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/tg/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan i have visited so far matched by /tv/ in terms of quality. People literally bitch about you making an on topic thread cause "you can just do that in your own game"

anyways my current project is to set a DND 5e (no point trying other systems that would just make the people i play with complain) game to retrieve a lost artifact of their people known as the Sunstone something which shines with the light of the sun but in a more direct banishing evil kind of way. Planned encounters include one with a catgirl princess who may or may not give the players an important artifact based on how much they impress her. This is of course after they gain some degree of reknown. I will probably start the players at a higher level since i think in universe the people who actually did such and such were more experienced.
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>le bad even doe most of the best memes come from there.
>DND le good even though adventure(6) is better
Replies: >>2211 >>2212
>even doe nobody cares about it
Replies: >>2212
what's adventure 6
i care
Replies: >>2213
first computer game ever made
it started with:
>you are standing in the middle of the road
or something like that, you gave it commands like
>go right
and shit like that
also adventure is the name of the game, 6 is the section of the unix manual where it appears, but even I don't care about that.
it's preinstalled on shitty systems like netbsd and it's shitty rip-off openbsd which is for some reason more well known, also on slackware but that even has nethack preinstalled (nethack is the computer version of dnd or something like that idk I never got the controls)
after what you have read above I doubt you would still care about that game, but if you do I would recommend reading Hackers by steven levy. (also as you didn't know about man pages you should know about , you can download books from there, if you are new to books then go read the fountainhead or something idk I think the jarty likes ayn rand or whatever that yellow snake flag is)

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Holy gem
I love movies produced in londonistan
Spoiler File
(137KB, 360x568, 00:03)

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MARIO RPG thread
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zoomerCHADS don't use Think(soyance reference)Pads tho
Replies: >>2196
its really good so far
hes still right doe
even doe one my friends use one
Replies: >>2208
you better stop being friends with him he will kill you and use your blood as thermal lube to compile firefox

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somechuddy just did a video essay on soyspeak
also IAS in the video
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its not somechuddy doey its shreddedkike and whis niggerfaggot made like 3 soyslandering shartvideos already
Replies: >>2197
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Replies: >>1769
This company is doing so much to make sure we all feel represented and I for one am all here for it
>THIS PERSON I DON'T LIKE IS SLANDERING A THING I LIKE (even doe it doesn't Slander of mocks it in any way)
Replies: >>2207
b-but the thing i hate most is a bad argument for a view I hold dear!

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write a reply starting with RIP (Recently I've played) and then the name of the game youve played. Discuss that game in the next sentence.

ill start: RIP Super Mario Wonder. Its good platformer that features flashy effects to keep kiddies distracted and levels of sufficient difficulty to keep the mature players engaged. The english voice actors sounded kinda soy doe
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>RIP Five Nights at Cobson's. It is not another fnaf clone with memes slapped on it. It’s an art piece with a strong and effectively delivered message. The message of the importance and complexity of personal exploration, however frightening, dangerous, and challenging it can be. I see it as especially powerful due to its medium of choice—not just a videogame, but one of the most transformative videogames ever made.
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>RIP Five Nights at Cobson's. It is not another fnaf clone with memes slapped on it. It’s an art piece with a strong and effectively delivered message. The message of the importance and complexity of personal exploration, however frightening, dangerous, and challenging it can be. I see it as especially powerful due to its medium of choice—not just a videogame, but one of the most transformative videogames ever made.
we should get markiplier to play FNAC

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>And that’s the end of that! As you can see, the general attitude towards transgender issues has evolved a tremendous deal since the awkward beginnings in the 1980s. While there is a great deal of work left to be done before we’ve really established transgenderism as an accepted, maturely explored topic, I have hope that it’s slowly getting better and before long, all this “haha it’s really a MAN!” and bigoted language against us will be but a quaint memory of a time when we were far less informed and educated. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! ACK!
holy troon
Replies: >>2202
yes, the troon who said this

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Replies: >>1682
>>1665 (OP) 
old furcoal though
I thought this game was dead or something
Replies: >>1685
>tranny kino
no such thing

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Daily reminder a Black woman got us to the moon
No one rebemer this movie geg

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wtf, why and when did soyjakkers become soy?
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Replies: >>1694 >>1765
>>1667 (OP) 
Fund Aryan game development by buying the game, fucking Chuds.
Replies: >>2198
Replies: >>2198
>>1667 (OP)  w7-890
heres the shortcut link for those who cant into whoogle kek that was a rather gemmy comments section funnily enought IGG was completely empty when i was expecting lots of discussions ah well

>you know a subculture is fucked (RIP soot era i will certainly miss you)
speaking of the fandom going mainstream IGG has been getting a streak of furry games in the recomendations lately its almost like the furniggers have been inserting themselves into the species diversity ESG scene fucking furmasons ruin everything (check the recently archived pages of igg if you dont believe my schizo ranting) looking at you ratopia cobalt core and blade of tails yall plebbit gaymerz disgust me

yeah same thing the quality of this looks akin to one of those cheap ass furnigger hentai games on steam (which are abundant in IGG) id rather play some game jam on itch io rather than waste my time here

also thanks >>1689 for the torrent but the storage wasnt really worth it (then i got a bunch of errors related to trooncord also where is the game dev sdk but it does not seem to mind my suspicious VMSVGA3D graphics so far)
>ERR : Failed connection to discord-ipc-9. The operation has timed out.
<WARN: Tried to close a already closed pipe.
>ERR : Failed to connect for some reason.
<Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
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Replies: >>1766
Words words words
This doe

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>Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Replies: >>2194
time for HER story chud
Replies: >>2194
>>1872 (OP) 
But in the first movie everyone didn't cared and said shit like "muh, well written character. But now everyone cares about Furiosa.

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