (OP) 
Strike force heroes I guess

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>pixel art
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croat i like you, please never leave, your autism is funny
Replies: >>902
And you guys make soyjakking Great Again.
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Chat is this real?
get a life nigger lol
Replies: >>1612
Hes right albithoughie...

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muh 4cuck culture is literally getting an A24 movie, are you excited?
Oh my science!!!

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new nathanial-banderald just dropped

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After learning Brakhage from Dots and Loops was an ode to Stan Brakhage an experimental film maker i watched some of his films. I would recommend Cat's Cradle and Burial Path the first two i watched over the others i watched mainly because they gave me more to think about. Actual directors words confirm his basic idea is he wants you to see the world through an "untutoured" eye which perceives things directly and not through the filtering of previous knowledge but of course you can't do that so it just delivers films where you pick up the meaning through what visuals are presented in Cat's Cradle's case you see cats as well as what you could say is a couple with heavily implied romantic tension. In Burial Path's case it deals with themes related to death through the medium of birds. Other select works from artists wikipedia says he worked with are Maya Deren's At Land and Meshes of the Afternoon which are both surrealistic masterpieces which are felt more than thought and a Glimpse of the Garden by Mary Menken which is stylish cinematography which once again doesn't say anything but is very nice to look at although it is just the images of a garden.
edit i rated Burial Path higher then Cat's Cradle on RYM due to the thematic interest

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My Neighbour Totoro sucks so fucking much it's literally as bad as some 4chan bait hes just like me movie like taxi driver or dune or some second rate experimental film
the characters are dull (granted all ghibli characters are kinda dull) and the plot is really meandering and boring (which means the characters aren't elevated into the realms of actually suitable for their roles)
princess mononoke is the best ghibli film i have seen so far btw

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>f*shCUCKS are so buthurt they called in snopes
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die f*shCUCK DIE
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f*shcvcks lost.
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geg, f*shcvck IQ is realy this low...
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lute add baby fish torture
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did fishGODS just btfo all anti-fishdom arguments?

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Specifically, making fun of g*meCVCKS who got buck-broken by the Unity licensing changes
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Replies: >>1586 + 1 earlier
>i shit you not unity got bought out by an Israeli data-mining company
its over the software used to make funny 3d flash games was bought out by the jooos
>while still imposing copycuck law onto their end-users
they get two popular games (cuphead and hollow knight) and then INSTANTLY sell out? why are devs like this??
ayo that shit crazy af bruh but who tf asked
Replies: >>1375
me, i asked
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>>1367 (OP) 
>dutch furfag gamedev
>supports selling sahpe assets
every single fucking time

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