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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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>beam me up, soyttie
Replies: >>154357
>>154303 (OP) 
nobody in the entire star wars galaxy says this

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XKCD that encompasses the current zeitgeist with witty wordplay, sarcasm, math and romance.
he never misses
he always misses

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i want froot to sproke in my mouth
Froot is le good even though he ruined the sharty beyond repair
Froot is le bad even though he ruined the sharty beyond repair
Replies: >>154399
Dont lie j*rtyswine
You wouldn’t be here if the sharty was like soot or kuz era

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lute if i were you i'd just shut the site off
Replies: >>154388
Replies: >>154388
>>154338 (OP) 
i genuinely dont understand why you browse the jarty 24/7 and reply to yourself just to screech about the jarty
don't you have anything better to do? why dont you use nusharty?
Replies: >>154393
to see retards like you seething of course
Replies: >>154394
What makes lolis /calm/ like that

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Marketing your property for money and renovating properties for income can be a highly productive approach to produce income in the property sector. Still, it requires thorough preparation and preparation. With the appropriate strategies, you can enhance your chances of success and gain significant profits. In this discussion, we will examine in detail the actions you need to pursue to sell your home quickly for cash and renovate houses for gain. 
First, it is crucial to evaluate the marketplace worth of your property before marketing it for money. Understanding its worth will help you determine an appropriate asking cost and develop educated decisions throughout the marketing process. You can determine your property's marketplace worth by consulting a licensed evaluator, contrasting your property to comparable properties that have recently sold in your region, or employing web-based appraisal instruments like Zillow or Redfin. 
Once you have established your property's market worth, it is vital to price it properly. Determining a value that is undervalued can result in monetary shortfall, while costing it overpriced may result to a lengthy marketing procedure. To circumvent these problems, determine a reasonable price reflecting the existing sector state. Engaging a real estate broker for their opinion on the most effective cost for your property can also be helpful. 
Before marketing your home for money, make necessary improvements and upgrades to increase its worth. Concentrate on spaces that will have the greatest considerable influence, such as the cooking area and washrooms. Updating these areas can aid you offer your home quickly, as they are key areas for prospective purchasers. Furthermore, verify that your home is clean and neat. A tidy property is significantly appealing to buyers and can help hasten the transaction. 
Staging your property can also enhance its desirability and turn it much desirable to prospective buyers. This includes tidying up, placing furnishings carefully, and adding ornamental elements to create a welcoming and inviting environment. A well-staged house can be a substantial offering feature, so it is beneficial spending effort and effort into this process. You might contemplate hiring a professional home stager to assist you generate the ideal living environment for prospective purchasers. 
To profitably renovate houses for gain, getting the proper funding is essential. There are multiple options accessible, such as standard bank credits, alternative funds, and personal loans. Pick the funding choice that best suits your needs and financial condition, and make sure you have a robust approach for repaying the loan and supporting your flipping venture. 
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i want soytan to shit in my mouth

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>Until July 24th, Soylita will not be permitted on /soy/ and any instance of it will be either deleted to banished to the board /jartycuck/
buck broken

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bernie in the loggie
is this real

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>climate change still going
>despite technological advancements, economy still trembles
>superbugs on the horizon with no solution in sight
>no proper meat replacement
>no proper all in one meal replacement (expect soylent)
>no ethical lab grown meat
>children still die of starvation
>fossil fuels still the top energy source
>fricking microplastics
>vaccine and general disinformation spreading faster than ever
>racism and anti-semitism on the rise despite gen Z mostly being LBQT++NSDAP
>far right on the rise
>klaus schwab overthrown by his overlords
>virtual reality development is dead
>brainrot has peaked
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17 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
>the "international community" was completely OK with Hitler
Continuing on this point. It's obvious to see the contrast with true revolutionary states, wherein one class overthrows the other. How they were treated by the international community. The White army was sent ample supplies, volunteers and diplomatic support. Even decades after victory, the USSR was denied formal recognition and diplomatic ties. In contrast, Hitler was given the Rhineland, Austria, Czechia and was allowed to rebuild it's armies. 
>B-but he went to war against the allies, this proves he was against the system!
There is no shadowy cabal of bourgeoisie. Their class interests often align, but they also diverge. For example, one bourgeoisie may support protectionism because his business would struggle to compete against foreign prices, while a financier capitalist of the same country would support the lessening of tariffs and so on. While they both support the general idea of Capitalism and private property rights. Similarly, the capitalist class of Germany benefited from the slave labor and plundered wealth of conquered nations. Cuba is still today embargoed and a pariah. Due to American law that bans vessels that had traded with Cuba in the past 180 days from docking at US ports and prevents foreign subsidiaries of American companies from doing business in Cuba. Along with sanctions imposed on overseas businesses that trade with Cub
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Can we get a fact checker to weigh in on this please?
Replies: >>150605
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>dead internet theory

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