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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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soylita sisters,  is this our home??
holy autism
>10 sisters?
>all built for BWC.

tek do you like it here


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inb4 someone calls me a newfag I know that she originates from the deformedjaks trend but nobody ever clarified her relationship towards 'lita and other 'jaks
So is she like 'litas younger sister?
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i am white and because of soylita poster i am too scared to have a daughter. great job killing off the white race genius.
Replies: >>152241
trvke kek
um no
theres me
theres skajyos
theres the mulatto
theres the drawfag (why can't i count him?)
and then there's another guy with old scrapped filenames
thats 5 posters
>(you're the nigger who made the booru plus)
No it was made a while back and not by me
im glad im stopping you from passing your weak swarthy semite genes onto future generations

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oh im a jartycuckkk ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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geeeeeeeeeeeeeg not like this litasisters...
i was lute why would i post link to competing splinter? if you hate him so much why are you still here and giving him pph?
so if this website is not obsessed about sharty then why does its entire purpose seem to be about posting variants banned from sharty?
Replies: >>152221
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>because that's what l*te did on >>>/sharty/, just posting sharty drama and blaming froot or doll for csam and hoping people will stop using sharty until he realized that it will never work 
<reddit space>
>even if you're not him you are almost as obsessed as him for posting this on /soy/ and thinking any of us would care
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the future belongs to those who change it

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what /calm/s you the most jartybros
why'd you copy my thread but remove the gemlita
Replies: >>152218
don't careeee

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mfw the catalog is just skajyos vpn switching
we do not care
skajyos clitty leakage^

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happy 4th of july
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Replies: >>152193 + 2 earlier
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He cannot be one of us because we soylita chads are white lol
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>He cannot be one of us because we soylita chads are white lol
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>no he's not, at least i don't consider him a bad poster
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>>he's just one of the five soylita posters
>he's a falseflagging sh*rtyspic
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>>>151986 (OP)  (OP) 
>That is one cute little mutt

wow the j*rty isn't involved in any drama today. guess that means its back to being dead site kek
j*rty is never involved with (real) drama. its just like 3 soylitafags and 2 jannies fighting.

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