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>SCREAM is the only good track on Art Angels.

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in 2022 they showed their logos for the new movies and the new Captain America movie was called "New World Order" which was later changed to "Brave New World
>The original title "New World Order" for the new Captain America film had to be changed due to its association with a real-world antisemitic conspiracy theory. 
news outlets are claiming that its actually because of the racist public that made the connection to "dangerous conspiracies" and it had nothing to do with disney taking advantage of those "conspiracies"
Erm but brave new world is a reference to chudspheres the tempest which was also referenced in the sciencephobic book brave new world which said being a drugged out wage slave and worshiping the computer god is LE BAD so it’s still racist or something 

Also the earlier captain america movie had some theme about the NSA spying on us being LE BAD so overall I think it’s time disney has had a deep deep reckoning with captain americas racist history concluding with captain america being replaced with a POC nobody cares about like the falcon or spider-nigger
Replies: >>2054
>the earlier captain america movie had some theme about the NSA spying on us being LE BAD so overall I think it’s time disney has had a deep deep reckoning with captain americas racist history
>but brave new world is a reference to chudspheres the tempest which was also referenced in the sciencephobic
we have to change it back to BNWO

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pic related employee opened a .exe file disguised as a .png file and let it run on his computer until it copied over a terrabyte of data
leaks compilation:
gameplay footage:
a ransomware group blackmailed sony with this data for 2 million dollars and sony refused so they released all of it including the personal information of two insomniac employees
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>they emailed them an exe file
holy fuck you jartyniggers are stupid
Replies: >>2048
thats literally what happened you dumb sh*rty pedo
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>thats literally what happened you dumb sh*rty pedo
Wolverine is the only Sony game I am excited about
Replies: >>2051
well it looks like a middle earth ripoff with a wolverine skin so you have nothing to be excited about

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rather you like it or not, this is what peak main character looks like.
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>rather you like it or not

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Oneshot OST is the greatest OST of all time

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/v/ be like
hold still while i save this also whats the meme source?

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im happy for robert kirkman because finding success as a writer and maintaining your soul is a near impossible task but ill never watch the hollywood bastardizations of his work
>the only successful hollywood AND original franchises in recent history were all made by this guy
really shows how utterly fucked art is
Replies: >>2033
>>2032 (OP) 
It’s not even that great
Replies: >>2035
the comic book was fun and it had neat ideas which is perfectly okay

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Is Aphex Twin soy?
>is [thing i like] soy?
definitive list of soy items:
<being obsessed with [corporate brand]
<integrating [corporate brand as a part of your personality]
<niche fetishes
<being a furry
<claiming victimhood in situations where its not at all necessary
<putting politics in everything
<being unable to have a political discussion that doesnt revolve around movements and political figures and/or parties
<refusing to acknowledge another person because of their political beliefs
<prioritizing your political beliefs over everything else (often claiming that refusing to adhere to your beliefs is worse than pedophilia)
<group mentality
<genuinely believing that your group is better than anyone else's for arbitrary reasons
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Replies: >>2027 >>2028
I have some of these, looks like I've got work to do but thankfully my music taste is safe
Replies: >>2030
erm, if furries are soy, then why are j*rtycvcks furries?
Replies: >>2030
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aphex twin is soy because its not hardcore
you can like whatever you like as long as its not completely degenerate and depraved and honestly aphex twin isnt that bad
j*rtycvcks are the ultimate form of soy

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new 'toss
i hate how people call his lazy mspaint drawings "90's cartoons"

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