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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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>deltarune bad even tho the main male companion might as well be a girl and the main female companion might as well be a guy and also the gameplay sucks making it only appealing to braindead zoomers and honourary trannies
Replies: >>1297
>>1240 (OP) 
arrow therefore you don't look like this and don't say this

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now that the dust has settled, cruelty squad le bad or le good? i know the dev is a troonlover but i still think it's fun
Replies: >>1293
Marge what the hell is that
>>1287 (OP) 
cruel coal

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trent reznor, the guy who used to sing in concerts while high and covered in mud
this hardcore badass man left twitter because elon musk unbanned drumpf

it seems the older you get the bigger of a red vs blue politisperg you become... maybe libertychuds are onto something
Replies: >>1284
>>1283 (OP) 
Remember kids, WinQuake and GLQuake don't have music support (unless you have the Quake CD).
Replies: >>1285
the quake music was pretty kino
>john carmack goes to basedcons while trent reznor yells at tatlor swift for not talking about politics in her songs
yeah maybe reznor should have spent more time with the doom man

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>“I always read this film as Queer Allegory, for me replicants are metaphor of repressed LGBT community in "AIDS Crisis" Reagan America.“

>i love this interpretation so much!!! makes me enjoy the film even more :)

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new entoss
Replies: >>1279
From sovl to sovless. Cartroon fans it’s so over
*svoless to svol
>>1235 (OP) 
first 3 and nigger craige and apple and onions are gemmy, everything else is coal because I am a selfish little fuck who can decide what is gem and what is not
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>first 3 and nigger craige and apple and onions are gemmy, everything else is coal because I am a selfish little fuck who can decide what is gem and what is not
Replies: >>1281
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>>first 3 and nigger craige and apple and onions are gemmy, everything else is coal because I am a selfish little fuck who can decide what is gem and what is not

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>BNWO american propaganda film got delayed late in production just so they could pander to india
pajeets won
whites lost
niggers lost
>watching modern Hollywood movies
>caring about modern Hollywood movies
>reading articles about the production of modern Hollywood movies
you are the one who loses in the end

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The final frontier of KINO VS Rick and Morty in space-california

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too bulky to be a compact console you can take anywhere like the 3ds and not big enough to have decent hardware like the steam deck
the joycons are annoying to use when they are attached to the switch and they're worse when you put them together to make a controller

so the switch ends up being an overpriced tablet with a bad controls (pay $60 extra for their "pro" normal controller) and overpriced games with graphics from 2013
Replies: >>1256
PS5 (pee ass fi): better hardware than the switch but a really steep price for a console with no good original games
(se)xbox series (se)x: same hardware as the pee ass fi but a really steep price for a console with only bad ports of steam games that you pay a subscription to play

steam deck: decent hardware, more compact than a laptop, the only console to offer you freedom with its operating system thats based on arch and allows you to migrate to different linux distro
access to steam games, easy piracy, and a decent portable pc
total valve win
>>1250 (OP) 
If I ever get one I plan just to use it as a home console
Immense ‘Jak Potential

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>bg3 is LE B-ACK

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I'll be doing a cytube movie strea m in the near future. Any recommendations?
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