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>Slopjak spam is a purposeful demoralization operation by the sharty.
>They want you to react to them.
>Don't give them what they want.
>Do not say "I don't look like that!"
>Do not respond to slopjaks.
>Do not sage slopjaks.
>Completely ignore all slopjaks of all shapes and sizes.
>Someone will probably respond to this thread with a slopjak.
>Do not respond to them.
>Follow these instructions, and victory will be assured.
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> Against the baiters 
>>Slopjak spam is a purposeful demoralization operation by the sharty.
>>They want you to react to them.
>>Don't give them what they want.
>>Do not say "I don't look like that!"
>>Do not respond to slopjaks.
>>Do not sage slopjaks.
>>Completely ignore all slopjaks of all shapes and sizes.
>>Someone will probably respond to this thread with a slopjak.
>>Do not respond to them.
>>Follow these instructions, and victory will be assured.

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>>Ok, I'll bite:
Ok, I'll bite:
Did you really think you were going to get away with deping me as a demented brown soyjak? I tell you what, you entitled little fuck, you're gonna fucking pay for this. I. DO. NOT. LOOK. LIKE. THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if there really was such an award called "gooned to soytan award" then i would surely have it, i stroke it to my wife soytan every day
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>Ok, I'll bite:
>Did you really think you were going to get away with deping me as a demented brown soyjak? I tell you what, you entitled little fuck, you're gonna fucking pay for this. I. DO. NOT. LOOK. LIKE. THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>if there really was such an award called "gooned to soytan award" then i would surely have it, i stroke it to my wife soytan every day

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>Ok, I'll bite:

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>Yack that ass up

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>deep state dei tactics

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>Let me tell you how it will sneed
>There's Juan for you, Soyteens for me
>Cause I'm the Yack-man
>Yeah, I'm the Yack-man
>Should Ponens yack appear too small
>Be thankful I don't care at all
>Cause I'm the Yack-man
>Yeah, I'm the Yack-man
>I'll Yack the street
>(If you try to sit, sit) I'll Yack your seat
>(If you get too cold, cold) I'll Yack the heat
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>Yack Man
>>Let me tell you how it will sneed
>>There's Juan for you, Soyteens for me
>>Cause I'm the Yack-man
>>Yeah, I'm the Yack-man
>>Should Ponens yack appear too small
>>Be thankful I don't care at all
>>Cause I'm the Yack-man
>>Yeah, I'm the Yack-man
>>I'll Yack the street
>>(If you try to sit, sit) I'll Yack your seat
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>Yackety Yack

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>birds don't have testicles that large

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> — это англоязычный имиджборд, созданный в сентябре 2020 года и ориентированный на создание, публикацию и обмен изображениями Soyjak. Этот сайт стал основным производителем изображений Soyjak онлайн и способствовал популяризации других мемов.
<Ah, I see! It sounds like "" might be a website or an imageboard community dedicated to sharing and discussing "soyjacks." "Soyjacks" are a meme derived from a Wojak, which is a cartoon character often used in internet memes to represent various emotions or states of being. The "soyjack" variation typically depicts Wojak with a particular facial expression associated with perceived characteristics or behaviors stereotypically attributed to individuals who consume soy products. These memes are often humorous and used in online communities for entertainment and satire.
No human said that though
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>Я не разбираюсь в этой теме.
<Ah, I understand now. "Jarty" as short for "" and "pedo" for "pedophile" makes sense in that context. It seems like "jartypedo" is a term used by users of a rival site,, to insult or discredit users of by accusing them of being pedophiles. It's important to recognize that such accusations should not be taken lightly and should only be made with substantial evidence. In online rivalries and communities, derogatory terms like this are unfortunately common but often lack any real basis in truth.
> is one of the first clones that was created after the original site's owner, Kuz, took over the ownership. It was made as a result of the increasing issues with free speech on the original website.
> was established as an alternative platform for the soyjak community, providing a space for discussions and content related to soyjaks. It emerged as a response to the growing concerns about moderation and censorship on the original site.
>The website is part of the broader "jakparty" ecosystem, which includes other related sites like These sites cater to different factions within the soyjak community, with being more focused on "avatarfags" and less on traditional soyjaks compared to
>Overall, represents an effort by the soyjak community to maintain a platform that aligns with their values of free speech and open discussion around soyjak-related topics.

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