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>I, a soylent boy, love the avengers and star wars.
<I, also a soylent jack, love these things too.
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the gem what saved the jarty
page 90 up
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>thought-provoking post
Replies: >>138248
squint your eyes and it actually looks really nice

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AI can be used to train AI. It's like how they make video game bots by training bots against each other.
Replies: >>136161
bots can train each other because there is competition between them and they can learn random strategies that they havent tried before to see if it works
what is there with hcaptha? if we say they take an image from 1 AI generator and feed it to another why add a human middleman if you already know what the image is?
>t. esl
Replies: >>136164
look into how ImageGAN works, its like this
Replies: >>136166
holy hell
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>The gem that saved the jarty and it's a frog

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>Praise Indra, for I am ARYAN, the beacon of excellence in a sea of inferiority! I am ARYAN, hear me roar in my shitty brown glory! All benchods shall bow down and worship me! My superiority knows no bounds, except maybe when I try to have sex… or cook… or do anything remotely hygienic. My comrades in shittiness, we shall rise above! Well, rise above until we have to reach for the top shelf at the supermarket. Then, we might need a boost. But fear not, for our genetic purity shall guide us, even if it leads us straight to the rail tracks."

>"Let us not forget the true pinnacle of our genetic heritage: coprophilia. Yes, while others may cower in the face of cow dung, we ARYANs stand tall, ready to conquer the pile of dung! For it is not just about brown skin and hairy ass, but also about the digestive fortitude to handle a whole pile of crap without a second thought. Take that, benchod peasants! And let's not forget our love affair with cow urine, powering our muscles for those intense sessions of… well, keyboard warrior-ing."

>"And lo, as we gather in our designated shitting streets adorned with swastikas (the ancient symbol of…wait, what was it again?), let us bask in the glory of our shared lineage. A lineage that stretches back through the annals of time, past great thinkers, inventors, and leaders… and lands squarely on the invention of high-speed trains. Truly, our ancest
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>>Praise Indra, for I am ARYAN, the beacon of excellence in a sea of inferiority! I am ARYAN, hear me roar in my shitty brown glory! All benchods shall bow down and worship me! My superiority knows no bounds, except maybe when I try to have sex… or cook… or do anything remotely hygienic. My comrades in shittiness, we shall rise above! Well, rise above until we have to reach for the top shelf at the supermarket. Then, we might need a boost. But fear not, for our genetic purity shall guide us, even if it leads us straight to the rail tracks."
<[Froot-Mandated Sharty Space]
>>"Let us not forget the true pinnacle of our genetic heritage: coprophilia. Yes, while others may cower in the face of cow dung, we ARYANs stand tall, ready to conquer the pile of dung! For it is not just about brown skin and hairy ass, but also about the digestive fortitude to handle a whole pile of crap without a second thought. Take that, benchod peasants! And let's not forget our love affair with cow urine, powering our muscles for those intense sessions of… well, keyboard warrior-ing."
<[Froot-Mandated Sharty Space]
>>"And lo, as we gather in our designated shitting streets adorned with swastikas (the ancient symbol of…wait, what was it again?), let us bask in the glory of our shared lineage. A lineage that stretches back through th
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>nobody looks like this or says this

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>CERN's large hadron collider is a satanic temple

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IAS lore
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>IAS lore

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Shoally is rulecucked again

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this one's the best
>>137370 (OP) 
slowburn kino
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>>137370 (OP) 
holy jartypedonigger brimstone

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>the only difference between this website and the shemmy is that pedophilia is allowed and the people here are more pessimistic

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