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Soylita is now globally banned under rule 1.

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>why yes, I goon to Kelly, how could you tell?
>why yes I own (or run so to speak) an shitty soy-splinter that doesn't work 43% of the time, how could you tell?
>why yes, I obsesse over scottish transqueens, how could you tell?
>why yes, I use scratch, how could you tell?
>why yes, i am proud of my gypsy shithole subdivision, how could you tell?
>why yes I got banned once or twice… or about 5 times, how could you tell?

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protokleki thread
Who is protokleki? Is that a new namefag?

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Remember to have a source of vitamin k2 if you drink milk since k2 moves the calcium from the bloodsteam to the bones to stop it from clogging up the bloodsteam, I personally have some spinach powder since it's basically tasteless but there are other sources too like: Sauerkraut, collard greens (hood nigga classic), certain cheeses, brocolli, spinach, and blueberries

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Skilled Roof Firms That Specialize at Coastal Roofing

Coastal regions boast some of Earth’s most beautiful properties, though these weather also exposure to humidity can have adverse impacts upon tops, like oxidation, moisture absorption, and storm destruction. To protect these homes from those dangers, residents often entrust expert roofing companies that focus at shoreline coverings keeping those unique difficulties thought of and help residents choose resources, styles and finishes that offer greater protection versus elements.

Property owners searching for a roof provider ought to verify they select a contractor with an outstanding reputation and pleased customers, and who hold licenses and insured for worker's reimbursement and liability damages. Additionally, these specialists must have ample expertise and experience to conduct a thorough review and suggest any essential restorations, as well as offering accurate estimates with any charges or extra fees pertaining to the task.

Reliable roofing providers give homeowners with written estimates that clearly list the scope and charges associated with the job, such as supplies necessary and costs. Moreover, they ought to provide a minimum of thirty-year quality warranties and also be available for answering any queries that come up in this process.

Even though the best roofing specialists can be honest and direct with their customers, they must never pushy for making decisions. Before making a last selection they should take time to clarify all parts of a project and respond to any questions from customers before coming up with their answer. Similarly they ought to collaborate within clients' timelines to ensure completion within the deadline.

An experienced roof specialist must have solid partnerships with nearby suppliers and have an in-depth understanding of local materials available for purchase, enabling them best prepared to advise materials which fit the local climate and can be acquired at a fair rate. They should also be knowledgeable of all guarantees or guarantees given by manufacturers so as to maximize increase their covering investment.

Reliable covering contractors use advanced CRM software to enhance internal operations and boosting customer happiness. Such software provides real-time financial tracking and reporting features, permitting contractors to monitor on revenue, expenditures and profitability more easily while improving project oversight skills for making better business decisions - with greater output, enhanced profitability, and healthier viability in mind.

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How to make a smoke bomb firework:
3 parts potassium nitrate (aka saltpeter, tree stump remover, it’s pretty cheap and it can be found in most hardware shops)
2 parts white sugar
Recommended starter amount, 100g (60g nitrate + 40g sugar)
Put these ingredients in a cooking stove pot and put it on low-medium heat, mix around until it caramilizes and looks like photo 1
Pour the substance into an aluminum foil cup and it will solidify quickly 
Use a distance lighter or put a paper towel into the substance and light the end on fire
The substance will rapidly inflame and produce smoke
BONUS TIP: (don’t do this) add a generous amount of pepper spray/extract to make the smoke an organic tear gas
Replies: >>152726
this make a j*rtycvck, do not do this
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>>152485 (OP) 
ok but good luck getting any nitrates
just make a chlorate cell and use it as a substitute
anybody know how to make pcp

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Should I buy a flag from
I look like this by the way

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if you had the opportunity to buy any drug, would you?
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i would buy paracetomel
I would buy crack
I would buy krokodil
Probably MXE or 5 meo dmt
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LinkedIn perc

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Nothing bothers me, if there's a problem, I just goon to soytan
okay, this is epic

Being trans is so fucking difficult
Why don’t you just kill yourself

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